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Posts posted by smiorgan

  1. This is a very important question, particularly because we have just added Combat Effect Cards to the rewards, and someone might want to secure a deck for his or her new players (or kids, as many contributors have children and use to play with them).

    To change your pledge level on Ulule, you just have to cancel your previous support and make a new pledge. If you pledged with PayPal, nothing was actually debited yet so you just do it and it is ok. If you pledged with a credit card, once you cancel you will find a "credit" in your Ulule portfolio. You can then either reclaim your "credit" (don't worry, it works smoothly, I did it once and got my money back on my Amex without any problem) and re-pledge from scratch, or use this credit for your new pledge, adding the rest from an avaiable source.

    Great! I was about to ask the same question... You know, it would be just too bad not having that deck :D

    Smiorgan rpg dad.



  2. Personally, I'd love to see a situation where the new Chaosium mends the fence there and Moorcock grants a new license, allowing access to the entire Eternal Champion IP. 

    I'd happily work on such a line. 

    It's odd that in two days at Essen, I had two completely different conversations with people who said they'd love to see a Jerry Cornelius-based RPG, which was amazing to me because (superficially, at least) it feels the least approachable of his settings. 


    Let's hope it happens! A fully fledged Eternal Champion line would be great! 

    • Like 1

    FYI - CD Projekt RED and R. Talasorian plan to release a Witcher RPG mid-2016. I have no clue why it ended up being R. Talasorian. Maybe they were the only company that asked? I don't have high hopes.

    I've never played anything by Talsorian and I know nothing about the FUZION system, so I really don't know what to expect. The blurb on their website is kinda sad. I hope they don't botch it, because the Witcher's world deserves a really good game.


  4. It seems like Département des Sombres Projets manages to deliver. How hard can it be for an American or British company? That's an honest question; I am not discounting the possibility that some kind of wrinkle actually does make it more difficult for American or British publishers. As for it being the IP itself:

    My guess is that Moorcock's demands are very reasonable. At the same time, it should not be forgotten that Stormbringer was a bigger game in France than it was in the USA. 

    It certainly isn't, I agree, and largely because so much of what we take for granted in fantasy today has taken inspiration from aspects of Moorcock's work. OTOH I think there is something about this IP that stands out and remains very marketable.

    Even if it's an ubiquitous inspiration the younger generations might not know it. For one, I'm not sure that many fans of Sapkowski's Witcher novels (let alone video games) are aware that Moorcock is a major inspiration.

    BTW if I had to bet on one successful license for a dark fantasy pen and paper rpg in the European market, I'd say the Witcher. 



  5. I'm pretty sure this is a topic best directed at Michael Moorcock himself. Moorcock's Miscellany might be a good place to inquire. I seem to recall MM was somewhat displeased with Chaosium over the handling of his IP, but who knows what his stance is now?

    His fallout with the old Chaosium was very public, I'm not sure he can be convinced to grant a new license to the new Chaosium. I'd say the change of management at Chaosium might help. 

    If I remember correctly the reasons of his dissatisfaction were two: 1) financial reasons 2) the graphical quality of the product (art, layout, etc.).

    Obviously we cannot say anything about the financial matters not being privy of the contracts. On the second issue he honestly had a point especially if one consider the monographs and some of the later Elric! titles. Mongoose did not serve him much better though in the graphic department. Especially the MRQ2 Elric products are very iffy as far as layout is concerned and art was sparse.

    The Mournblade products put out by Département des Sombres Projets are graphically goregous and very evocative. As far as rules are concerned its mostly the magic system of Elric MRQ2 ported to a non-brp engine (their in-house "Choose your dice system).

    In my dreams of dreams, Chaosium gets the licence for doing Stormbringer 6, with revamped RQ rules by Loz and all the art and layout from Sombres Projets!

    A man can dream, no?




    • Like 1
  6. Moorcock seems to be very happy with what the French are doing with Mournblade, or so it seems from his posts on Multiverse.org. So, I guess he would support an English translation/ adaptation of that game, provided that it's done by a solid company capable of paying regularly the royalties.




    That said, I think it's a good idea to pick a small list of Special Effects for a new player that suit their character. Don't block them from using the full list, but just give them a small list to digest first. 


    If I get to play RQ6 with my kids I will make special effects cards for them. They will start with a small "hand" of effects adapted for their characters. And there will be a full deck of effects on the table. The idea is that they can either select an effect from the hand or draw a random one from the deck. 

    D&D4-style power cards simplify a lot the handling of games with many options. I love to use cards when I play 13th Age. And my kids like cards and are used to manage complex rules written on cards. They are both Magic players.


    • Like 4

    Characteristics are the traditional range. They're not percentile. And combat will include Effects. Saying that they're only suited to a specific style of game play is to miss their point entirely.

    Loz, I think most people here are really looking forwards to the new BRP, admire your game design skills and applaud your efforts. And.... we will continue to miss a lot of points! :)

    By the way, people missing the point of a game mechanic can be very informative for a game designer.  Maybe the mechanic is OK, but its presentation can be improved...

  9. Personality traits were originally in Griffin Mountain, and then found their way into Pendragon.

    Passions as found in RQ6 (and they are in BRP Essentials) were created by me for MRQ1 Elric of Melnibone, and subsequently developed through MRQ2 and then into RQ6.

    Passions were already in Pendragon (Hate Saxons!). But they were d20 based, of course.

    They had been already ported to BRP by the authors of French Hawkmoon, for the supplement 'Fils de Granbretanne in 1999:


    They made crazy Granbretannian extremely fun to play. But they were generally useful to get the feeling of the Hawkmoon stories. 

