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MJ Sadique

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Posts posted by MJ Sadique

  1. 7 hours ago, jajagappa said:

    Except he obviously has a living body when he returns.

    Exactly like when Arkat came back from the death by the Lighbringers Quest... having your body intact is not a prerequisite to "Coming back from the Underworld". Unlike Resurrection spell which are undoing Death (Separation of Body and Soul).


    Also something bother me cause he seems to be an opportunist with a huge ego at best, a weathervane at worst :

    • He work for Lunar after coming back in mundane world
    • He side against them when he razed Dunstop, the retreat in Muse Roost (his new capital city) to write his books
    • The last part of book (written in 1640) of Ethilrist mention Phargentes the younger which gave him a secret and he did not like Argrath's way to look down on him.
    • Later on, his Black Horse Troop was part of Lunar side in the Battle of Dantolfol in 1645 where Phargentes the younger died.

    Basically a hero for some heroquester but more like Hungry for Power mercenary for others; Very similar to Harrek in some lot of aspect...

    • Like 1
  2. The ability of Ethilrist is more akin to a partial form of the Lightbringers Quest as He enter a path to Underworld near Nidan Montains a century ago, he plunder hell and came back by his own mean to the mortal world after.

    In his book "A History of My Black Horse Troop" (GtG 750) he said I "crawled back from the Underworld that time and could do it again if necessary" when speaking why he does not fear Harrek.

    So If you kill him, he does not need anyone to come back, he already know the path to escape the Underworld. More a method to escape hell than a spell; it's more like Jaldon who made pact/vow that permit him to came back from hell whenever the Bisons are in danger (which happen pretty often).

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 12/6/2022 at 7:07 AM, Rodney Dangerduck said:

    Any advice?  What combinations have you found effective or interesting in your games?

    So you are stuck with a few spell, which cause you a problem, let's see Ernalda Arsenal.

    • Ernalada "Eligible Defensive" Spirit Magic : Shimmer (-5% hit chance per MP) , Vigor (+3 HP & +1HP per localisation for 2MP)

    Also Remember that the spell is use on a target not only on his body; As your are not running around naked, a goddess my bless you or your weapons alike ^^

    • Ernalada "Eligible Defensive" Divine Magic : Earth Shield ( aka the indestructible Shield of Arran)


    A bit of munchkinism with a touch of Eurmal blessing, you can state that she have "before hand" done a SPELL TRADING (which state state "the Earth goddesses allow spell trades only if the High Priestess of the temple approves."  ) to have a "defensive" divine spell of Babeester Gor, guardian of Earth goddesses, like Shield which is compatible with Shimmer and Vigor; This spell is also easily High Priestess Approved unlike Axe Trance or Berserker.

    So you may get a Shimmer 4 + Vigor 2 + Shield 5 + An Indestructible Shield :

    • -20% chance to get hits
    • +3 Total HP, + 1HP per localisation (prevent a bit of losing a limb or drop your weapon in battle)
    • +10 AP, +10 CounterMagic pts
    • One Indestructible Shield, held in hand or in your back (usual Anti-arrow/backstab cheat)

    Spell trading can be use for a lot of others spells but Lore wise, Babeester Gor is more reachable for any priestess of Ernaldada.

  4. On 11/22/2022 at 12:31 PM, Andrew M said:

    The character in quesion does indeed now have an heirloom bow with a spirit magic matrix inherited from an Aunt.

    The origin of the bow may solve your problem as there is two fundamental different philosophy of bow :

    1. The traditional / Occident style : the bow is your weapon, you are to becoming one with your bow to achieve mastery (Aldryami style "Trance of the Bow", A children of the Forest with a Fanatism spell could do the trick -Despite my thinking, yes fanatism is applicable to bow/crossbow user-)
    2. The/One Oriental style : As suggest Mugen, The Arrow is the weapon, you are to becoming one with your arrow to achieve mastery. The bow is just a gauntlet/Atlat/hilt for the arrow (If your character have inherit someone who pratice an oriental style, this may be your best to go)

    The difference is more liked to a philosophy/Magical approach of thing; If one firmly believe and was teach that arrow is the weapon then he/she may use arrow as throwing dagger/sword but others who try to imitate he/she could not (the god or spirit will refuse to act).

    In term of Glorantha's magicology, it is thz difference between an Illuminated Humakti and a classic Hero/Runelord of Humakt : The first understand the very nature of Death and can use arrows (bows) without breaking any geis but the second cannot.

    May you accept that your character have receive such teaching and bow as heir of an oriental_practionner/Illuminate then he/she can use an arrow (bow) as a weapon/sword BUT all his geis about sword/weapon will also apply to arrows (held or used with a bow) ... nothing come without risk

  5. On 11/14/2022 at 6:00 AM, Squaredeal Sten said:

    What do you do when you have a roll on the resistance table and one side (or both sides) has a value over 21?


