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Posts posted by ThornPlutonius

  1. I would base my choice of time on the nature of the ritual or tome.  What are the effects of the ritual?  What sort of knowledge is in the tome?  The greater the effects of the ritual or the more complex & dangerous the tome, the longer time to perform/read-comprehend.  Also, the more time involved, the more room to play out the slow corruption that comes from exposure to them.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Hzark10 said:

    to be honest, because coins are one item I don't always have, I used dice.  Simply go odd-even and you have the same idea.

    Ubiquity dice can be substituted for coins, too.  They are geared for binary odd/even rolls.  Odd = failure.  Even = success.  The official Ubiquity dice are further designed to statistically represent the rolls of many dice with few actual dice. 


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  3. 2 hours ago, soltakss said:

    The Human Race, The Vulcan Race, the Minbari Race, the Aslan Race and so on.

    All of which usages have made me twitch.  /laugh/ 

    My favorite feline species is that of the Chanur series.  I think the author did an excellent job of translating cat behavior into a sentient high-technology species.

  4. 2 hours ago, David Scott said:

    The great thing about original traveller (1977) is that it had no setting. Book 1 had this excellent section:


    "Nowhere in these rules is a specific requirement established that any character (player or non-player) be of a specific gender or race. Any character is potentially of any race or of either sex. "

    When we got this we played all manner of creatures. I played a saurian from Poul Anderson's Satan's World. The next version changed it all and reduced a broad background to the Imperium setting and we had to wait for alien stats to appear. Original traveller was a real breakthrough for us (at the time) D&D players.

    I find it amusing that your group took the meaning of the word "race" in the Traveller rules to be the corrupted meaning used in D&D (i.e., to mean "species").  This comment is not meant as a criticism.  It is just a plain statement of amusement from one who has always been a bit pedantic about word meanings.

  5. 20 hours ago, RosenMcStern said:

    Some games have this approach, indeed, listing all skills, feats and powers in the chargen chapter. But I find it a bit cluttering. And it would require a major reorganisation of chapters, which I would rather avoid.

    However, some examples of the stunts and powers you could choose would be useful. Noted.

    Then add an appendix with all of the skills and traits listed together so that one can more easily and efficiently reference them.

    • Like 1
  6. No bug up my ass, except for a growing hyper-sensitivity to the inherent dishonesty of modern marketing.

    My posts (I am the same person, different handles due to G+ rules about pseudonyms when i registered there) were an attempt to urge the Chaosium marketing away from what I perceive to be untrue statements about their product.  Mr. O'Brien's statement about distinct features may have been true in 1981, but now there are many games that hold the qualities that he claimed to be distinct to Runequest Glorantha.  I'll not belabor my point.  It is clearly not shared by many others.  I hope R:G sells well and that many folks enjoy it and Glorantha.  I expect to own a copy if it, too.

  7. Unfortunately, those points do NOT make RQG distinct among other RPGs. They did when Runequest first came out, but not now. Folks can play in Glorantha using Hero Quest. The other three are also properties of Mythras, Open Quest, Legend, Revolution D100, etc.

    I understand that you are promoting your wares. RQG is worth promoting. The features that you mention are worth having attention called to them. Please be a more honest in your marketing. Please don't make claims that are not true.

  8. On 6/1/2018 at 7:02 AM, Grievous said:

    That is a very solid review indeed. Once I get to running this Runequest, I might want to go back to this and have my players read parts of that to get some of the nuances of role-playing in Glorantha.

    It is a very good review, but I do wish the author had not chosen to denigrate the work done on the game system by The Design Mechanism and Mongoose by asserting, "Nor did these subsequent editions really improve RuneQuest itself. Each fiddled with and tweaked the system, more to justify the existence of publishing a new set of rules than anything else." 

    I do not deny the influence from a financial standpoint to produce new revisions and supplements over time to maintain a revenue stream and I acknowledge that some questionable choices were made by Mongoose.  However, my reading of and experience with the work that Mssrs Nash and Whitaker put into refining the game system suggests they have done a great service to the evolution of the RuneQuest/BRP system and that their work was done out of respect and fondness for the system and the long history of RuneQuest.  Surely the reviewer could have lamented the separation of the game system from the much beloved Glorantha setting without belittling the devoted work of others on the game system itself.

    Edit: I did not notice that I was not quoting the post quoted in the post that I quoted.  This is the referenced review:


    • Like 4
  9. It WILL be available via retail in U.S. stores, though, right?  I'd rather not pay the (quite reasonable for EU-to-US) shipping fee of ~US$9.00 if I can avoid it.  I can wait to buy it through my local store if it WILL be so available (understanding such availability will, to some degree, depend upon a local store's supplier).

  10. It looks to me like they should find a different word than "fanaticism" since the meaning has shifted over time and usage.  Or, provide a definition of the word with the spell to remove confusion.  In other words, tell the reader EXACTLY what the rule designer means when s/he uses the word "fanaticism".

    [Ah, I was on page 1 of the thread when I posted, didn't see there is a page 2.]

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