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Vorax Transtellaris

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Posts posted by Vorax Transtellaris

  1. I much prefer sci-fi and horror over fantasy so I hardly read any fantasy. One serious case of a waste of my time was reading/skimming through The Clan of the Cave Bear, part one of Jean Auel's Earth's Children series. Suffice it to say I didn't even bother about the rest of the series. Do not waste your time on this load of pseudo-scientific New Age b.s. that's really nothing more than an overrated penny-dreadful that happens to feature mammoths.

  2. Yep, this is very close. So close in fact that from what I can (I cannot read the captions very well) tell that that comic could be the Green itself.

    The Green does include a few fantasy races, but they are not quite the typical elves and dwarves:

    The Maprusi are intelligent apes (like the comic).

    The Tree Children are pygmies who live in boughs and use wood magic.

    The Togod (called goblins by mankind) are Similar to orcs, but use Totemic magic. They often take on the features and abilities of their tribe or clan's totem animal.

    The Morpa are rare, scholarly, sloth-like beings. Who, like the tree-children, use wood magic.

    Although there are a few others that is the maine line-up. :thumb:

    sounds good sounds good :thumb:

    It may be that the only thing I may have to adapt is the appearance of the different races/species. I want them to be green or have a plant or tree-like appearance, so they really are part of the ecosystem they live in. One (or perhaps even more) race/species of intelligent apes also fits in very well. (This might even be converted to Eden Studios' Terra Primate for an action-packed one-shot! Including Unisystem stats in an appendix. ;))

    Still very much interested!

    P.S. Have you considered adding a sentient fungus? :cool:

  3. From what I've read there aren't any elves or dwarves in The Green. The Bog Trolls I'm sure you could convert to something suitably Lovecraftian.
    Theoretically you can convert anything into anything. The usefulness of the supplement of course depends on how much converting it would take for it to fit my rather specific needs ;).

    However, even if it doesn't fit those needs, I might still order it if it turns out to be interesting and different enough as an independent sci-fi/fantasy setting. As I said before, the whole concept sounds very promising! :thumb:

    I didn't misread your post. I'm trying to say that the background to The Green is versatile enough to fit into any fantasy setting, including Lovecraft's Dreamlands.;)
    Then I misinterpreted your post :).

    I would personally like to use The Green as an undiscovered, unexplored "lost world", either on earth or on another planet. Travelling there could be by the usual means, by an experimental spaceship or by an interstellar/interdimensional gate.

    Puck, The Green also reminds me of an episode in the comic series Storm titled The Green Hell. Here's a link to the Wikpedia page: Storm (Don Lawrence) - Wikipedia.

    In this link you can take a look at a preview of the book: Storm 4 preview.

  4. That is odd. CoC was the last type of BRP setting I was thinking of when I was writing this, but this has been mentioned more than once. (...) There is a malignant or chaotic force/sorcery/religion in the Green called the Une. There is no reason that that could not easily be grafted into something Lovecraftian. I have not read Dreamlands so it is hard for me to say, although I am guessing the Green will not resemble it at all. Think Skull Island/Pellucidar/Glorantha with big trees.
    I am not familiar with any of those places except of course Skull Island as depicted in the 1933 version of King Kong. A place like that would be great to use in CoC.

    The setting/scenario doesn't have to be particularly Lovecraftian but I would like it to sort of fit in with that pulpy, mysterious adventure and exploration atmosphere of the weird tales and fantastic cinema of the 1920s and '30s. IMHO elves, dwarves and trolls do not fit in with that.

    The "malignant or chaotic force/sorcery/religion in the Green called the Une" does sound good! :thumb:

    (...)I am not sure what Zoogs are?:confused:
    They're a kind of Dreamlands creature. I am guessing Conrad misread my post, assuming I do want it to fit in with the Dreamlands, but I do not. So Zoogs should not be in The Green. ;)
  5. I'll certainly keep following its development and make up my mind about it after I have read a couple of reviews.

    I do like the idea of this massive forest with different sentient races and cultures living and interacting in it. I don't mind magic per se. I am just not too fond of fantasy races that are too similar to the overly well-known dwarves, elves, trolls, etc. I was sort of expecting kind of "foresty" races, if that makes any sense. Beings and cultures adapted to life in The Green since that is where they evolved. Beings and cultures that seem weird and exotic to outsiders.

    The thing is I would want to use The Green as a place my 1920s CoC investigators could travel to and it should not resemble anything that may be found in the dreamlands. I guess that's rather specific.

    Nevertheless, even if it turns out not to be what I'm looking for I am sure lots of people will love it, because the idea is really cool and exciting.

  6. This is so funny – I just got to the battle of London tree this morning on the train, and here is a new thread about a world based partially on “Integral Trees” – I can’t wait!

    I loved "The Integral Trees". The description of The Green also reminds me of Brian W. Aldiss's "The Long Afternoon of Earth". I hope the final result will bear more resemblance to "The Integral Trees" than to just primordial forest fantasy.

  7. jeah ... did the same kinda... but I when I printed out the resistance table my printer did not print out the active and passive numbers :S I have no idea why it did that.
    Have you ever checked reviews of the most recent edition of the CoC Keeper's Screen? :rolleyes:
  8. I am currently 37 years old, I live in the Netherlands and started my first CoC scenario about halfway last year. I have been playing and running RPGs since 1992 - GURPS (in varying settings: fantasy, cyberpunk, starwars, pirates), Warhammer Fantasy, Over the Edge, Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Trinity, Vampire: The Dark Ages, Noir and KULT - but only got drawn into all stuff Lovecraftian in 2004, when I met my Mexican girlfriend who recommended Lovecraft's horror stories to me.

    While I was checking bookstores for a collection of stories to my liking I remembered a copy of CoC (I think it was 5th edition) sitting practically unused on the bookshelf of a friend of mine. He had mentioned it occasionally to me but never got into running it with our RPG group. I borrowed the book, read it, and immediately ordered a copy of the 6th edition for myself. Since then I have been hooked.

    I have too many interests to mention them all but generally each of them is more or less related to one of the following themes: old sci-fi and horror films, anthropology and archaeology esp. of Mesoamerica, drums, animals and natural history, photography, reading, RPGs.

    I prefer horror and sci-fi over pure fantasy films, books and games.

    I was introduced to BRP through CoC and am now waiting for the basic rulebook to arrive in the mail. The main reason for finally ordering it is that some of the upcoming supplements and settings for BRP seem very interesting for using with CoC.

    Something I haven't seen yet but would definitely be interested in is a BRP supplement enabling you to add space travel to the classic 1920s setting of Call of Cthulhu and set scenarios on other planets of our solar system, as they were imagined in period sci-fi literature (For example making Venus a world of jungles and swamps in habited by intelligent amphibian/reptilian humanoids.)

  9. My problem with the Resistance Table is not that it's overly complex but that it assumes an active and a passive attribute. Who gets to make the roll on the resistance table when two player characters are opposing eachother? Player one, player two or the Keeper/GM?

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