    ● Calculating the knockback roll for two large opponents in accord with the written formula on  p, RQiG page 224:  STR + SIZ vs. STR + DEX. 

    For example an adventurer STR 17 SIZ  15 , total 32 vs. an NPC STR 11 DEX 11, total 22.

    I have a problem applying this to very high values, where it seems to have exaggerated and disproportionate  effects  - see examples below.

    Which method do you use?  Or do you use a different method that I have not thought of?


    Method A:   Follow the written formula on RQiG page 145.
    Method B:  Subtract the difference between the higher characteristic and 21, from both sides.
    Method 😄 Divide both characteristics by a number.


    Which method do you use?  Or do you use a different method that I have not thought of?



    Both methods ARE FALSEs and incorrects... which creating those exaggerated effects

    Original table is ONE characteristic VS ONE characteristic :

    • Cha1 vs Cha2 : 50% +5% per Delta (Cha1-Cha2) ie POW 18 vs POW 24 : 50 + 5% x |18 -24|  = 50 + 5% x 6 = 50% +30 %

    Original table with TWO characteristics VS TWO characteristics :

    • Cha1+Cha1' vs Cha2+2' : 50% +5% per Delta (Cha1+1'-Cha2+2') ie 18+18 vs 24+24 : 50 + 5% x |18x2 -24x2|  = 50 + 5% x 6 x2 = 50% +30% x2

    ==> This is where your "exaggerated and disproportionate  effects" came from, so do not use it. Also the substract 21 method just hide the problem, the divide by 2 will stop working if it is One Characteristic vs TWO characteristic (surprise charge STR+SIZ vs SIZ) or even a group fo 3 vs group of 5 test.

    Which method do you use?

    Like most, I don't use the table since the mathematic calculus is easy : "50% +5% per delta".

    As per Original table for 1 vs 1 Characteristics

    1. Better : RQ method for Cha1 vs Cha2 : 50% +5% per Delta (D100 scale/roll, Active player make the roll, 1% chance of Draw)
    2. Faster : HeroWars/Heroquest method for  Cha1 vs Difficulty (D20 roll/scale, Active player make the roll, 1/20 chance of Draw)
    3. Stronger : For group/complex tests Cha1 vs Cha2 : Cha1 + 1D10 vs Cha2 +1D10 (D20 scale, each player make a "secret roll" and tell result or lower value, around 1/10 chance of draw at max)

    In case of multiple characteristics, I add a simple step but very important one.

    1. Better : RQ method but best Characteristic for test and others ones as bonus (like passion or affinity). It's still within RQ rules !
    2. Faster : HeroWars/Heroquest test with a bonus +1 to +5 for a supporting chac/skill/spell. It's still within the HW/HQ rules !
    3. Stronger : Just use the sum of all charac + 1D10 per charac : Σ Cha + D10 vs Σ Cha + D10.

    For the stronger method, you can change the 1D10 to 1-3 D6 for tampering or rising the random/luck effects. 1D6 is ok for low levels, realistics or basic situation and 3D6 is better for heroic deeds, very randomly situation or fantasy bonus (Like Divine Intervention/Inspiration). It's the only way to tamper with your RNG to avoid "exaggerated and disproportionate  effects".

    • Like 1
  6. On 11/28/2022 at 6:58 AM, Jex said:

    there is a priestess of Chalana Arroy in the village where the adventure takes place
    I know resurrection requires the spirit of the deceased to be defeated in spirit combat.

    Another way to do it : Do not follow the "Rune spell description" which is available to player but what is know about Resurrection by the Priestess.

    What I mean is :  To do the very first ressurection, Chalana Arroy need to go to hell, find the spirit of the dead and have Orlanth (the murderer) be presented before Yelm (the victim) then after they need to convice Yelm to go back with the living (spirit combat).

    For a Chalana Arroy priestess a resurrection may need/ask for some peculiars extra conditions :

    1. CHALANA ARROY accepting the Resurrection (If the body is poisoned, she may refuse as the victim may die again : go find and cure the poison first😉. Using Divination before using resurrection is mandatory for all my priest(ess) as the goddess may refuse before hand)
    2. The murderer, like Orlanth, need to be presented to the victim (Alive or not); If not the spirit combat will be harder +5/+10
    3. Someone who participate to the ritual need to convince the victim to go back to the living world (I personally choose a player with a Risk-to-lose-POW as Damocles's sword if they failed 'cause you don't play with the soul of a victim at no risk. Also a victim afraid to be killed again may be harder to deal with +5/+10 to the victim pow)
    4. The body + head need to be the good one, almost intact or healed before hand (a counterspell present may hinder the ritual as well as Eurmal's benediction or any gods/spirits malediction. idem for a shard of TrueStone with such magic).

