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Everything posted by glarkhag

  1. Does any body have transcripts of the white bull campaign videos? I'd like to be able to search for specific content and thought I'd ask before I try to make my own. Thanks
  2. ok seen the reference for this - a long time ago!
  3. when did this feud begin? I'm playing in 1615...
  4. I'd like to get some views on how well received cultists from one tribe or clan would be in the temples of another tribe or clan. Does tribal/clan prejudice get put aside or does it create intra-cult politics? Specifically, I have characters from the Varmandi clan planning to travel to Two Fort Ridge via Greenstone. Two of the characters are Earth cultists and it seems likely that they might want to pay their respects at the Earth temple there. I don't have a sense for whether typically the tribal rivalry would create tension or cult association would trump that. And further still there is the idea that the cult might demand equal treatment but of course not everyone does what is expected of them...
  5. Hi, Can anyone tell me if this article: https://wellofdaliath.chaosium.com/an-ancient-dawn-age-document-from-brithos/ was originally posted somewhere else? I had not seen it in the places I currently look and want to make sure I'm not missing out on a valuable source. Thanks
  6. yes, except it give no mechanics for how many points of damage to do with disruption to make a pack disperse. For me giving mechanics for something that could take as much as 200 dice rolls to resolve is leading the GM down the garden path. and that for me is the point - I've been roleplaying for long enough and have enough experience in the RW to improvise or polish rules, override mechanics that just don't work etc, or to offer my players suggestions and assorted mcguffins. I'm not here for tips on how to play. I was exploring whether this was bad rules or I missed something. However, Rainbow Mounds is an introductory adventure. We could have a first time GM running it for first time players. Yes, it's old school (or lazy depending on your perspective). I love this game/world to death and I think this version is the best ever. I'd still like to see the RQ writing community walk in the shoes of a newbie more often though. It's easy to forget how much we "old-timers" know about RQ, Glorantha and RPG in general. And also there is a lot of collective knowledge of RW history and mythology etc in the community and I suspect most players and GMs don't have that wealth of background information to tap into. Newbie GMs don't need help understanding the genealogy of the Lightbringers (well they do but...); they need help with how everyday adventuring things work. And the problem is a lot of game mechanics actually don't make sense (to people who live on Earth) so it makes it difficult to understand if there is some esoteric basis underpinning it or it's just poor mechanics. And for me this is an example of poor mechanics. Why go to the trouble of making up some rules that you really don't expect people to follow through with? And if you expect them to be followed through why haven't you modelled out the possible outcomes. and if you have modelled out all the possible outcomes how can you think this rule was MGF? RHetorical questions, I hope I don't have to point out - but the fact I am pointing it out speaks volumes. πŸ˜‰ There have been some great little explanations of things on Well of Daliath or Facebook or the various forums but they're not particularly accessible mid-game. Not always especially accessible pre-game but hey ho. Maybe someone could develop an app that scrapes all the various forums into one place? Generative AI I suspect will help us out with that soon enough. Anyone tried writing game mechanics with ChatGPT? Oh, wait you already did? 😁 Oh, and heroquesting... We could all use a little help with the mechanics of that. Even if it's just some basic mechanic principles to get us launched (crossing over)- but that is another thread entirely 😁... maybe tomorrow. And seriously, I don't need any tips on this - we're a long way away from serious heroquesting in my campaign. I've deliberately started with 16 year old characters in the hope that heroquesting rules get published before they die of old age, I mean before they get serious about heroquesting. Although it does sound promising that 2024 could be the year that we see mechanics for Heroquesting in Runequest. 🀞. PS. I am available for playtesting mechanics if anyone is up for some equal measures of robust scrutiny and pedantry.
  7. And disrupt would still only have 5% chance of killing the last pack...
  8. Yeah ignite sounded good until a character was smothered with burning rats...
  9. So one pack is indeed 5% and killing the last pack could take 20 melee rounds (or more) if they have 100% attack. That's pretty tedious. If fighting them is not really the intention why not provide mechanics for what is intended?
  10. Although I've played RQ since 2nd edition I never played or GM'd Rainbow Mounds until now! I want to check something because I must have misunderstood the intent. Fighting rat packs... It states that if you hit you have number of packs x5% chance of doing enough damage to kill a pack. Example given of five packs and 25%. This percentage is also the chance of being hit by the packs. So if you have 1 pack of rats, you roll to hit (let's say 50% to hit) and if successful you now have 1 x5% chance of killing the pack? So broadly 2.5% chance of killing the pack per round ... Have I misunderstood or is this going to be a dice rolling pergatory? I would have thought a few HPs per pack would have been neater...but perhaps I have missed the spirit if not the RAW of this?