    That said, I guess Loz's idea of including them in MRQ1 Elric was completely independent from the French authors. And a damn good idea it was! :)

    I'm pretty excited they will be in BRP Essentials. And I look forward to a lot of passions in Mythic Iceland ". Will your wanderlust win over your love for the beautiful Hildur and drive you set sail towards far-off Vinland? Will you loyalty to your Godi inspire you as you search the barren volcanic highlands for traces of his son?





  10. Here is version 3. This is it. I'm exhausted and I've exhausted my nerdthusiasm for this monster...

    To recap 

    - Only complete games. So, no Corum, no Delta Green, no Luther Awkward. I've made an exception for Mythic Iceland, because it's to become a full game, and because I just love Mythic Iceland.

    -Only d100, so d20 based BRP-ish games are out. No Pendragon, first of all. Mutant is in Mutant Chronicles is out.

    - Original non-English games are in. I have French, Italian and Swedish entries here. I've added the Italian "John Doe" in v.3. I've surely missed some others.

    - Modded, expanded, reworked non-English editions are in. Italian and French BASIC, French Hawkmoon, etc. Again I'm sure I've missed stuff.

    - The future is in, kickstarted and announced BRP games have made their appearance in v.3!





    • Like 14
  11. I think there's a couple of issues here. Elfquest rpg actually predates RQ3. As Sandy Petersen explains: Steve Perrin used it as a testbed for developing the RQ3 rules. https://rpggeek.com/thread/687987/what-went-wrong-elfquest-one-authors-comments


    Also I'm pretty sure Ringworld predates RQ3. Ringworld is a very different beast to RQ3 and is very much its own, unique deadend in the BRP world. The impulse system, tree and branch skills and so on never showed up anywhere else.


    Other than that I think this is great. 


    The idea I tried to express by putting them side by side with RQ3, linked without an arrow, was that they are RQ3's "twins": they were developed in connection with the development of RQ3. For ElfQuest this is very clear, ElfQuest's combat and task resolution system is almost pure RQ3 and your quote of Sandy Petersen confirms that.

    Ringworld perhaps is a different story and a "unique dead end" as you say. I have vague recollections of a RQ3 feeling, but I'm not a great Ringworld expert. I should look at it.



  12. Whoa - the italian version sounded more cool than the english ones!

    Ok, you convinced me to put it in the family tree...

    Here is the BASIC rulebook...


    The Ancient Egypt supplement...


    And the not-Jurassic-Park supplement:


    They were quite well done and fun, but also very short and kind of minimalist booklets and so they left you wanting more...I think one of the authors posts on these forums from time to time.




    • Like 2
  13. Are you telling me that there actually is an italian version of BRP? heck, I've bought an english one just yesterday... :mellow:

    In 1996 Stratelibri did an Italian translation of the original Chaosium BRP booklet of 1981, packed with the Magic World rules. It's called BASIC and it's a very nice little booklet and you can still find it on Ebay for reasonable prices. But if course it's not the Italian translation of the big BRP book of 2008.

    I should really pick it up again and play it...

  14. Andrea, you left out the ITALIAN version of BRP (Stratelibri, 1996) :angry:

    Yes, I know. I wanted to put it in, since I love that little book. But isn't that more or less a translation of English BRP+Magic World? The supplements were original (West, Egypt, Dinosaurs, Alien), though. In contrast, French BASIC has significantly different rules.

    But, may be I should appeal to the rule of cool and put it in, after all!




    • Like 1
  15. Here it is! The big BRP family tree 1976-2014

    It's a first draft. I've tried to follow a few rough criteria:

    1) stick to complete d100 rulesets, no supplements, no d20 using games.

    2) Follow system similarity / borrowing rather than setting when they diverge.

    3) Include also non English games when they are original/ modded games rather than mere translations

    4) Can skip editions that did not change the rules, but I include them when they are sorta cool.




    • Like 10
  16. If answering to forums is dramatic change in management then Chaosium really was dead (but dreaming) :P

    I understand it may seem funny, but it's a fact. The lack of communication from the old Chaosium was legendary.

    For instance, here we were used to get some information from freelance authors, such as Ben or Jason, but I don't recall the former president of Chaosium ever posting here (correct me if I'm wrong). Things started to improve, however, when Ben was briefly hired by Chaosium.

    Anyway, it is very good to see Rick posting here.


  17. Cthulhu Dark Ages is being redone. After the Vampire Wars is being worked on too. They'll be back soon enough.

     Rick, thanks a lot. I hugely appreciate Chaosium being present and responsive on these forums!

    It seems there has never been so much stuff being worked on in ages. And still you find the time to post here. One has to recognize this is a dramatic change compared to the old management.



  18. If Chaosium ever does a second edition of Magic World I wish it would look a bit like a d100 version of "Beyond the Wall". 


    The Southern Reaches with their encroaching dangerous fairies are an ideal setting for this kind of fantasy. 


    • Like 3
  19.  The MD folks have said that the actual state of the company finances was even worse than G&S had thought when they originally stepped in, 10K in the bank and a 7e printing bill for 100K is a hole that isn't easy to climb out of so a lack of a concrete statement on the future of MW is small beans. Be thankful you actually have material already out there to play.

    What a disaster! We have really to be thankful that Greg and Sandy came to the rescue and they that Moon Design was ready to take responsibility of the company, 

    • Like 1
  20. Concerning skills and traits in stat blocks:

    How do you read Stealth [Hide, Sneak] 67%?

    I understand that the ninja has at least 67% of succeeding in any stealthy endeavor (e.g. camouflaging a cart in the woods) and has 97% (+30 bonus) when it comes specifically to hiding and sneaking around. Correct? Or it means 67% when hiding and sneaking and 37% general stealth?




    I generally like the stat blocks. They seem eminently back-compatible despite the rules innovations.



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