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Posts posted by soltakss

  1. 5 hours ago, Sir_Godspeed said:

    I could imagine someone starting off to "prove" they descended from a local tribal ancestor/culture hero, and then maybe heroquesting to explore more "prestigious" descents as they rise in power and become in need of more elevated heritage for political legitimacy.

    One of the PCs in an old Balazar Campaign did exactly that. He proved that he was descended from Balazar, then proved that Balazar was a follower of Yelm, thus proving that he could join the cult of Yelm, allowing him to become High King of Balazar, and Master of the Red Emperor's Stool, which is another story entirely.

    • Like 3
  2. 7 hours ago, Joerg said:

    How do Orlanth Dragonfriend and Orlanth Dragonslayer reconcile? They are two separate forms of the same deity, incompatible subcults. The god manifested in his respective heroes (Obduran and Ingolf for Dragonfriend, Alakoring for Dragonslayer). For a while, Orlanth tread both paths at the same time.

    Orlanth could have been a Dragonslayer at one time and a Dragonfriend at another.

    Orlanth is not opposed to Dragons, or an enemy of Dragons, he simply killed a few of them, for various reasons. When he repented during the Greater Darkness, he may well have tried to befriend Dragons, in the same way that he embarked on the LBQ to mend the world.

    Cults represent events frozen in time and only focus on certain Aspects or Powers, they rarely reflect the whole Deity. The Mythos of Orlanth Dragonfriend does not include the slaying of dragons, in the same way tat the Mythos of Orlanth Dragonslayer does not say that Orlanth was friendly to dragons, but the Mythos of Orlanth Adventurous may well include Myths of Dragonslaying and Dragonfriending.

    • Like 4
  3. 52 minutes ago, Ian Cooper said:


    In essence: there is a sun but many sun gods. Elmal, Yelm, Antirius, Kargzant, the Blood Sun are all ways of interacting with it. Everyone is right. The sun is both Elmal and Yelm.

    In hard polytheism, not everyone is right. The sun is Elmal or Yelm. Die unbeliever!

    Ok, gotcha.

    I suppose I am softish.

    I think of deities as manifestations, not of an object or ideal, but of aspects of an object or ideal.

    So, rather than having the Sun God, there is the Sun Disk, Sun's Heat, Sun Emperor, Winter Sun, Mountain Sun, Forest Sun, Sun Horse, Sun's Healing Rays and so on.

    In that case, Elmal would be the Winter Sun, Yelmalio would be the Mountain Sun and Elvish Yelmalio is the Forest Sun, all have powers of Light Without Heat and all can be identified to a certain extent. Similarly, Yelm is the Sun Disk, Sun as Emperor and controls the Sun's Healing Rays. 

  4. 11 minutes ago, Atgxtg said:

    It's a suite that is focused on games, primarily video games, but I guess that it can be used for pen & paper RPGs too. So I would expect things like game play video, perhaps explanations or examples of some rules. It's like Youtube in some respects, only geared towards gaming. So you mostly go there and watch videos.


    Thanks - I'd never heard of it.

  5. By soft polytheism, I assume you mean that we look at the combination of runes rather than the deities involved?

    So, a Storm God is a Storm God is a Storm God, essentially, with little real distinction between them. In the same, way, the Praxian Tribal Founders are essentially the same, sons of Storm Bull who founded a tribe, the Crop Goddesses are essentially the same, descendants of the earth who are mothers of one or more crops, and so on?

    I am not entirely sure what you mean.

  6. 22 hours ago, Scout said:

    I'm having some trouble keeping straight in my head, all the different ways Runes interact with a character's personality.

    Personally, I treat runes as a resource, like everything else.

    They can be used to augment skills, just as anything else can be used to augment skills. They can be used as the main skill, for other skills to augment, depending on the circumstance. They can even be used to augment some Personality stuff, if the situation fits. But, I do not have Runes affecting personality, in the same way I don't have a cult affecting someone's personality.

    So, a PC could belong to Storm Bull and have the Air/Storm,  Beast and Death runes. That means he can call on those runes, but those runes don;t change his personality. He is probably a kill-crazy nut-job, otherwise he'd have picked a saner cult, but being in Storm Bull doesn't make him worse, in the same way that the Air/Storm rune doesn't make him more violent.

    This might not be the way the rules are going at the moment, but is the way I have played RQ for a long time.

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  7. Sounds like a Magic Item rather than a power of Chalana Arroy. I can see HeroQuestors questing for the power of Chalana Arroy's Mirror and gaining Runespells or Spirit Magic on the back of it. It might even be a Magic Item Subcult of Chalana Arroy in some places.

  8. 4 hours ago, Jeff said:

    David what RQG material are you basing this on? If the answer is none (which I am certain it is), perhaps you shouldn't speak so authoritatively. 

    Ho, ho ho, are we playing that game?

    Do we ignore everything that has come before and only rely on RQG material now?

    Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear ...

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. Sheng Seleris is described as Son of the Morning, which, to me, means he is the son of a Sun God, either Theyala or one of her daughters. In his story, no mention is made of Androgeus, which would be odd as Androgeus is one of the most important SuperHeroes since Time began. Androgeus is also connected with Chaos in ways that Sheng Seleris isn't.

