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Posts posted by RosenMcStern

  1. Encumbrance had effects only on Fatigue and a limited set of skills (Dodge, Jump and Swim) in RQ3. It never affected movement, which is not extremely realistic. BRP does not go beyond this treatment.

    In general, BRP derived games do not treat Encumbrance very well, so it is better if you just use Common Sense and impose penalties on characters whose player believes that one can be both a fighter and a pack mule at the same time.

  2. A character with a skill of more than 100% hits on any roll except 96-00, so the hit is not guaranteed. However, having a skill so high is not wasted. Your skill in excess of 100%, in case you do not want to split attacks, is useful in two ways:

    • you can still hit when you suffer a penalty (for instance when your skill is halved due to aiming at a specific location or being lying on the ground)
    • more important, when skill is in excess of 100%, your chance of scoring a special success increases beyond 20%, so your chance to overcome a successful defense increases: in BRP, most "misses" are actually successful hits that your opponent parried or dodged

    So, no need to change the rules when skill goes beyond 100%. There are still plenty of options that make things interesting.

  3. I can't say I've ever seen MRQ referred to as RQ4 on RPG net. Maybe someone did once for effect but generally it's either referred to as simply RuneQuest or Mongoose RuneQuest by those who are familiar with the history.

    RuneQuest 4 supplements and books

    Is the above list of RQ4 products enough for you? In the posts on the forum maybe you see it labeled as MRQ, but the reviews and product cards (where people go look for info about a game) it is labeled as RuneQuest 4.

    To be honest, RQ is pretty much a non-entity on RPGnet.

    Not at all. Basic Roleplaying in all of its incarnations is a beloved and appreciated system on RPG.net.

  4. Now you are going to have to ban yourself from your own forums. :D

    What is worse, he has a post on the Mongoose forum with a huge BRP Central banner in the sig that is just saying "Ban me, ban me" to moderators :lol:

    In an instant, all old reviews and posts which refer to RQ2 will be invalidated unless the reader is aware of the origins.

    I assume that some will continue the tradition and refer to it as MRQ2.

    Unfortunately, rpg.net calls MRQ as RQ4 (not correctly, as RQ4 is the unpublished Jovanovic manuscript). Now will they mention MRQ 2 as RQ5?

    But I am afradid confusion was inevitable here. Still, it is a missed opportunity to label it as 5e, and stating it is a step beyond That Other Game, which is still at 4e.

    Is there going to be an MRQ2 Pavis book? For 2nd Age Pavis?

    Yes, and it sounds very promising. And will be entirely compatible with the new 3rd age stuff from Moon Design.

  5. HeroQuest uses opposed rolls only, but it requires two rolls. The idea here is that each attack is a single roll on the resistance table.

    It could work, but it would require more calculations, as there would be three kinds of modifiers:

    a) modifiers to the attack skill (used against all targets that round)

    B) modifiers to the defense skill (used against all attacks that round)

    c) modifiers to the resistance roll (used only for that roll)

    All in all, for things that are naturally "opposed" like combat, I think two rolls are faster.

  6. Both having and not having SIZ is open to quirks and inconsistencies. Historically, it was there, but it could have been removed. Removing it means that some details have to be adjudicated as special cases ("Roll against STR-10 to move the guard's body - it was a dwarf after all!") but it can work without SIZ.

    In my opinion, a simplified RPG should only have four stats, with the following significances:

    STR (Strength, Length, Mass)

    DEX (Agility, Speed, Constitution)

    INT (Reasoning, Concentration, Perception)

    POW (Willpower, Spirituality, Charisma)

  7. GORE, as well as OpenQuest and D100Rules, is a good, free alternatives to BRP or MRQ. Newt is still supporting OpenQuest. The problem here is how much work you can do for each line, so only third party publishers which specialize in D100 (and Cubicle) are currently really supporting these games. I thnk the only exception is Sceaptune, which still publishes some RuneQuest materials among other things.

  8. I wonder if this would break anything. The bases from which the text is extrapolated (RQ3) are not open contect. It is not possible to patent rulesets, and the text is different so copyright does not apply. But I would not call it "fair use".

    Wasn't there any other option for it? Like making it OGL by claiming it is an adaptation of MRQ?

  9. Thats not how that method work - It is an open discussion between player and gamemaster.

    "Open discussion between player and referee"

    If this was applied to soccer, it could have a heavy impact on the game. Although it could benefit the referee's reputation, which the public does not usually have in high esteem - at least judging from what they yell during matches.

    But this will never happen: everybody knows that soccer players are simulationists.

  10. Given my tendency to put in powerful opponents, my players used to say that including a "Hit nearest Fiend" entry would be more realistic. :lol:

    Such fumbles add to the fun of the game because when you are close to someone wielding a 1,50m sharpended length of steel, accidental decapitation is an option. So you should stay away from him, or accept the risk. If all that can happen in a combat is that you win or lose it because it is dramatically appropriate, then some of the fun is taken away. Furthermore, the fumble tables often suggest exilarating results that even the most creative GM would not think of, if it was not suggested in the rules.

    I must admit that I do think that a fumble table needs to be an optional module.

    It is. The rules state "Make up your own fumble if the result is not satisfactory." The tables are there for the lazy ones, or to provide some randomness.

    Something that is very notable about MRQ is that semi-competent PCs never fumble.

    Since when? 00 is still a fumble in MRQ.

    My players are fumble averse and will spend a Hero Point to re-roll a fumble. For that last 6 months or so the only fumbles have come from NPCs.

    A good point in favour of Hero Points. They avoid unappropriate fumbles.

  11. After trying to "scale up" characteristics for mechas and finding out that it is not necessary for anything except damage (yep!), I can say that scaling everything to 1d3 is ok. Otherwise Roland and Pirouli should have SIZ and STR 70-100.

    Also, as all this sort of settings would be heavily based on non-lethal combat and non-combat conflicts, I think the best system for Smurfs or the Rescuers is HeroQuest. Maybe re-labeled as ToonQuest :P

  12. VVV is 36 pages, it is very easy to read onscreen and printing it at a local store and binding it with tape is cheap. Moreover, with a PDF you can print just the scenario you need when you want to play. Your considerations are correct, but only for a sourcebook that needs reading in a quiet environment. Scenarios are for play, not for reading.

    Unfortunately, a POD version would require an extra "fee" that would make the product totally unprofitable. But we will manage to produce bigger supplements in the future, so that the dead tree version becomes a viable solution. We know that some of you love the feel of whitened cellulose :)

  13. While we go ahead with editing and illustration of our ready-to-publish products such as Dragon Lines, it is time to go on with the playtest of upcoming supplements. It is now the turn of BRP Mecha.

    I will now start distributing playtest scenarios along with draft excerpts from the rules. All scenarios are combat oriented, as the part that has to be tested is mainly mecha combat. The rules are definitely a beta version, but the statistics for mechas are complete, so the scenarios are ready-to-play. All scenarios are set in an official anime universe, as there is no copyright issue if things remain between us - unfortunately these scenarios will not be in the final product ;-(

    I should have the first scenario ready for distribution in a week or so. It will feature land combat only - no flying vehicles. The setting will be Zone 11 of the Holy Britannian Empire. You name it, the featured anime is Code Geass! If you have always thought that Karen Kozuki and her Guren Mk-II should have defeated that overrated Kururugi Suzaku and his Lancelot knightmare frame in a couple of rounds, or the opposite, this is your opportunity.

    Trif, what about starting a private playtest sub-forum for this now?

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