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Posts posted by RosenMcStern

  1. So it is possible to affect your chance of success and critical much more than in d100

    This does not mean that this "enhanced effect" is better than the standard effect given by D100. It is just the consequence of a limit imposed by the fewer options given by the dice.

    All absolutely correct but also (possibly) missing the point that no multipliers is inherently easier and quicker than (even very simple) multipliers

    I did not miss the point. It is just that I do not agree that simpler is always better. No dice is simpler than any dice, so why do we use dice at all? I have not heard that many people complaining about the x2 or x4 or x5 multipliers. In fact I never heard any, while I heard people complaining about lack of realism and detail.

  2. Apart from the intuitiveness of saying "Chances 65%" over saying "Chance 13", the real reason to stick to d100 is criticals and specials, a feature that is rather peculiar to BRP and is largely neglected in Pendragon. Most battles in RuneQuest or in Call of Cthulhu are decided by an "Impale" or by and "Ignore armor" result. If you use a d20, this result is largely dependent on luck, because you have a score of 1 for a critical and this is the same if your skill is 01 or 20. With D100, luck plays a lesser role, because your 100% gunman will score double damage with a 20 or less and a critical with 05 or less, while your 20% rookie will score a critical with 01 and an impale with 04: a big difference that you hardly ever notice if you use d20.

    Characteristics could be brought to the same scale of skills (01-100 instead of 01-20) but this would not make the game any more playable. Very few people have trouble doing the maths for a CON x4 roll, although some exist.

  3. Yet it was very simple in RQ2/3 - admittedly simpler in 2, but still manageable in 3. So it can be written down in a comprehensible way rules-wise, because it has been done before. Explaining what shamanism is in society can be more complicate, as Simon pointed out.

  4. [*]MULTIPLE ATTACKS: If your SR with an attack is 5 or less, you can make multiple attacks (SR 5 goes on SRs 5 and 10, SR 3 goes on 3, 6, 9, etc). Note that this replaces two standard BRP rules: the splitting atts over 100% rule, and the Weapon "Attk" rule. Note that the assumption is that every additional attack is at full percentage; no divides.

    This is exactly the rule as explained in the book. However, this is also sorely wrong, as it lets a fighter who is bigger and has a longer weapon (clumsy SIZ 20 DEX 9 troll with maul SR 5) attack at double the rate allowed to a smaller but faster character (incredibly fast halfling SIZ 8 DEX 20 with shortsword SR 6). It totally contradicts the philosophy behind Strike Ranks, and I think it should never be used.

  5. I had thought but could have it wrong that in RQ3 you had to have both the SRs and the skill in order to make multiple melee attacks in the same round.

    No, you are perfectly right. This was the rule: you needed both the skill and a SR of 7 or lower. BRP requires 100%+ skill and a DEX of 6 or higher (not uncommon).

    The part about being able to attack twice if you have SR 5- is the only rule I consider really broken in BRP. A man with a pike is not faster than a man with a knife: deadlier yes, faster no.

  6. Variable armor with hit locations is explicitly discouraged in the rules. The roll should represent the chance of hitting a less armored area when you are not using hit locations, but if you use them all you need do is figure where the character is armored and where he is not.

  7. I would just houserule that any ENC under your Strength does not hamper you, except when swimming. Or maybe STR/2 if you want to be more realistic. This way you can Dodge at full effectiveness with weapons and light armor, but not with a backpack (unless you are Hulk Hogan).

  8. Try my scenario "The Hounds of Adranos", available in full color in the Scenario Section of the Downloads site. The main book of the setting is not free, but this scenario is, and you can run it easily with the Luxury SRD and nothing more. It has enough combat, magic and dungeons to satisfy most players.

  9. The system itself is not bad, you make a lot of choices depending on the outcome of contemporary actions instead of sticking to statement of intent. Many people enjoy it more than Statement of Intent or Strike Ranks. The real problem is what Trif pointed out, DEX becomes way too important. For this reason I use the variant that has CA = (Rolled SR) / 10 to even out differences and add some unpredictability.

    But in the end BRP is preferable, because it is simpler to understand, unless you use Strike Ranks.

  10. First of all, web spin... er, snare projection is supposed to stop goons, not super villains. Of course, you can always try creative use of the power as Ars suggested. Something like placing gooey fluid upon your short-sighted enemy's spectacles. It usually works only when your target is named Otto.