    Even If your player know about the spell, in Glorantha, their characters don't !!! a Priestess of Chalana Arroy is the one with the last word about how resurrection may work or why it may fail ! You need first to negotiate with her spending a 3 POW / SEASONS-Worth-of-BLESSING spell 💰💰💰.

    Resurrection also is know to have sides effects : Memory lost (who did kill me anyway ?), Absolute rejection of death or the opposite Absolute fascination of it (Like a I will become a Humakti in glory of Lady DEATH).

    These are the ways I use to prevent Abusing the gift of resurrection... Lankhor Mhy spells are much more effective in that aspect.

    • Like 2
  7. Or just to help a not-so-bright adventurer who got his foot inside a bear trap or any kind of booby trap 😝. but I like Ludo way of thinking out of the box...

    • Devise (05) : This is the skill of both assembling and disassembling mechanisms such as traps and locks. (RQ RiG p186)

    Disarming such trap need a devise skill roll so the healer should have son experience in this which justify the +10%. It's way better than sawing your foot 🧐

  8. On 8/18/2020 at 9:42 PM, French Desperate WindChild said:

    She plays harp and sings

    she can only use her specific runic spells when she simultaneously plays and sings

    Her magic is focused on creating temporary emotions (pleasure, peace, sexual lust, rage or fear) but not to entertain.

    When she is playing, anyone listening her must stop any activity/discussion and see her, feeling the emotion she decides to create (one emotion for all her public)

    As soon as she stops, the effect ends, people go back to their activities but the feeling remains for some time (1 hour ?) at a lower level.

    the god(dess) worshipers are in some way cursed: As they provides temporary emotions, they cannot feel true and great passions ( max 60%), they cannot truly enjoy the life

    I don't know if this deity exists (I mean is named / described somewhere). If not all idea about a name / location is welcome too

    On 8/19/2020 at 9:10 AM, French Desperate WindChild said:

    by mind manipulation powers yes. But I don't want a winning goddess  (yes I know, she doesn't win all the time). I would like a victim

    Usually I would say Uleria because The Harp, songs and Emotions really fit the goddess of Love (You can use Ernalda profile in RQG since she is not listed) and in a second hand the curse way make me think about the First Harp Myth and Harana Illor. Harana Illor may still have a tiny cult even if the goddess is no more (the same) and As she hold the Harmony Rune using harmonisation magic (groups trance) really fit her.

    There could be some second hand gods like Hyraos, Dara Happan God of the Harp and we don't know much about (Good to improvise a new cult, and create a myth where the god like Orpheus lost his love trying to resurrect her and failed and now all his cultists have lost their love to death and must seek the scattered part of the goddess to bring her back to life...).

    Like there exist a Golden Bow cult, you can also create a First Harp Cult which as a mythic's part of ancient god can still give Rune power but with a limitation of broken curse...

    Make your choice...

    • Like 1
  9. On 8/17/2020 at 11:17 AM, EricW said:

    1) The point is, chaos was scary and wrong even before the Unholy Trio took an interest. ...
    2) And illumination is generally bad. A handful of beings are strengthened by illumination, but most "succumb to the darkness without a struggle", or hatch murderous plans to dominate their fellows using the new powers illumination has delivered.

      1/ yes, Chaos is Bad, Very Bad, Wrong and Scary ....
    2/ Nope, as sword is not bad, nor is any power, nor is Illumination... just badly use; very-very badly use

    PS : I've got some thoughts to share about Chaos / Entropy and why they are so much badly understood... but I'll live it for another time.

    On 8/17/2020 at 6:51 PM, Sir_Godspeed said:

    This is a very Orlanthi-centric account, which is par for the course for Glorantha, but it bears saying.
    Vithelans will see things differently.
    Kralorelans will see things differently.
    Many Pelorians will see things differently.

    Perfectly agree, And I will say even more....

    Arkati Mode On 😈 (To stay in the illumination thread theme)
    As an Arkati, I'm a tiny bit Illuminated because I understand the universe from an outside point of view (First step of Illumination)

    When Orlanth refuse to recognize the merit of Malia, he force her to seek a power none should take away from her ... Chaos was created
    When Orlanth refuse to give justice to Thed, he forced her to seek vengeance ... Chaos was need
    When Orlanth refuse to kill his faulty brother Ragnaglar, he let chaos roam free ... Chaos expand
    And finally when Orlanth started to see the danger of the Trio, he still did not send them to hell nor imprison them : Orlanth use death to cut their ties with his tribe and banish them out of his kingdom : Chaos spread to the whole universe.

