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Posts posted by AikiGhost

  1. A/State is in the top 3 of games I want to get a hold of... what I've read about it is certainly evocative and 'up my alley'...

    No one in our group has it yet... I'm not sure if it would ever get much play... but I still want a copy, if only just for reading.

    Seriously go buy it now, you wont be disappointed. Its one of my favourite games ever and definitely the best game of 2005 IMHO.

  2. In celebration of the release of Avenues & Alleyways (The supplement for a game I've most looked forward to ever in my entire life).

    I'm one of the seemingly few people who bought and absolutely love this game. I just cant seem to find any kind of fan community (apart from the Contested Grounds boards). Does anyone have any good links, scenarios or just general experiences with running the game? What stuff did you live what did you not like so much?

    Personally I absolutely love the background, the look, the tone of the writing, the possibilities for so many different types of story. From low life adventures amongst the shadows of the towering macrocorp domains to inter corporate war stories in the contested grounds and just the mystery of what is really happening. What is the origin of the city? What was the bombardments? Who/What are the outsiders and what is their purpose? How does dog taste?

    So come on please don't leave me feeling I'm the only one out here with any love for this work of art. Also if anyone's interested I'm working on a BRP conversion of the rules with a sort of "life path" style character generation system.

    For those who dont have a clue what im on about here's a link

  3. I agree whole heartedly. The whole Tolkien style world building thing just holds no interest for me at all. What I need from a sci fi game is political and military factions, aliens and their philosophy and possible points of conflict for PCs.

    IMHO each system needs no more than a line or two saying something about its main population centre, its government and maybe something interesting like "Its a binary star system with one red and one blue sun" or "This systems only population centre is a gas mining facility in high orbit around the gas giant planet Xymox"

  4. Prsonally I like everything to come as both, that way you can pick and choose. Or they could do what WEG are doing with septimus, releasing a dead tree core book that comes with a free PDF on a cd for the people who pre order.

  5. It is strange that a RPG that sells out is considered not profitable and by the parent company and excised immendiately. It makes you wonder what GW was thinking. :ohwell:

    Its apprently a trimming back to the core business of the black library by Games Workshop. RPGs are nowhere near as profitable per dollar invested as the BI novels are so with the upcoming recession that is what they are cutting back to. It really sucks (and you wont likely find a bigger fan of WFRP around here than me) but I do understand why they did it. I will be buying all the available WFRP stuff I don't have (only actually a couple of books) asap before the current print runs are sold out.

  6. I was curious as to how, throughout a workday, this site manages to accrue so many posts. Feel free to expand on your choice in the poll above.

    I'm in IT systems admin so while servers are installing software, rebooting, formatting disks. etc I have plenty of time to surf. Half my job is surfing help forums and finding solutions anyway.

  7. I remember reading a game a few years back that had Hero points but when you used them, you got this kind of negative Hero point in return. Kinda like Doom points. These points the GM could use to cause you trouble later on down the line.

    Anyone seen anything like this?

    You need to go read FATE, its completely free and has some of the most innovative mechanics I've seen in a game.

  8. Most games also tend to limit the points to significant NPCs though, or limit the points for extras and other minor characters. Otherwise a squad of 20 stormtroopers becomes almost unkillable.

    In my games the stormtroopers don't get fate points but Darth Vader certainly would. It allows you to not have major villains killed you an 01 in the first combat round :D

  9. Didn't know where to put this, so I put it here.

    The user was Jeannette. It's a Buddhism spam directing to a website with Buddhism links. She has zero forum posts.

    Can we ban her please?

    Me too, odd place to spam with Buddhism.

  10. The following points were raised:

    1a. Such a vague weapons table is unacceptable

    1b. If the book is printed with such basic weapons types, it's going to get negative reviews.

    I don't agree, basic weapons stats are more useful for a multi genre system like BRP. If I'm running a far future sci fi what use is stats for an M16A1? Id prefer "Assault rifle".

    Most gamers don't care that much once they can buy something that will kill people when you point it and pull the trigger IMHO. Id say your group is an unusual one in terms of real world gun usage.

  11. RQ3 (or was it 2?) said perception always beat stealth,

    Thats my take on it too, Perception would be the defending skill, so like a parry against an attack a basic perception test should detect a basic success on a stealth test.

  12. Perhaps if you wanted to use MPs as fate points you could do a Marvel Supers FASERIP style "I will make a special" type system.

    You declare before an important roll what kind of success you want to make, then roll the dice, for each 10 points you miss by you spend 1mp, and even if you succeed you spend the minimum 1mp for the roll.

  13. I think the "Hide/Spot duel" is the classic example that makes people perceive a need for opposed rolls.

    In this situation you need to decide which is the active (IE: attacking skill) and the which is the defending skill, then err on the side of the defending skill when equal success levels are attained.

    EG: Sneaking past a guard, attacker = sneaker, defender = guard

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