  11. Using the to-hit dice to determine locations does not work well in a system that uses critical hits like BRP. Criticals are usually limited to the 01-05 range, with 01-03 being the most common. With your system, critical hits to the legs are impossible, and critical hits to the head are far more common than others. The same goes for the inverted roll, where hit location 10 is always critically hit. This suggestion resurfaces periodically, but it simply does not work.

    Not having to keep track of hit location damage is another story. Locations could be rolled only to check how much armor you have there, and hit points marked off the location only if the blow is enough to incapacitate it. But again, locations help a lot when you have to keep track of how many wounds you have received, which is important if you want to use First Aid.

  12. True. But at this point this forum is more dedicated to suggestions and less to questions. Although there is some rules debate, that has already generated some extremely useful replies by Jason D.

  13. -Sigh!- Again.....

    Listen, there is no reason to stop talking about previous versions of RQ or SB or CoC or whatever-d100-system-you-like. There are countless lists for this. I am still playing in two RQ3 campaigns and we have not converted them to anything else (yet...).

    However, RQ3 can no longer evolve, become better or see new adventures published for it: it is now unsupported. BRP is supported, instead, and if something is discussed here about BRP and a sensible proposal is made, chances are it will appear in an official errata (this is already happening) or in future supplements for BRP. Isn't this a good reason to prefer talking about these subjects here and not on some nostalgic list?

  14. That might be true if the RQ3 magic systems existed in BRP. They don't. As long as that's true, its not a true replacement for RQ, as you cannot emulate a campaign run with one with the other.

    I am working on it. The first conversion list is at Alephtar Games, in the Glorantha section.

    Of course you also need Mongoose RuneQuest (at least the SRD) for the spell descriptions. But MRQ is also a descendant of RQ/d100, although it is less similar to old RQ than BRP, so it is worth having it.

  15. The tone used (*seemingly*, anyways, as there *is* to detectable tone in an internet posted bit of copy, but you know what I mean...)

    I never listen to tone, only to actual points. However, using stars like *this* instead of CAPITAL constitutes a tone. So please when you complain about a tone, avoid using stars. Thank you.

    (you guys've *heard* of Runequest, right?)

    I can recall something called RuneQuest. Thank you, sincerely, for reminding it to me.

    Personally, I think BRP people *here* should definately join the RQ Rules list to either broaden their horizons, or at least to not have to re-invent the wheel, ruleswise, as, if you're bashing out a rule for something not covered in the BRP rules, chances are good that its already been invented and can be found in old school RQ (anti-matter grenades and the like not withstanding).

    I have been a regular attendee of the RQ Rules list for a long time. I have participated in the MRQ playtest discussion and been very sad when Matt Sprange did not incorporate Steve's Degree of Success system in MRQ - I really liked it. But not all good ideas are appreciated.

    But the point here is that there is no reason to uphold discussion lists about old versions of the same system. The RQ list had a reason to exist when RQ was out of print and a beloved collector's item. It is no longer. Like it or not, BRP is the rightful heir to old RQ. .P.E.R.I.O.D.

    (and yes, here i am purposefully using a *TONE*)

  16. Steve is the original designer of the D100 system. When everything hinted at the fact that d100 was dead (save he fact that it was not, but it took a real seer to know that), he designed his own evolution of the system he had created. Many of his ideas are great, but I think SPQR should now be matched with the new BRP and updated. My advice is to save your $25 for the moment Steve has done this.

    But my guess is that this is not the last time we hear Steve Perrin's name connected to the d100 system.

  17. In fact the last image of the first crossover shows there is a difference in heigth, but not more than 10-20%. This is fine for the data I have for heigth, but not for mass (Mazinger Z 18m/20t, Great Mazinger 25m/32t, Grendizer 30m/280t).

    The SIZ value I have given for Mazinger Z is the value found in the SIZ table of BRP 1 for 20 metric tons or slightly bigger. The 280t for Grendizer are out of scale, though - I'd go with 40-50 ton maximum. But there are other inconsistencies in the "official" data. Oh, and there is a third crossover made in the 21st century, plus an electronic manga called Dynamic Heroes, that show that all superobots are approx. the same size, +/- 10%.

  18. I have some trouble with Grendizer 'cause the official stats say its weight is 280 tons (out of scale with the Mazingers that are rated 20-25 tons), so I'll have to fudge a bit, but its stats are almost ready, too.

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