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Posts posted by RosenMcStern

  1. Quite "innovative" of course, it is just 42 year old. St.André introduced it in 1975, after all :)

    Anyway, here is another bunch of suggestions for the Companion. In any case, RD100 already has the concept of Challenge Rating which is not so different from Monster Rating. If you do not want to fully stat an opponent for a conflict you just assign a CR that replaces his skills. Sounds similar to Monster Rating to me. The only thing I do not appreciate is that RD100 specifically suggests to keep challenges bi-dimensional. High skill rating does not automatically mean a proportional increase in Resolution Points.

  2. 2 hours ago, KPhan2121 said:

    I tried that and some of my players didn't like it as much. Part of the idea of Half-under success was to speed up combat while keeping the book-keeping minimal. BRP has rules for some special maneuvers like disarming which requires the player to announce their intent and roll under 1/2 their skill already. I'll probably expand on that to include more effects.

    I have some difficulties following your point.

    - Effect-based combat does not increase book-keeping needs. You generate an effect and spend it on the fly. What book-keeping are you talking about?

    - Pre-announcing the manoeuvre you want to use does not speed up things at all. Because it requires that you make a tactical choice every time you are about to roll. Post announcement, on the contrary, limits tactical decisions to when you win the exchange. You only pick one option when the dice have already said "yes", not when the dice might say "no".

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  3. About point 3 I am not so sure, the others... I agree, it is just that someone else will not. Many people consider character creation integral to the rules.

    Note also that something similar to what you imagine here already exists. It is called "the BGB". It offers you plenty of "modular" options, just in other areas than experience and chargen. For combat, for example, it offers you the options of using/not using Strike Rank, of using/not using Hit Locations, of fixed/variable armour etc. etc. Ditto for magic, where the only things that does not change among systems is that there are "power points".

    Edit: scooped by RIchard S. :)

    • Like 1
  4. Sounds more a heavily houseruled Rd100 to me rather than a mix :) Point #1 is not unique to RQ6, it is shared by Rd100 and OQ as well. Points #4, #5 and #6 are features definitely present in Revolution D100 (the rules for major and severe wounds in Rd100 are the same as in RQ6, and Rd100 Sorcery _is_ based on Sandy's), you are just opting for "the way that feature is implemented in another version of D100" rather than a different feature. But what you are describing is a "limited skill list, no location, effect-based combat" ruleset, which is closer to Rd100 than to any other implementation.

    Back from threadjacking, I would say that my favourite versions of RQ (BGB and OpenQuest are excluded, as they never wore the RQ badge, while Mythras did) are:

    - RQ3 for high fantasy

    - RQ6 for Sword&Sorcery or historical


    • Like 2
  5. 3 hours ago, Mankcam said:

    Okaym, I just stumbled across this - I haven't heard about it so I suspect it's relatively new, just wondering if there are any reviews or opinions on it?


    It is as new as 11 months new :) I suspect you missed the original announcement.

    It is an example of a high fantasy world for Revolution D100, with races, magic etc. etc. If you want to try something classic and do not have your homebrew ready, here is something you can use out of the box. Zit's comment "si vous en avez assez des elfes gentils" (if you have had enough of nice elves) in the article he has linked above says it all. Oh, and you can use all of that cool "dark elves and giant spiders" iconography from D&D for it.


    Back on track. Apart from Merrie England which you already have, there are other things in the making.

    • Red Moon Rising is scheduled to appear in 2018, I will post some pictures of the revised comic books later today.
    • Wind on the Steppes is undergoing review, and it might be ready rather soon as there are no cataclysmic changes to make and we already have a layout template ready. Early 2018 is a good estimate. Maybe very early.
    • The Rise of the Yokai Koku will appear in electronic format even earlier than WotS. It is a full campaign rather than a setting, but contains a lot of important details about generating a Sengoku era character that you may reuse for other games. The character generation process is consolidated and Gianni-approved, so you can rest assured that the game "feels oriental".

    So yes, we are working on some settings. Needless to say, if anyone has anything to submit, we will enjoy reading it :)


    • Like 3
  6. Thank you and welcome on board!

    For everyone: do not forget that we are 36 hours away from the end of the campaign and still with 40% of the funds to collect. We can (and probably will) do it, but do not forget to pledge for the book if you wish to have it. Spamming on socials is appreciated, too!

  7. No, Basic Combat was not supposed to be renamed.

    I could not do the sub-chapter renaming before releasing the PDF. If possible we will integrate the change in the print version, but we are running out of time. As soon as we fund I need to send the files to the printer: the holidays are near.

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  8. If this hits the sweet spot of crunch for your group, you can certainly benefit from it.

    However, I will not consider making anything of this official, not even in the Companion that will see the light, one day. The reasons are multiple:

    1. Advanced Combat is based on a delicate balance of factors. While there are certainly a lot of adjustments you can make to important details, removing one of the "pillars" of the system can easily make things worse.
    2. Dual wielders would become seriously overpowered. The fact that everyone attacks once but Bjorn-two-axes attacks twice is rather relevant. On the other hand, a shield user has no advantage whatsoever against a single opponent, who can attack only once and thus does not require him to use his second free parry.
    3. The biggest problem that people have with this kind of combat model is Combat Effects. Thus, you have not reverted to "classic" combat with this variant, you are still playing a modified Legend ruleset "without variable Action Points" . And this is still too crunchy for some people.
    4. Finally, I can assure you that with this modification combat would become seriously slower, particularly with high skill combatants. Advanced Combat in Rd100 is lightning fast even with all crunchy options turned on, with "boss fights" lasting no longer than 3 hours and normal fights up to one hour. At one attack per round with unlimited parries, you would see many combats slowing down to a crawl.

    As i have already said (to Tanaka, IIRC), if you really wish to try a third combat model "in-between" Basic and Advanced, just use OpenQuest combat "as is", with hit points equal to double Rd100 Toughness. However, I stress once more that this will not make combat faster than Advanced Combat, just less crunchy.

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