    Orlanthi claims that Chaos exist before them to not bear the guilt that their acts create the Chaos : Whenever an orlanthi refuse to recognize the merit of akin, whenever they refuse to give justice to the weak or Whenever they refuse to punish their own criminal kins ... They create chaos !

    (Should use this in a scenario ... I'm sometimes very proud of my own impro ^^)

    Being Illuminated just sometime mean you understand the myths beyond the simple story, the rules of the universe beyond the normal use... a bit like understanding the limits and the mechanic of a spells/ability and going to do a Munchkin's topic post. (Player living outside of the myths are already a kind of Illuminate, they understand thinks beyond what a simple gloranthan see).

    • Like 1
  10.  Pro- "Zzabur savior of the World"'  Mode ON 🧐

    6 minutes ago, dumuzid said:

    When did Glorantha exist before, or without, Chaos?  The Chaosium is the source of primal creative power, Chaos is the infinite from which form itself arose.  The trolls understand this: Bozkatang, the first true Chaos Fighter, faced and defeated the first demons born from the Chaosium long before Yelm drove the trolls aboveground.  Chaos cannot be allowed to win, but it is a necessary component of the Gloranthan cosmos.  Always has been.

    On 8/6/2020 at 1:37 AM, MJ Sadique said:

    Zorak Zoran rule when dealing with Chaotic : Do you know when a chaotic lie to you ? They still exist !
    Whenever you hear someone tell you "chaos is cool, illumination protect you from it" ...remember, their lips move and they still exist ! 🧐

      The greatest lie of Chaos : making believe you need it and that everything come from chaos...

    Remember : Adamant is The materialisation of Law which destroy chaos by it simple contact. Chaotic will tell you that Chaos create law which perfectly destroy chaos... yes primal chaos is pretty stupid and no chaos is not a component of Glorantha. The Runes are element of Glorantha, there is no Chaos Rune, no chaos Nexus in the Spell plane, no Chaos domain in the Rune Plane nor any Chaotic Majestic Spirit ...
    Dragons are the only stranger with an Gloranthan Passport, Chaotic are illegal invaders and Jabberwock are illegal immigrants (in rq3 and only because Sandy really love them ....)

    8 hours ago, Darius West said:

    The fact is, Glorantha existed perfectly happily before chaos, and to remove chaos would be an immense blessing.  There is no "spiritual message" involved here.  You have bought into illuminate propaganda that "chaos isn't so bad", but go back and read about the Greater Darkness, and compare that to what the world was like prior.  Glorantha doesn't need chaos any more than you need a malignant brain tumor Eff.  The whole idea that chaos is somehow necessary or "not so bad" is provably false.

    Yes, And the removing of Chaos is the next Zzabur's project, the Great Blast was just a misfire... Chaos ultimate annihilation spell is being inscribing right now 😉

    8 hours ago, Darius West said:

    Now let's think about this in terms of chaos features.  You can play an illuminated Storm Bull/Uroxi who has chaos features, and nobody could detect the chaos features.

     Honi soit qui mal y pense. 

    An Uroxi with chaos features ? Why not a Broo healer of Chalana.... Oh yes the broo healer exist and he remove all his chaotic nature, he is not illuminated, just wise ^^. An any Uroxi getting a chaotic feature should just kill himself right on the spot ! If he can't he will go looking for an Oreanos or a Zorani for an Immediate and swift-Axe-slicing Help.


    One thing Darius, Why the Garter reference ? Dragonewt don't wear them 🤣 ...

  11. 16 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

    Personally, I can see the possibility of a character having awakened their Fetch, but unable to discorporate (e.g., HQ reward - great for the extra POW & CHA)


    I envision a Great Trolling Moment when the horned man (with Eurmal advice) give you your fist Taboo : "You cannot discorporate unless for doing a taboo pilgrimate". MUAHAHAHAH 🤣


  12. On 8/14/2020 at 6:24 AM, Shiningbrow said:

    10 AP would cost 55 POW.

    On 8/14/2020 at 10:53 AM, David Scott said:

    Unless you take a taboo.

      Why only one ... ability extension for 10 AP extension cost 10POW with 9 taboo. I have rolls the taboo, I just have all pilgrimages to do, never use an axe (what for ? I'm shaman not zombie-hunter), and I must cast my spell with spirit-speech in singing (which will torture my enemies eardrums). It lessen the cost and give a real Shaman Vibe to your PC ...

    On 8/14/2020 at 10:22 AM, French Desperate WindChild said:

    I cannot believe that in a world where enchantment technic exists and a temporary effect spell exist, there is no way to transform the temporary spell into enchantment.
    The only issue is not rp but gp what is the cost* to not break the balance ? ... *cost is not only POW (or other stat) but also mundane/heroic material.

