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Everything posted by MOB

  1. Character art by Eli Maffei from from the 'Renekot's Hope' chapter of The Pegasus Plateau. Here we have: Anla Renekot, proud Orlanthi Rune Lord, powerful and strong. Escatar Oval-Noova, a minor Lunar aristocrat (“Not all Lunars are decadent, immoral, backstabbing bastards. Just most of us.”) Kentin Haley, a know-it-all scholar who loves his cats. Dalathar Quickblade, a durulz Death-drake veteran of many battles.
  2. "I wanted a diverse group of contributors, including people new to Glorantha, to best spotlight the many different approaches to playing #RuneQuest and in #Glorantha. I cast the net wide when it came to contributors: some people who I’d worked with on other game lines, some people who’d inquired about writing RuneQuest materials, and a few who submitted materials cold, with no query letter." RuneQuest creative director Jason Durall talks about the genesis of THE PEGASUS PLATEAU: https://www.chaosium.com/blogclimbing-the-pegasus-plateau-the-new-release-for-runequest-roleplaying-in-glorantha (Art: 'The Pack Train' by Dimitrina Angelaska)
  3. In a recent episode of the 'Ken & Robin Talk About Stuff' podcast, Robin Laws himself talks to the HeroQuest line editor, Ian Cooper, about these interesting new developments for the line. http://www.kenandrobintalkaboutstuff.com/index.php/episode-393-sonia-plus-melted-cheese The discussion starts at 34.06.
  4. Hot off the presses in Lithuania; soon to be on a truck and/or ship and/or Issaries merchant caravan to our warehouses in USA, UK, Australia, Poland, and Canada... this is the full color hardback and special leatherette edition of THE SMOKING RUIN for RuneQuest. But if you can't wait, buy the PDF now, get the full price of the PDF off the physical version when it comes https://bit.ly/2WePlpG
  5. Hot off the presses in Lithuania; soon to be on a truck and/or ship and/or shoggoth to our warehouses... these are the full color hardbacks and special leatherette editions. Buy the PDFs now, get the full price of the PDFs off the physical versions when they arrive! —Cthulhu Dark Ages: http://bit.ly/37HpZTF —Harlem Unbound: https://bit.ly/2JqTbod
  6. 7th Sea creator John Wick writes that, "after being a fan and a customer for most of my life (ever since 1981)" the RuneQuest adventures he wrote for THE PEGASUS PLATEAU are the first writing he's ever done for Chaosium. "But there’s a story in all that. Here it is..." http://johnwickpresents.com/updates/the-pegasus-plateau-other-stories-a-shameless-plug
  7. RuneQuest Classic is part of DriveThruRPG's Cov-19 World Food Programme Bundle. This charity bundle contains titles worth a total of $625.51, but is available for $19.95 – a saving of 97%! Assisting 100 million people in 83 countries each year, the World Food Programme (WFP) is the leading humanitarian organization delivering emergency food assistance. All proceeds from this bundle will go towards the WFP's efforts to prevent hunger during the COVID-19 pandemic. Other ways Chaosium is supporting COVID-19 Relief Efforts Until May 30, all proceeds of the print-and-play Gloranthan board game Last Faction Hero will be donated to the World Health Organisation's COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund. The game is available as 'Pay-What-You-Want' at Chaosium's new page at itch.io. Our merchandising partner Redbubble is donating a mask to Heart-to-Heart International for every face mask sold – check our our 'Mask of Nyarlathotep' and dozens of other face-covering designs at our Redbubble store.
  8. With the release of The Pegasus Plateau on PDF, this thread is to catch any typos or errors spotted. Please note them here, quoting the page number, the error, and the suggested correction. Many thanks!
  9. Out now in PDF: The Pegasus Plateau & Other Stories Seven Ready-to-Play Adventures for RuneQuest https://www.chaosium.com/the-pegasus-plateau-other-stories-pdf The full color hardback print version will be out later this year. Buy the PDF direct from Chaosium.com now and get the full price of the PDF off the print edition. Also available at DriveThruRPG.
  10. On the release of the new edition of MANSIONS OF MADNESS, accomplished Call of Cthulhu writer Mark Morrison (Terror Australis, Reign of Terror, Horror on the Orient Express) reminisces about the inspiration for his famous scenario 'The Crack'd and Crook'd Manse', which appears here, updated and revised: https://www.chaosium.com/blogyou-cant-keep-an-old-haunt-down-reminiscing-about-the-crackd-and-crookd-manse
  11. Thanks, please post any suggested corrections here:
  12. With the release of Mansions of Madness Vol 1 on PDF, this thread is to catch any typos or errors spotted. Please note them here, quoting the page number, the error, and the suggested correction. Many thanks!
  13. Who knows what happens behind closed doors? Out now in PDF - two fully updated and revised CALL OF CTHULHU classics, along with three brand new adventures, and all can be played as standalone adventures, used as sidetracks for ongoing campaigns, or strung together to form a mini-campaign spanning the 1920s. Includes updated and revised versions of classic Call of Cthulhu scenarios Mister Corbitt and The Crack’d and Crook’d Manse, plus brand new scenarios The Code, The House of Memphis, and The Nineteenth Hole. Buy the PDF from Chaosium.com now, get the full price of the PDF off the full-color hardback when it is released later in the year: https://www.chaosium.com/mansions-of-madness-vol-1-behind-closed-doors-pdf Also available at DriveThruRPG.
