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Posts posted by Akhôrahil

  1. 18 hours ago, Pentallion said:

    sometimes I think some things that aren't canonical should be.  This is one of those instances.  Ian's work was excellent.

    This is what we have the word "fanon" for.

  2. On 2017-02-27 at 3:51 PM, Darius West said:

    It is never explicitly stated what happened to the lunars left in New Pavis after the conquest of the city by Argrath.  No mention of a massive cull,  no mention of a stream of Lunar refugees crossing Prax to Occupied Sartar,  no mention of business as usual or a changing of the guard.  

    I assume genocide and slavery, the way history so often goes, but that is admittedly depressing.

  3. On 2017-03-02 at 10:19 PM, David Scott said:

    Im pretty sure this is part of Ian Thompson's Pavis epic fan work:

    Vol. 1: Pavis - A Man for All Seasons (part of ‘Ye Booke of Tentacles 3’) - Tentacles Press – 2000
    Vol. 2: The Masks of Pavis - Tentacles Press, 2001
    Vol. 2A: Tradetalk 8 ‘P&BR Special, Part 1’ – Tentacles Press
    Vol. 3: The Legacy of Pavis - Tentacles Press, 2002
    Vol. 3A: Tradetalk 9 ‘P&BR Special, Part 2’ – Tentacles Press
    Vol. 4: The Shadows of Pavis - Tentacles Press, 2003
    Vol. 4A - Rough Guide to Pavis City (P&BR Companion Special Edition) - Tentacles Press, 2003
    Vol. 5: Beyond Pavis: Adventures in the Zola Fel Valley – Tentacles Press, 2004


    Is this material available aywhere on the net? Most of the specific links are broken. Almost all is out of print at Tradetalk.de, and only the Tradetalk issues can be bought at Drivethroughrpg.

  4. 32 minutes ago, soltakss said:


    taxes triumph everything.

    One of my favorite examples of this from history is how how some Muslim rulers tried to stop local Christians from converting to Islam as it reduced the tax base.

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  5. 28 minutes ago, soltakss said:

    However, because of the special nature of Waha's Covenant, I would be very uncomfortable about having naturally-occurring intelligent herd beasts in Prax, as they effectively break the Covenant. I suppose they are not Eaters as their dietary requirements have not changed, but one of the implied effects of the Covenant was to make the Eaten as beasts, i.e. unintelligent.

    On the other hand, you're not really breaking the covenant when you create herd-men out of humans (using fairly easy and standardized magic), are you? I'm confident the Morokanth would argue that they aren't. There seems to be a lot of give to the Covenant.

    • Like 1
  6. On 2017-02-27 at 1:15 PM, Darius West said:


    And of course the name has nothing AT ALL to do with Aurochs, despite the similarity of the way the name sounds?  Urox vs Aurochs ?  For shame, there is a tiny linguistic drift involved at best.

    Wikipedia: "The word aurochs was borrowed from early modern German, replacing archaic urochs, also from an earlier form of German." So it's the same "Ur-" bit.

    In Swedish, it's still "Uroxe".

    Although it seems that this interpretation of the "ur-" part might have been retroactively fitted to mean ancient, primal. Etymology Online says:

    "from German Aurochs, from Old High German urohso, from uro "aurochs" (cognate with Old English ur, Old Norse ürr), which is of unknown origin, + ohso "ox" (see ox). Latin urus and Greek ouros are Germanic loan-words."

  7. On 2017-01-19 at 7:55 AM, Jeff said:

    Rape is considered evil by pretty much every Gloranthan culture (the broos acknowledge that rape is evil but do it anyways because they hate the world). There is NOWHERE near the amount of rape in Glorantha as there was/is in the real world. In Glorantha, rape endangers the harvest, the fertility of the community, and runs the not insignificant risk of being avenged by Babeester Gor axe maidens. 

    Sexual exploitation of slaves no doubt occurs, but like many aspects of slavery, it involves "forced consent" (which would be prosecuted as rape in the US, but Glorantha is not the modern world). The Hendriki (which include most Old Sartarites) are one of the few civilized cultures that refuse to own slaves (but do have a large "half-free" community).

    Everyone condemns rape, but they may not classify certain things as rape that we would. The sexual abuse of slaves, as you mention, and I also cannot imagine that marital rape is even a concept within Yelmic culture, for instance (or most other, for that matter).

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  8. On 2017-01-14 at 1:11 PM, Ian Cooper said:

    With large military garrisons it seems certain prostitution would thrive, so waves of Maboder survivors, destitute kin of those who fight in Starbrow's Rebellion, Dundealos survivors, or kin of those who fought at Iceland, or whose family or clan died in the Great Winter may well end up in the cities, where if they have no other trade, prostitution may become an option. They are being exploited, because they are vulnerable.

    It also seems likely that there would be an amount of "part-time" prostitution in Orlanthi clans – the stickpicker woman who help ends meet by taking the occasional carl into her hut for a hunk of cheese or leg of goat, and the like. 

  9. So the Sartar: Kingdom of Heroes quote on p. 1 of this thread – "They prohibit sex [...] with members of their own clan" – should not be regarded as canonical (or at least, interpreted in some different fashion)? If so, I'm pleased to hear that – that never quite made sense to me, and it seemed like a rule that would get broken on a large scale.

    (Same thing with forbidding sex with foreigners...)

  10. So if sex within the clan is incest, what are the consequences when it inevitably happens (we're talking about people here, after all). Initiated unmarried teens who hardly see people outside the clan for most of the year, for instance – I'm hard-pressed to believe that they manage to keep it in their pants. Is it merely a minor crime (even Medieval Europe was surprisingly lenient when it came to pre-marital sex)? If it's a chaotic activity, one has to wonder how it's not a huge problem – it would seem far more common than other chaotic activities like rape or secret murder.  

    Or if between married people within the clan – would it be worse than the 'mere' adultery (in quotes because adultery is a pretty big deal in itself), a further aggravating factor?

    (One also has to wonder exactly what counts as 'sex' – only potentially procreative heterosexual acts? "I did not have sex with that clan-member"?)) 

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