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Posts posted by clarence

  1. Converting to .doc should be easy and using Dropbox seems like a good idea. I will ask around to see if there is someone else willing to proofread a chapter or two.


    My email is clarence.redd (a) gmail.com


    Edit: I have set up a Dropbox account for the proofreading. Send me an email and I will share the folder.

  2. Thank you Daniel for your comments!


    I'm also in favor of a black and white version with color cover, I think it will be a good start. And Lulu seems like a safe choice. I also found out that Publit has a $35 starting fee per book project - not a deal breaker, but not ideal either.


    Regarding more interior art, I'm also a fan of B&W art, especially if it's mixed in with the text. My thought was to keep the color spreads (as I think they work quite well as chapter dividers) and add B&W sketches on the other pages. And that perhaps explains one of the other questions you have, about the amount of white space: I have a a WIP copy of the InDesign file with sketches (not the final one's though) already in it. And it looks very good : ) The pdf you have is the same, only with the art removed.


    About the formating of the document, I don't think I'm willing to alter it. Lulu has a "preset" square book that's 8.5x8.5 inches, and it's not more expensive than the other options I think.


    If proofreading would be ok for you, that would be perfect. Take your time - but I also think you will find it a quite fast read. You can send me a chapter at a time if it feels more manageable that way. Is pdf a working solution for you to annotate?

  3. I didn't realize so many here had actually written for sci-fi too. I enjoyed Cthulhu Rising a lot (and looking forward to the new version), but haven't tried Fractured hopes yet.


    I keep daydreaming about writing up one of my BRP SF settings



    Those daydreams seems very interesting. How specific are they? Hard or soft sci-fi?

  4. Ok, I have investigated a few alternatives for a 116 page paperback (210 x 210 mm) with color cover as a print-on-demand title.


    Lulu: Full color $23, shipping $5 (very approximate - it depends on where you live). Total: $28


    Lulu: Black & White $5, shipping as above. Total: $10


    Publit: Black & White with 16 color pages $6, shipping (from Sweden) $9. Total: $15



    Lulu was my first option, but unfortunately they can't print just a few pages in color. It's either all B&W or all color. That's why I checked with the biggest print-on-demand service here in Sweden (Publit, very good I believe), as they offer mixed color/B&W.


    Then there is the question of shipping rates. With Publit it's a bit more expensive (but fixed within EU/USA), but Lulu on the other hand is very secretive about shipping costs, so it's a very rough estimate above. It can be lower, and it can be higher.


    Now you might wonder how interior art holds up in black and white. Surprisingly well, I must say after running a few tests in Photoshop. I guess it says something about the quality of Matthias' work. Naturally you lose some clarity and vividness, but the images are still very good.


    I would also very much like someone to check the writing before it goes to print. As English is not my first language, I'm sure there are some things I've got all wrong. Does anyone volunteer?


    What do you think of all this? Any option that looks more promising than another?


    Edit: Would it be impolite of me to consider adding a dollar or two to the price, to re-invest in adding one more interior artist? I have had discussions with one very talented sci-fi draughtsman, but he really wants to get paid. Let me know what you think.

  5. Ringworld's problem was licensing related - Ben may know more, but I recall stories of Chaosium giving copies away at a US Convention because they were not allowed to sell it anymore.



    Yes, that's what I've heard too. What seems a bit strange to me is that there were no further attempts with sci-fi.


    On the other hand, only a few years ago it wasn't even sure you could find a fantasy version of BRP, unless you got it from Ebay. As a casual observer, Mongoose re-releasing/updating Runequest (combined with Chaosium doing the MULA's) really made the BRP world come to life again. I might have missed a lot of things going on below the radar though...


    A new sci-fi game under those earlier circumstances would perhaps not have been very likely.

  6. I forgot: There is also an offer to get the cover painting as a print on http://jadrienc.deviantart.com. I ordered a medium-sized print a few days ago for about $7, which I find very reasonable.


    The artist, Jadrien Cousens, is a professional matte painter and has very kindly let me use the image for free. I think he is one of the most talented sci-fi artists on DeviantArt and if you enjoy his work and have the opportunity, please support him.

