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Yelm's Light

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Posts posted by Yelm's Light

  1. 3 hours ago, jeffjerwin said:

    Maybe they ate their dead out of reverence, like trolls (and certain human cultures in our world).

    Those are almost exclusively ancestors.  The ones that eat vanquished enemies are substantially rarer and shadier.

  2. 23 hours ago, Joerg said:

    If you take the Greek mythology back to Glorantha, the bath won't destroy your body, but dissolve your identity - memories, passions, ...

    That was the river Lethe, another one of the five rivers of the Underworld.

  3. 2 hours ago, PhilHibbs said:

    Page 50

    Should Men-and-a-half get any of the basic Praxian culture skills like Survival +10%, Speak (Tradetalk) +10%, and Speak Own Language (Praxian)? They all get Spirit Combat +20% as well. If Prax is a highly spiritually active place, and they are a largely shamanic people, they should probably get it as well.

    For my character creation spreadsheet tool I will add an Agimori culture that gives all these.

    Assuming that they live on the Plains, I'd allow all of those.  Nothing particularly controversial that I can see there.

  4. I doubt it.  Dragonewts don't seem to be quite conformist enough to form phalanxes, and given their natural armor they might prefer the flexibility of dual weapons.  I could see individuals choosing shield, though.

  5. 5 hours ago, M Helsdon said:

    Powerful swords often taken on a life of their own, and frequently bring doom upon their wielder. Whilst it isn't mentioned in the rules, it is also possible that there is a physical effect when the sword is in the presence of its intended victims (perhaps it starts to glow or hum), and possibly even a spiritual effect, as a troll shaman tied to the Death Rune might be aware of its nearby presence.

    The Mournblade effect...

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  6. I don't know of another list, but I might've missed it.  As for your second question, sorcerors are able to cast it.  What day they use it determines the bonus or penalty; it's not optional.  So if you try to cast a water rune spell and it happens to be Windsday, you suffer the penalty.

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  7. I've had some limited experience with cattle.  There's the issue of corralling stragglers, which are generally less likely to be moved off their track.  (Especially with cattle, which I am convinced are the dumbest animals on the face of the earth.  6 am 'cattle calls' where one or more of the walking stomachs had somehow worked its way through barbed wire were a weekly occurrence.)

    You can physically move a sheep.  Try it with a cow.

  8. 5 hours ago, Mechashef said:

    Obviously my real world experience has no bearing on the rules, but nearly three decades of martial arts experience has taught me that when holding a kick shield (about 10cm of padding), strong kicks don't hurt the arm holding it, but instead hurt whatever part of my body lies behind the arm.  Frequently this is because my arm is forced hard against my body.  Though my arm seems to take the punishment without problems, my ribs aren't so fortunate.  It is common to put more padding (such as a focus mitt) between your arm and body to provide extra protection.

    And then there are the injuries caused by techniques such as a front kick done incorrectly which can force the kick shield upwards and into the face of a careless but helpful holder who has their head forward trying to see what the attacker is doing wrong with their technique.

    Generally we're talking about both heavier shields and more armor on a PC.  Also, use of a shield isn't a passive process; the user is providing forward momentum to block and/or deflect incoming blows.

  9. Is it me, or does Jason look a little more Charles Bronson in that cover image than he did running the game? :D

    To be fair, the game didn't start until 2 am his time.


    5 hours ago, styopa said:

    I think that's going to be a recurrent theme between different GMs campaigns.  There's *huge* room for interpretation.

    Some GMs are going to allow whatever you can rationalize as an augment to varying degrees of silliness.

    Some GMs are going to rule them extremely narrowly to the point of almost uselessness.

    Is it a big deal?  Meh, I don't think a lot of people campaign-group hop that much so if the group is playing the way they want to, it works.

    I get that he didn't want to get too much into the weeds in an intro that's marketing the game itself, but I think it gives the wrong impression to new players/GM's.

  10. 4 hours ago, Joerg said:

    My personal experience is limited to a 16-wide multi-ton wall of beef in the shape of curious heifers following me down a slippery slope at maybe half that speed, and me being the only man-sized obstacle on the way. Even so, turning around and facing that wall of meat did bring it to a sliding stop.

    LOL been there myself...and add to that the thought processing capacity of a lampshade.

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