    Balance + Rule ...........  I'm the guy your looking for 🧐 because it's pretty much easy for me who do rules tuning as much as I breath

    Enchantment by a French Sadistic Sorcerer 😉
    -Power effect : 1POW for each Intensity, the spell activate for its natural duration with no MP cost.
    -Duration effect : Depending of the magic used, you can rise the duration or increase number of used before having to recharge the object

    1. Theism : 1POW for +1 Extension duration (max 5 POW for 1year) based on extension spell cost
    2. Sorcery : 1POW for +3 intensity duration (3POW for a day, 4POW : a week, 6POW a year) based on Inscribing spell
    3. Animism : 1POW for first 5 pts spells, 3POW until 1pts, 6POW until 15pts and 10POW until 20pts (For 3 uses, double cost for unlimited use) based on taboo cost progression

    -Recharge (Cool Down effect) : When expired each matrix need 1 day to a week of cooldown to naturally recharge himself. Generally done in the appropriate place (temple, place of power) or time (Sacred Time, Sacred day of the cult ) for a quick charge (a day).
    -Extra Cost : Depending of the ritual magic rites (I like hitting players on their pocket money).

    1. Theism : 1 Cow or a Golden wheel for each POW, plus an extra cost for runic material (enchanted gold for yelm, iron to humakty). (Gods demand sacrifice)
    2. Sorcery : 1-5 weeks for each POW depending on the number of runes and techniques, plus extra cost to feed an protect yourself to not be interrupted. (Sorcerer need time)
    3. Animism : A cost worth 1-2 full week for "hiring" 1 shaman Assistant and 1D6 Spirit Dancer for each POW. Extra POW don't need more time but more people 5POW : 5 A.S +5D6 dancers. (Shaman don't need time, they need a big party ... ).

    Yo frenchy pal, does these balance n' cost please you ?
    edit : correcting a mispell

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  13. On 8/9/2020 at 5:19 PM, Kloster said:

    It was the case in RQ3. You had to enchant each location separately. This is why I never made more than 1 enchant per location.

    Yes, you had to enchant each localisation separately but there was a loophole : You can create an enchantment to cast the spell which affect the whole body (Spell matrix : 1POW => 1PA full body) and the armor / strengthening matrix was per location but with a generous +1D6 Pt (1POW : 1D6 PA per location).

    The spell matrix was as much over-powerfull as the actual "inscribing spell" but the armor matrix is still a big three times stronger than a spell in terms of cost/effectiveness :
    -An Enchanted shield with 4POW get an average +12 PA (~24 total AP), rendering most attack ineffective.
    -An 6POW strengthening matrix on your both arms get you +9 AP per arm And as parry with your hand stop as much as your HP localisation (3+9P = 12 AP), rendering most attack ineffective even unarmed

    These are the few examples of rules breaking enchantment, 1POW for 1PA per location is the fairest rules to me ............ but it's out of the reach of RQ-G campaign's PC because there is more efficient way to use your POW, so there is no need for armor enchanting when you can create long duration spell in sorcery n' theism OR use a shaman ability to make a permanent protection spell. And in the Orlanthi campaign, there is Orlanthi... Orlanthi skin only wear blue protecting war paint, armor is for the weak 😛

  14. 44 minutes ago, Frp said:

    I hope they don't bring them back. 

    I hope they do !

    2 hours ago, jajagappa said:

    I believe that Jason commented somewhere that both Armoring and Strengthening Enchantments were dropped as they were considered "broken" (or perhaps just made PC's too strong).

    Yep, I absolutely totally agree with this estimation...

    4 minutes ago, svensson said:

    So what exactly makes Armoring Enchantment so 'broken'?

    I had done some rough estimation (last week) about them and clearly its too strong because losing 1POW for 1AP cost you 7MP per week but a Sorcerer spell cost around 15-20MP per week to have a chainmail-like armor (depending on rq3/rqg rules), a Runelord need to block  at least 10 RP to create shield-spell-with-one-year-duration for equalling the 1POW for 1AP ratio.

    In terms of POW cost, it was too much advantaging to create a permanent 1AP for 1POW only; For a RQ3 fan, I always hated the POW economy and the Armor enchantment was a good thing for shields and weapons strengthening but far too much powerfull if the protection is extended to the whole body.
    Any items giving you 1-3 AP was not a big deal but the day you find a ring of protection giving you the protection of a chainmail, without the ENC downside, without need for reparation and at same cost of your chainmail 😒... you will become a God-Learner breaking the laws of the universe for mass producing magical items cause you found out material armor are trash.

