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Everything posted by RogerCooper

  1. I get the impression, that combat skill% are typically higher in Mythras than BRP, thereby making special effects more likely. Am I correct? If I moving material from one system to another how much of adjustment should I make.
  2. I have created a spreadsheet that automatically generates worlds for BRP (Space Opera setting). The randomly generated world can they be used for your game. Here is the link http://www.rogercooper.com/WorldGenerator.htm. On the same page is similar generator for Traveller (Mongoose edition) that is more hard SF in feel.
  3. Pandora is in the Alpha Centauri system. It was stated that the trip takes 6 years.
  4. From an RPG point of view Avatar is a mix of Hard SF & Space Opera elements. Hard SF 1. Explicitly STL travel 2. Spaceship is zero-G 3. Weapons are plausible developments of current weapons 4. Planet has varied ecosystem 5. The natives have different cultures 6. Exploration with created bodies Space Opera 1. Trees linked in a planetwide network 2. FLOATING MOUNTAINS! 3. Deadly animals at every corner Is the ecology of Pandora naturally created, or has there been outside interference. Such interference could be behind the Tree network and the compatibility of the Human and Nau'vi DNA.
  5. For an interesting take on Medieval Fantasy, you might want to investigate the Ars Magica RPG, where the players are Mages and their companions in an otherwise historical setting. Not a BRP product, but the ideas and scenarios would be usuable. The Pendragon RPG is based upon Arthurian legend. All players are knights. The system is BRP-related, so conversion is easy.
  6. My preferred method for handling skill contests is to have intermediate results. If a both search & sneak succeed, the watcher has heard or seen something, but it is not exactly sure what and where. If both fail, something humorous seems in order. The difference between the roll and the skill% can be used to break ties and adjucate detailed results.
  7. If I wanted to run a superheroes game I would use M&M or TriStat. (I have run superhero games with both systems). If you want to use a simple system try Truth & Justice (PDQ system). If your concept is normal humans with some powers, BRP will do the job nicely. For example, a Batman-style campaign would be fine. Similarly, psychic powers type supers would work.
  8. I woult expect that in a setting with both science and magic, that some would approach magic scientifically. Historically, that is what early scientists from Paracelsus to Isaac Netwon did. Magic was simply the science that did not work in the real world.
  9. Such a system might work for an all Jedi group, but with a mixed group, it will just leave the non-Jedi with nothing to do. I aiming for the flashier force powers of KOTOR and the SW RPG. I also want to make the fancier uses of Light Sabres force powers, so non-force users don't use them as well. I don't think normals should be able to deflect energy bolts.
  10. A 10 point difference in POW gives the more powerful character an almost complete magical superiority. You don't need to have a 3 digit POW level to be unbeatable.
  11. Years ago, I had worked out some guidelines for power levels for RQ. Others may find these useful. POW 0: Inanimate objects, Plants, Animals with only instinctive intelligence POW 5: Animals with adaptive intelligence POW 10: Normal humans and comparable creatures POW 15: Fantasy races, elite humans, Power users POW 20: Supernatural races, elite members of fantasy races, heroes, minor gods POW 25: Mid-ranked gods POW 30: Major gods POW 35: Ruling god By fantasy races, I mean creatures which are more magical or powerful than humans but are still mortal and have normal socities. In Tolkien, Dwarves, Hobbits and the Dunedain would count. In Greek mythology, the Centaurs would be a fantasy race By supernatural races, I mean creatures which are unaging and the like. In Tolkien, Elves (and the Nazgul) would be a supernatural racea. In Greek mythology, nymphs, satyrs and river gods would be included. Mid-ranked gods in Tolkien would include the Wizards, Tom Bombadil and the Witch-King. In Greek mythology beings like Pan, Proteus and the Giants would be at this level. Major Gods in Tolkien would be the Valar (and Sauron). In Greek mythology the 12 Olympians would the major gods. The Ruling god level would Manwe (& Morgoth) in Tolkien, while in Greek myth only Zeus would be at this level.
  12. I have been running a Star Wars campaign using the SW RPG. The game system proved overly clumsy, so I decided to switch systems. I considered Mutants & Masterminds (True 20), but the system is too oriented towards superheros when I wanted a grittier and more realistic feel. So BRP seemed the logical choice. What are your thoughts concerning conversions from the SW RPG and D20 based games in general? Here my ideas. 1. Hit points and damage points are roughly comparable between the systems. 2. Skill levels should be roughly 25% + 5% per level. 3. Force powers should be handled as psychic powers. The list would need to be reworked extensively, as Telekinesis and weapon-focus powers dominate with the force. 4. Armor-based defense bonuses such be turned into armor points on 1:1 basis. 5. Light-sabers should be able to ignore armor, but doing so should be considered a force power.
  13. I may extend your sheet further by creating a character generator i.e. a program that creates complete characters give a few parameters. I was doing this for the more complicated SW RPG, before I gave up on that system.
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