  11. It is true, but it also pays for less than 4 weeks evening classes or a single dose of POT 10 venom antidote (damn those pharma companies!!). But let's not turn this into an economics discussion, because that, I believe, would be a thankless task 😭
  12. If you were getting life changing riches... Not sure I'd trade that for a few hundred lunars.
  13. In a lot of the Sartar campaign material there are burial mounds and tombs with grave goods in them. This seems to imply that if you defeat the owner the loot is fair game. Is that the general view on Grave Robbing (that adventurers can plunder it without retribution) or does Heortling culture consider this dishonourable?
  14. Scan for me is mostly about spotting movement and tends to be at a distance from the scanner and applied to a wide area. You might identify traps on the basis of noticing changes in the landscape (that tree is bending at a funny angle now, those rocks are looking precarious) but generally presupposes knowledge of the location (or at least terrain type). Search is for scrutinizing a smaller area at closer quarters and as written in the rules to be used for looking for traps. So broad strokes: scan precision: search If there's ambiguity about which skill I allow either. Farsee could close the gap enough to be able to use search instead of scan at distance. In terms of opposing skills I should generally oppose search with conceal and scan with hide but again there will be situations where I match the opposite. Someone hiding in a wardrobe would be most likely found with search unless looking from across a large room and you notice the door slightly move out something. I allow both as passive skills to represent that some people are just more observant than others. I think there is definitely an argument for negative modifier if not being active. Or conversely a positive modifier if being active.
  15. Ok, I've not got the source that states that and if it does it's in conflict with Weapons and Equipment, which states "there is a lively trade in coal with Dragon Pass, particularly Boldhome and Furthest. There, it is used in hypocausts to heat baths and homes."
  16. Hi, Are there any references for what firebone and earthblood cost or more to the point can be sold for? Is there any guidance on distribution of the stuff? thanks Rich
  17. Sorry if I have missed the answer elsewhere but what is used to oppose the battle intensity? Battle skill?
  18. Yes, agreed my original suggestion would make it more than a fraction faster. I suggested toning down to an affinity/20 bonus. In terms of how I would see it working..I guess we don't have a real world example unless you believe in some kind of affinity with a supernatural essence of sorts.. The closest analogy would be that some people pick up languages quicker than others - and yes, that is captured in having the skill group modifier being applied to experience rolls. I just figured that the universe might nudge along those people who have strong affinities. The rules do say, as per my quote included in the thread earlier, that runic affinities intrinsically affect characters physically and intellectually and emotionally. I was looking to translate this into something more than just +2 and +1 stat during character creation and one-off flashes of inspiration. I feel like runic association should run through the weave of the character's tapestry of life. But my question has been answered - no one has played it out; the idea is generally considered from πŸ‘Ž to πŸ’© πŸ™‚ . At least no one (with strong Harmony affinity) said "YGMV" ; but it will. 😁
  19. I can see the merits in that for CHA - actions speak louder than the polish and spin attained from an executive presence development programe. Although I suspect Vinga went on one of those judging by the chat elsewhere about her pose on the front cover picture for Mythology. πŸ˜„ I imagine the informal preparation chiefs-in-waiting go through would also buff CHA a bit. Fake it 'til you make it.
  20. Yes, agreed. Not necessarily a bad thing? πŸ˜‰ My modelling has suggested RQG2 will be out before any characters make RuneLord. 😁 Joking aside, having pondered people's responses I realise what a massive bonus the inspiration rules would give to experience rolls (although after a first season of dreadful rolls for characters with skills only in the 15-35 range I'm sure any help from the Gods would be welcome! πŸ˜„ ) . But part of me still feels like characters with strong rune affinity ought to progress in related skills a fraction faster. Even if just Affinity/20 as a bonus. After all " Runes themselves influence an adventurer’s ... development physically, intellectually, spiritually, and even socially."
  21. Hi all, Has anyone experimented with or considered allowing Runic Inspiration in relation to experience checks? It seems to me that those with strong runic associations could find it easier to advance with associated stats and skills. If any one has experimented with that did they find it unbalanced things at all? I guess ultimately it just speeds up the progression rate and one needs to find one's own balance with their group. In a similar vein I'm also toying with an alternative to scrolls (for illiterate characters) using magical runic stones/crystals. The character would use the stone or crystal to focus meditative contemplation (and experimentation with the insight gained) over a period of a season. The stone/crystal would act as a teacher effectively (or pehaps allow augmentation of a research roll). The benefits would be dependent on the level of success (or not) of a Meditation skill check (augmented by Runic inspiration). One use only. Again, has anyone done anything similiar and refined mechanics through play-testing already? cheers Rich
  22. Hi I was looking at the Healing Trance Rune Spell and I can't really see where the benefit of this would be given the existence of the spirit magic spell of Heal. I think it's a cool spell and without Heal I can absolutely see how good it is. But, A healer with 10 MPs could heal 10 points per day and not be in a trance. that's 10 per location per week. Sure using up all your MPs leaves you vulnerable but so does being in a trance! Have I missed something?
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