    After some calculation (I will spare you), The only way to have an Full Armor Enchantment that don't utterly break the system is to have a 1POW for 1AP per location, which mean 7POW for 1 Full Body AP. A bit costly at first sight but more fair compared to other enchantment.

  15. What is canon ? Easy

    The Legendary ever-changing color T-shirt of Greg the Great

    The Vegan Carnivorous read as herbivorous Moro-Tapir

    And Any Thruth like "There is less gods in Glorantha" followed by "But we can't tell you the details, it will spoils the mysteries".

    You don't understand @Beorne ? Neither do any of us ! In doubt between two book, take the Biggest and Heaviest books* with the most reference about Danold the Duck and you'll hold the Truth. Duck are the Canon or 🤨 Duck are in the Canon !!?


    *Usually Glorantha encyclopedia : "The Guide to Glorantha vol1&2", The bible "Prince of Sartar" and the book with the most awesome pics of your library ! (edit : correcting a mispell)

    • Like 1
  16. On 8/7/2020 at 12:29 AM, Ian Absentia said:

    Or are the rules there in print just to appease rules lawyers and grognards?

      I VOTE for this one : rules for grognards and lawyers 👍

    7 hours ago, Monty Lovering said:

    So, basically an average human taken to 0 HP will bleed out and die or have their brain turn to mush because of not breathing after two minutes (10MR). None of this dead in 12 seconds stuff, it's just not a thing. Unless they lose their head or its contents or have extreme damage to chest or abdomen, people, don't die that quickly.

    Some will said your are a simulationnist, I will just said you have some rare around here ... some common sense. Yes, a human being don't suffer any brain damage after stop breathing about 2 minutes at least; I don't think gloranthan's humans are weaker than earth's human so I also consider at least 10 rd in dying state before treating a Character as dead.

    To add a little drama or manage the suspense, when reviving a dying man, a healer need to use a spell or a skills to
    -Get the dying man HP from negative to 0pt
    -Then Make an opposition rolls with extra-healing pts VS Dying rounds : If success, the dying man is now alive with 1HP (what ever the spell effect could be).

    The opposing roll give a more blurry line of dead/alive state instead of the near instant dead rule. Magical reanimation is a good and realist way to use healing magic without the need of a resurrection spell for each cardiac arrest or drowning. I mean what Arroin skills are for if not reanimation or saving drowning elves (My pc had prove this : elves don't float well and carrying a truestone as wergeld/offering is a good thing).

  17.  Pro Arkati Mode ON 😈

    On 8/3/2020 at 8:42 PM, French Desperate WindChild said:

    Do illuminated lunars "embrace" chaos because they are Illuminated or because the way of the moon is that chaos is not to be automatically destroyed so it is helpfull to illuminate people (so free them from the fear of chaos) to teach them the way of the moon ?

    First rule when dealing with lunars : Do you know when a lunar lie to you ? Their lips move !
    Zorak Zoran rule when dealing with Chaotic : Do you know when a chaotic lie to you ? They still exist !

    Lunars use the power of Rune of Moon and state of Illumination to hide their chaotic face and show off their untainted one. Like the moon, the try to hide their nature but we all know they still are chaotic. Lunars and Chaotic tell you that Glorantha is a bubble of order in an Ocean of Chaos, can you really trust them ? Illuminate know why you don't have to fear chaos, because Chaos cannot win, nor is dominant against order.

    On 8/3/2020 at 8:42 PM, French Desperate WindChild said:

    who are illuminated people we know that are not illuminated by lunars ? How many of them did embrace chaos ?

    A lot of people have been illuminated long before Nysalor and lunars ... Humakt and Uleria for the gods, probably Arkat the first hero and a lot of unknown people. How many embrace Chaos ? None ... Only chaotic try to become illuminated to hide their trueself, When you attain Illumination, Chaos is just a kind of pollution : A power for the weak and corrupted, True Illuminated don't need Chaos. But chaos need it to hide itself...

    Think about Humackt and Uleria, does they need Chaos ? No. But Chaos need death and sex to terrify their enemies and attract some propects (allies).

    Whenever you hear someone tell you "chaos is cool, illumination protect you from it" ...remember, their lips move and they still exist ! 🧐


    On 8/1/2020 at 5:41 AM, Squaredeal Sten said:

    Is there a source of Issaries legends suitable for heroquesting as something other than Orlanth's sidekick?  I see the Lightbringers Quest in King of Sartar,and other stuff also provides material for Orlanth, but no such equivalant for Issaries.  What do the poor Issaries do at Sacred time?