  10. On 1/5/2019 at 4:30 PM, Julian Lord said:

    He's a very powerful but failed Mystic, so that he would be difficult to portray in RQG (under current rules) if you're using that game.

    Personally, the idea of a Failed Mystic doesn't mean much to me. Mysticism is a path or journey, not a destination. Most Mystics do not reach the stage of Enlightenment and that is fine. They strive for it and that is what is important.

    Some Mystics fall off the path and no longer strive for Enlightenment, which is what happened to Sheng Seleris I think.

    So, he is not so much a Failed Mystic as one who no longer searches for Enlightenment.

  11. My take on Yelm is that Yelm definitely existed in the God Time, so was the Second Emperor, after Aether Primolt, his father.

    He was killed by Orlanth and was sent to Hell, but when he was killed, he split into several pieces, including Vrimak, who flew away.

    As Yelm the Sun, he burned the Uz and forced them out of Wonderhome. As Yelm Maggotliege, he ruled over the Dead in Hell.

    While in Hell, Yelm called out for Justice and brought his killer, Orlanth, to him to beg for forgiveness. When that happened, Yelm was freed and went to the surface.

    However, Yelm was incomplete, as the various parts that made him and were broken apart, when he was killed, were not restored, so he was a shadow of his former self.

    When Nysalor was born, he somehow pulled together the parts of Yelm that had been lost and a reformed Yelm appeared after the Sun Stop.

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Grievous said:

    However, Nysalor and the Red Goddess are associated with Chaos. Yelm, clearly, isn't. 

    But Yelm is associated with Rashoran, as he was one of the deities who Rashoran taught not to fear.

    The connection with Chaos is unclear at best. Rashoran and Nysalor are not associated with Chaos, Gbaji and the Red Goddess are.

    In my opinion, Nysalor is a secret part of Yelm.

    • Like 1
  13. Magic World is primarily based on the Elric/Stormbringer/Hawkmoon games. The most recent BRP (BGB) is based on Call of Cthulhu, Elric/Stormbringer/Hawkmoon and RQ3.


    Whereas BRP is more of a toolkit,. allowing you to mix and match various rules, including some found in Magic World, Magic World itself is more of a single rules set, not a toolkit.

    • Like 1
  14. On 1/3/2019 at 4:33 PM, Baelor said:

    Here is a map of the Troll Break that I drew. If there is an extant map, I have not seen it. This one, obviously, is not canon, but follows the published lore in Pavis and the Big Rubble. It is also linked to a bunch of other troll-stuff I have written of late, including trollish tradegoods and some possible inhabitants of the Market. Included in this post is a smaller copy of the map, but you can click through to get a larger one in pdf.


    I'm having trouble placing this in the Troll Break, as I can't place which roads are which.

    Your other maps have a big star where the location is, could you do the same for this, to stop me seeming as stupid as I am?

  15. 1 hour ago, bustapc said:

    I mainly asked because the Elric/Stormbringer books are generally pretty pricey. That said, I did manage to order Elric! last night for a very reasonable price, so... 🤣

    Elric is high on flavour and the Young Kingdoms. The rules for Elric and Magic World are quite similar, but I am not an expert on either.

    It is worth buying all the old Chaousium games/supplements, in my opinion.

  16. 12 minutes ago, Jeff said:

    BTW, in case it helps

    Many thanks for this. It probably won't help, in my opinion.

    The uproar about Elmal and Yelmalio being seen as the same deity is only matched by the uproar that happened when we found out that they were the same deity, twenty years ago.

    Most people don't care, some people vocally care a lot.

    • Like 2
  17. On 1/4/2019 at 9:50 PM, g33k said:

    I think the question becomes:  how can ostrich/impala/etc lightweight "skirmishers" win vs. bison/rhino tribes?

    They can't.

    If you play Nomad Gods, an outright fight between the Bison nation and Ostrich Roiders is so one-sided it's not worth doing.

    Individual skirmishes might be different, 20 Ostrich Riders should be able to defeat a few Bison Riders, by peppering them with arrows. 

  18. On 1/5/2019 at 12:28 AM, jajagappa said:

    RQ Classic: a Rune magic spell cannot be cast again until the Priest spends a day of quiet worship at a temple or holy place of the Priest’s cult

    RQG: Rune points may only be replenished through worship of the deity on a holy day and participation in cult rites.

    Replenishment is not tied to a season but to a holy day when worship normally occurs.  There's really no effective difference here.

    Except there is. In RQ2/3, I can go to a Temple at any time and repray Rune Magic. In RQG, I have to wait until a Holy Day. That is a massive change, in my opinion. I would allow a Priest/Lord to repray at any time.

    • Like 1
  19. On 1/2/2019 at 3:54 AM, Zozotroll said:

    You are thinking of the lottery swords, which I dont think you can make anymore.

    Says a troll!

    I can see no reason as to why they can't be made. They were always outside the rules anyway, so should still be available. Just do it as a HeroQuest and you can do anything.

  20. On 1/2/2019 at 6:33 PM, Joerg said:

    Same hex size as the Dragon Pass/Nomad Gods gameboard maps?

    The original maps were and they fitted along the borders, so you could expand the Dragon Pass map to Balazar and then to Elder Wilds for a really big Dragon Pass game.

    It's effectively unplayable, though, as there are too many counters spread across too wide an area.

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