  14. Almost there with THE PEGASUS PLATEAU! Here are a few more layout pages to pique your interest in this new scenario collection: (Please note these pages are w-i-p, the book hasn't been finished yet. We will set up a tribal edit thread in due course - once the book is out in PDF release. Then all suggested corrections are located in one place for our reference.)
  15. COVID-19 Shipping and Fulfilment Update - May 2nd We hope that you, your family, and your friends continue to be in good health. Chaosium has been fortunate that (so far) throughout the COVID-19 situation all our warehouses remain open and are able to ship product. We also opened a new fulfilment warehouse in Canada last month, something we'd been working on for some time for the benefit of our customers north of the border. While delivery times may be slower than usual, the only country we currently cannot ship to is Norway. We will announce any changes to our shipping and fulfilment status as the situation continues to unfold. Buying electronic versions of our products from Chaosium.com or DriveThruRPG is of course, unaffected. Remember, if you buy a PDF direct from Chaosium, you get the full price of the PDF off the printed book if you decide to buy it later. The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting communities everywhere. We are all in this together, all over the world, and it's never been more urgent to support the global response. Here are two ways we're helping support those efforts: Face Masks Now available at our Redbubble merchandise store: the Mask of Nyarlathotep, and other Masks to wear until the Stars are Right again! Buy any 4 and get 20% off. For every mask sold, Redbubble is donating a mask to the Heart to Heart International charity. Last Faction Hero With our friends at Second Age Publishing, on itch.io we've released a new 'Print-And-Play' board game, Last Faction Hero, set in Greg Stafford's World of the Glorantha. The game is "Pay-What-You-Want", and until May 30th, we're donating 100% of all proceeds to the World Health Organisation's COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund. On behalf of the whole Chaosium team, wishing everyone all the best until the Stars are Right again. — Rick Meints, president Chaosium Inc.
  16. Last week we were pleased to release Würm, the Ice Age RPG. Originally published in French, our friends at Nocturnal Media successfully Kickstarted the English language version of the game. Backers got their copies in 2018, and we're now distributing it - check out the Würm product line here. For some insights about the game from its designer, here's a Q&A hosted by the Hardboiled Gumshoe's Office blog. It's with Emmanuel Roudier, creator of Würm: https://gmshoe.wordpress.com/2015/11/18/qa-emmanuel-roudier-wurm
  17. Thanks to everyone who entered our RuneQuest coloring contest and congratulations to the winners: the Pegasus Plateau, as colored by KJD; Armand Raynal de Maupertuis's Glorantha Bestiary cover; and William O'Neil, who summoned some Praxian gods when coloring in the Shaman picture from RQG. They will all receive a Redbubble art board. While we wait for the Starts to be Right again, if you'd like divert yourself with some coloring THE RUNEQUEST COLORING BOOK is still available as a free download from our website.
  18. Redbubble is now offering Masks, so we've made some that include the Chalana Arroy runes. (Before anyone asks, we haven't made a Malia Mask).
  19. Redbubble is now offering Masks, so we've made some that include the Chalana Arroy runes. (Before anyone asks, we haven't made a Malia Mask).
  20. Now available at the Chaosium Redbubble store: the Mask of Nyarlathotep, and other Masks to wear until the Stars are Right again! Buy any 4 and get 20% off. For every mask sold, Redbubble is donating a mask to the Heart to Heart International charity. https://rdbl.co/2VU2tjX
  21. Originally published in France, Nocturnal Media and Chaosium are proud to present Würm - The Ice Age Roleplaying Game to an English-speaking game audience. After Nocturnal Media's successful Kickstarter, Chaosium is distributing the game. This acclaimed game is a system-lite RPG set in the prehistory of humanity, deep in the ice age, thirty-five thousand years ago. In this long-forgotten time, many powerful creatures roamed a vast territory covered in steppes and taiga, reaching from the white mountains to the raging sea: mammoths, aurochs, bison, giant deer, cave bears and cave lions. Among these huge creatures, two species of humans live in small communities of hunter-gatherers: the robust Bear Men (Neanderthals) and the taller Long Men (Cro-Magnon, or Cavemen). The Würm core rule book is a full color hardcover. It contains all the rules you need to play the game, with four introductory scenarios, each one offering a specific atmosphere, including adventure, investigation, melancholy, or humor. One scenario is also designed to introduce younger players to the game. The Würm line also includes two "Voice of the Ancestors" adventure books, a further scenario booklet, the GM Screen, and the Würm Art Book, showcasing the distinctive art from the game. Würm is available now in physical and PDF formats. The physical books include the PDF in the purchase price. Physical books are available from our USA and UK warehouses. These books are currently in limited supply in the UK warehouse, but we will be shipping more there and to our warehouse in Poland soon. https://www.chaosium.com/wurm-the-ice-age-roleplaying-game
  22. Here is HARLEM UNBOUND, quite literally *unbound* – Rick has approved the printer's proofs and the presses in Lithuania are now running!
  23. Our next RuneQuest release is the scenario collection THE PEGASUS PLATEAU, and layout is almost done! It's going to be a fine-looking book; to whet your appetite here are a few layout spreads:
  24. Sorry, there are more Lightbringers than physical copies of P:GtA left, so not enough in stock to warrant putting it on sale.
  25. More of Loïc Muzy's magnificent work-in-progress from the MALLEUS MONSTRORUM, due out later this year. Seen here, Courtier of the King in Yellow, Avatar of Nyarlathotep (the Bloody Tongue), Scarecrow.
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