    As Harst you may have to go on a Quest like Harst when he try to get the hand of Yudam-aryam's daughter, The core of the quest should be a successive exchange of good/powers with friends to provide something for the Clan of the father-in-law. A good Adventure seed to create some relation and families ties.
    As Garzeen, you might follow the Genert Quest as Garzeen hae the duty to Re-assemble all missing piece of the old god because Garzeen try to seduce Fenela, Daughter of Froalar; She is now out of the god reach but as he promised to fullfill her request to reassemble the body of the Genert, Garzeen's follower must do this quest. A good Adventure seed to go suicide your Pc in the desert ! (Cult of prax had a funny little story about this : An excellent scenario intro where a priest try to escape the quest).

    As the Cult of Issaries was changed during the second Age by God Learner, another suitable Quest should to restore the god ancient tradition which may be a good adevnture seed for Goldentongue but sadly I don't remember where I read about this... someone else might help (Hilfe  @Jeff ^^)

    Reference : Cult of Prax p59 or Le maître des Runes (French version trad)

  19. 6 hours ago, EricW said:

    My point is, making machinery work is difficult, even when you have a good idea what you are doing. Very simple machines, like a sword with permanent bladesharp, everyone knows how a big knife works. But something remotely complex, like the machine which made that sword - unless you are a Thanatari with heroic access to consume scroll and a library full of forbidden technical manuals, just getting one machine to work would take an entire lifetime, if you were lucky.few old engineer friends

    The Thanatari It remind me of Warhammer 40K mechanical religion ... 🤣

    Thanks to magic, most Gloranthan quest doesn't need aeons of research. There is a lot way to reconstruct such mechanism, the most classic way will be to ask a Lankhor's priest to "read" the history of the objet or convince him to decipher ancient grimoire with his gods disks. There is a lot lankhor of simple magic which could kill any investigation-plot or solve your "how do we use this ?" magical items/potions !

    Another way, my favourite is to find an "old engineer" like "Leonardo the Scientist" who is know to be a Pre-eminent magician of God Forgot and as he can often be seen paddling his way across the sky in his Pedalcopter, you'll need a cooperative.
    I had use sometimes Leonardo as a "guest star" in my scenario 'cause he is fun and sometimes give players some of his "mechanical toys" to thanks the players for their hospitality or release him from his boredoom by letting play with their puzzle box (an sparring them a full season/year of headache). Usually, his toys are mainly a rubik's cube (which is a deciphering machine but no players understand it XD), a mercury dwarf pills organizer he get from a hero hundred of years ago (which can generate sevens sort of pills when empty) and so on...

    Another life saving encounter is the Dwarf of the Pass, friendly to human (Flintnail Hardeye or Isidilian the Wise, depending if they the same dwarf of not)...

    6 hours ago, Snugz said:

    Just don't overdo it. :)

    Yeah, one of my main problem 🙄

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  20. 4 hours ago, kr0p0s said:

    But what of Zistorite belief, sorcery and artifacts, especially in Maniria. May some of this have survived in the cities of Highwall and Vision, especially in the Slontan relics there in the Low Temple. May unholy machine creations lurk in the ruins on the shores of Maniria ?

    Has zistorite are a Gods-Learners creation, all their artefact and cult was destroy with the fall of Jrustela and every peoples linked to Zistor or any god learner creation meet the inquisition. Which usually mean if there is anything, it's well hidden, forgotten or very dangerous. Some Orlanthi who had plunder Zistor itself may have some creations as part of their regalia (like Lankhor MHY runes disks used for decipher grimoires)

    I will take the exemple of the "The Antikythera mechanism" : It's remnant was discover around 2 thousand year after the boat among wreckage retrieved from a shipwreck off the coast of the Greek island. You may found some Zistori equivalents and like the "Great Sage Equal to Heaven" said the mechanism "would have been worn out over the centuries" but the Antikythera mechanism was not unique, there was at least 2 others ones.

    You may not be able to repair it but a (hero)quest to found the missing pieces to have a complete mechanism is good adventure seed (You could travel from Pavis to God forgotten then finish in Manira... ).

    • Like 2
  21. 7 hours ago, seasparrow said:

    Hello Friends

    The themes I personally want to focus on are low-fantasy, community level adventures in mostly one small area. I loved the idea of settling a new land, and creating a new clan-- that is why I was bidding on the Dorastor book, so I could read the Riskland campaign setting. Also really lean into the "everyday" magic and life in an extended family, and building up a homestead from nothing. Also, interaction with gods, but in a smaller scale way-- answers to prayers for minor problems, divine assistance with the birth of a calf, that sort of thing. I want to keep the scale small and personal

    I am not afraid to spend money or track down older books, if that is what it takes-- within reason.

    Others Alternatives could be the Old "Borderlands" / "Shadows on the borderland" and the old Sand Box area "Griffin Mountain"... low fantasy, small area oriented scenario/campaign. If you're not afraid of PDF version, you got them on chaosium https://www.chaosium.com/runequest-classic-pdfs/.