  7. I just uploaded a new version of BRP Starships (2.2).


    What's new in 2.2:

    - Gorgeous interior art by Matthias Utomo!
    - New chapter on Alien Creation. Starting with universal body plans and traits for planet-wide systems of organisms, then boring down to individual species, their advantages, disadvantages, behavior, preferred form of communication and so on, and ending with guidelines for calculating characteristics.
    - Alternate technological paths. Rules for societies evolving technology in ways differing from the standard Tech Levels. 
    - Classic star mapping. Easy to use with Hexographer.
    - Occupations listed with skills for convenience. New occupations: Belter, Bounty Hunter, Colonist, Diplomat, Mercenary & Pirate.
    - Some vehicle samples.
    I also have had a few requests about making the pdf available as a print-on-demand book. Would anyone else be interested in this?
    • Like 1
  8. That's interesting! Serenity in BRP should be a good combination. And I have always thought it very strange that sci-fi has been so weakly represented in the world of BRP. It's been around for forty years soon… Could it be because of the not-so-successful early release of Ringworld combined with the huge success of CoC?


    Let's hope your adventure made it to the book!

  9. Here is the final piece! I hope you find some use for it, and that my English is making the rules justice (the writing in Swedish is a bit clumsy actually, as it often was in the early games here).




    "What a prayer demands of the caster

    Just like the spells of a magician, a prayer costs Power points to use. Every level costs one Power point. This is not so much that the prayer needs power to work, but instead it is caused by the strain on the caster when in contact with a god.
    A holy person regains all Power points after one hour of continuous and unbroken meditation.
    Raising POW
    Every time a holy person must overcome the POW of someone else and succeeds, s/he has the possibility to raise his POW just like a magician.
    Inverted prayers
    Most of the prayers mentioned above can have some kind of inverted effect. Those effects are described below:
    Purify: Contaminate – Every level adds to the damage a substance can do with 1d6, by turning it into a poison.
    Heal: Hurt – 1d6 damage for every level.
    Blessing: Curse – Every level reduces the target's chance to hit with 50%.
    Exorcise: Control – Allows the caster to control undead and demons.
    Revive: Slay – Every level opposes the caster's POW with the target's. If the holy person wins, the target dies.
    Hurt, Curse, Control and naturally Slay must overcome the target's POW before they start working. All inverted versions have the same limitations regarding range and concentration as the normal prayers."
  10. Here are the prayers/spells:


    "General Prayers

    Most holy persons know the following prayers:
    1. Purify
    – Every level of the prayer removes 1d6 of damage caused by poison or impurities in food and drink.
    2. Heal
    – Every level of the prayer removes 1d6 of damage caused by something else than the ones mentioned above.
    3. Holy Aura
    – Every level works as a protection of the holy person, and is visible like an aura of light around him/her. Every level above the first adds one level in strength, or widens the field's radius by 1 meter. As with other prayers it starts to work one round after it has been cast, and Anti-Magic and Push (other spells) will only affect those hostile to the holy person and his friends. A common sight on a battlefield, are slowly growing spheres of light. If the spheres of two opponents overlap, none of them works in the overlapping area. If two spheres from the same side overlap, they enhance each other in the overlapping area.
    4. Blessing
    – Every level affects one separate target. Two levels can not affect the same target. The target will have all his/her fighting skills multiplied by 1.5. Contary to a holy person's other prayers, this one will affect anyone within hearing range, but s/he must mention the names of the beings who should be affected. When the target has been pointed out, the prayer continues to work as long as it is upheld.
    5. Exorcise
    – This prayer opposes the holy persons POW with the POW of an undead (ghost, skeleton, vampire, wraith etcetera), whereby s/he tries to banish it. If the roll on the resistance table is successful, the undead (or demon) is destroyed. The prayer must be used within reach of the target in question, and if an Anti-Magic spell is at work on the target, the prayer must first overcome that spell as a first level prayer.
    6. Revive
    – One level of this prayer must be used for every ten minutes a person has been dead. It opposes the POW of the caster with the POW of the dead's soul. If the roll on the resistance table is successful the soul returns to the body (the body must be healed to a positive hit point value before the prayer ends). If the roll fails, it means that the soul has disappeared. The holy person must also roll below his/her's hit points on 1d20, or suffer death him-/herself. The caster also collapses and is unconscious for 30-POW minutes."
    • Like 1
  11. Here are some more paragraphs:


    "The Gods

    Which religion a holy man is devoted to depends on the campaign. If the world has a pantheon with several gods ruling over different aspects, as the sea, heaven, war, love and so on, the holy person prays to one of the gods and can ask for spells related to that area.
    Thor the Holy is devoted to a god of storm. He can ask for a magician's Lightning spell.
    Alternatively, the world can be dominated by two opposing monotheistic teachings, like christianity and satanism. In this case all holy persons have the same skills and can get the same spells from their god. But because of the two opposing sides, some spells will have the opposite effect depending on which side the caster is from.
    A holy man devoted to the good side will have access to Heal, while the evil side will use Hurt. Those spells are two sides of the same magic.
    The Effect of Prayers
    Contrary to the day-long spell casting of spiritualists, necromancers, sorcerers and alchemists, a prayer is a relatively short ceremony. Just like the spells of a magician the prayers are divided into levels. The more levels that are needed, the longer a prayer takes. One level takes one combat round to cast.
    If brother Thor the Holy wants to pray for healing for his badly hurt friend (who has lost 14 out of 16 Hit Points), he must pray for at least three rounds to be able to heal the 3d6 needed. The spell takes effect step by step while Thor is praying, giving his friend 1d6 HP the first round, 1d6 the following round and so on.
    The holy man must be within an arm's length of the target of the prayer, though s/he doesn't have to touch it.
    The spell is working only for as long as the prayer is continuing. You will quickly notice that ranged spells are not that useful to a holy person. 
    A holy person is not limited to the spells of magicians, they have a few of their own too."
    • Like 1
  12. Ok, here are the first paragraphs. I think it's possible to use with BRP. All but the two most recent versions of Drakar och Demoner are very compatible with BRP. Even though they changed the d100 to a d20 for skill rolls in the mid-80's, the rules remained close enough to just multiply some things by five. Let me know if you find it interesting and I can translate the rest of the page too.


    "VI. Ritual Magic

    A. Teurgy (Holy Men)
    Teurgists are magicians using a link to a god to cast his spells. Any character, even a magician, warrior or rogue, can become a teurgist. To become a teurgist s/he must roll below POW/2 on 1d100. If the character succeeds it is supposed that s/he is getting help from the gods, and has their affection. It can only be tried once in a characters life, unless the character performs a very special holy act to catch the attention of the gods.
    Priests can be holy men/women, but doesn't have to.
    Holy persons can be called ritual magicians, as their spells are cast with the help of prayers. Their default ability with prayers is equal to POWx2 (rounded up to the nearest 5%). Every successful use of a prayer gives the usual opportunity to raise the skill. Contrary to the spells of a magician, the prayer is only a skill and not a spell."
    • Like 1
  13. Yes, I also enjoyed Stars Without Number's planet/society rules. The tagging system works surprisingly good. To fill all those randomly generated planets with life, rules like that are perfect time-savers. In fact, using a handful of different rules for creating societies would probably go a long way to create the right kind of heterogeneity.

  14. I have recently tried some of the planet generators that's floating around the web. Here are the ones I found most useful.

    Quite simple web-based generator. Not so many parameters to change, but it's still one of my favorites. Images can be in a multitude of projections and color schemes, and the land masses look good. With a bit of photoshop adjustments the end result can get very good. "Bump map on land only", "Non-linear altitude scaling" and coastal contour lines are fine additions to the images.
    Planetary Generator 4 (for Filter Forge)
    For photo-realistic blue planets, this is the best planet generator I have found. It has a lot of parameters, but never feels difficult. Optional cloud layer looks very good, and is highly tweakable. Photo-realism, as is often the case, takes some time to render though. The biggest drawback is that it's not free: The generator itself is free, but you need Filter Forge 4 to run it. The good thing is that you can try Filter Forge free for 20 days. It would also have been very useful to be able to export a rectangular map of the entire planet - hopefully it will appear in version 5.
    Web-based generator with a lot of controls. With this one you see the resulting planet directly as a rotating sphere, and the resolution goes up to 4000 pixels. You also get four different image maps, if you know how to utilize them (in a 3d program for example). My two biggest problems are that the GUI is a bit difficult, and that the actual maps just doesn't look very good. I might have to spend some more time with it, but so far I've not been very lucky with this.
    I would also have liked to try AstroSynthesis (as it is supposed to be very good), but as there is no Mac version, it wasn't possible.
  15. I'm very much looking forward to this. I hope you find the time to finish it soon. How is it going to be presented? You mentioned a spreadsheet - will you make that public too or is it just a working tool? It almost sounds like you could turn this into a small app or program... 

  16. I think I will pass on a point based system for alien creation (at this time at least), but the bestiary project sounds intriguing. Any chance you will make it public? It seems to be a very useful tool in almost every genre. And just by adjusting size, weaponry and perhaps add a chaotic feature, a steady stream of monsters can be created.

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