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  22. 2 hours ago, Crel said:

    I'm not sure it's complete and total "egregious munchkinnery" but one spell I'm starting to suspect is increasingly shenanigans is Arouse Passion.
    At the moment, only Ernalda gets the spell (according to a quick Ctrl-F of my PDF). It felt like an underwhelming spell to me at first (which wasn't a concern since otherwise Ernalda still has some awesome magic), but from my experience playing with it, and as I try thinking on it, I wonder if it's her most useful proactive magic. Rather than reactive magic, like healing.

    The downside is that it's somewhat expensive for the effect. Worth the Rune points, ...

    Great found Crel, I can envision how Ernalda, the courtesan,  seduce Orlanth the dumb !!!

    Spell may be costly but I can clearly see a Game-of-Throne plot start :
    -Samastina, Ernalda Courtesan : Oh my lord, would you promise to love me faithfully for this year
    -RuneLord Garrath (not so in love) : Yes I promise !!!

    -Samastina, Ernalda Courtesan : One the name of Ernalda...
    -RuneLord Garrath (not so in love) : Yes, for the love of Ernalda (And your wealth)
    -Samastina, Ernalda Courtesan cast Arouse passion 5 (Love (Samastina) +100%) + Extension 5 (Duration 1 year)
    RuneLord Garrath / If he resist she know he is not faithfull and bye-bye the money... So he don't resist the "little benediction from the goddess"
    -Samastina, Ernalda Courtesan add "Runelord Garrath" as a new Pet (he is worth 10RP)


    9 minutes ago, Akhôrahil said:

    Peace is another spell along those lines - it takes all non-Rune Levels whose POW you overcome out of the fight, leaving you free to slaughter them (I would imagine they’re allowed to run away, though).

    (Obvious caveats about cult restrictions.)


    First if you are in the area you'll be affect (unless runelord or spell to resist a 6pts magic spell) and second, as per Rune Fixes 2 about extension, the spell will stop even during it's effect if the purpose of the spell is violated or invalid*. But a peace with duration could be a great detection spell (within 1km, if someone try to exploit the magic effect, the spell stop and everyone can fight...)

    * : "If they no longer are acting according to the spell’s function, then the gamemaster should announce that the spell’s effect ends."

  23. 8 hours ago, Gman said:

    Hello all, I just ordered the Guide to Glorantha and have been slowly reading it.  Does the Guide contain everything in the Source Book or do I need to get that too?

    The Guide to Glorantha is the Encyclopedia of Glorantha you'll have all Glorantha infos on it but it is a massive one : 5.7 Kg (just measure it with the case). Good for a GM at home to prepare a scenario or do some bodybuilding, not for a scenario at your friend house !!!

    The sourcebook is light in comparison : 900g with two hundreds pages about a lot of thing and a good theogony with a lot of Illustrations : Ideal for quick look and a play session. You may  even let it in the hands of players using the bookmarklet to tell them where to look. Unlike the RQG books, there is no rules so no real-game-spoilers.

  24. 5 hours ago, David Scott said:

    Fortunately, that's not my real world experience. The highest concentration of rules mongers is on this forum. 🙂



    It's Sooo TRUE ! 🤣🤣🤣

    RQ always hold the palms in hosting rules mongers and House-rulers. (I'm part of the mass too).

    5 hours ago, Glorion said:

    Well sure, but large numbers of both GMs and players are rules mongers who are not satisfied with anything if it doesn't work according to the rules. Even on this thread, half of the posters seem to think that assistant shamans need to learn the Discorporate rune spell, and now you have posters inventing a brand new shamanic ability to gain a taboo for. I have provided a reassuring practical justification to satisfy those of us (self included) who are not satisfied with something that looks like a glitch in the rules and want it to be just part of the ritual (the first part, the days long cave meditation) in a way that works ruleswise, while avoiding unnecessary annoying complications that just make life harder for the players and don't feel shamanic anyway.

    Glorion ... today you see a green T-shirt and the color does not please you. I can assure you one thing ... when the time come, you will also see that this T-shirt is not green it's a magnificent Blue-Face Shamanic color. (I surely merit a big stick on my head for this ...). But I can understand your actual you and I found a loopholes (hum.. humm) in the rules to satisfy the "I-don't-want-a-rune-spell-to-discorporate" groups : CHA4029/Spirit Combat Fumble 96-98 : No-a-shaman-guy, the spirit combatant’s body and spirit separate (combatant discorporate).

    Now you have your green T-shirt rules ! you want to discorporate without being a shaman nor use rune spell !!! Problem-solved 😇

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