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Everything posted by jrutila

  1. This section was of great interest to me personally as I am planning to run the starting scenario from the "Red Sun Rising" book from D101 Games. This section paints a picture of ancient, patriarchal and conservative culture that is now influenced by Lunar religion. That is in line with the scenario. Apparently the "Lunarization" of Peloria went much more peacefully than in Sartar? Is it that the Sun and the Moon are not competing of the control of the same space like the Moon and Air are? Maybe they rely on the priests to bless them properly before the final trip. Pelorians still sacrifice to gods in Yelm pantheon. Probably those gods will then speak favorable of the candidate.
  2. And one thing to keep in mind with the Orlanthi is that (if I have understood correctly) kingship/chieftainship is not inherited in the same way as in our world. It seems to be more of a political issue, but of course one's heritage has great influence. On the other hand the King/Prince of Sartar has been descendant of Sartar for decades.
  3. The Orlanthi culture is propably the most familiar due to most other published material depicting it (at least Dragon Pass area). The way of life and social classes are familiar from the game King of Dragon Pass. Maybe good thing to emphasize is the clans (that is also discussed above) role in everything. An orlanthi is not an individual but a member of a clan first. This section contains one more colored picture (on top of the appearance picture that is giving a look of rarer Orlanthi characters) that has high tension as the Vingan warrior is confronting the chief. Is it okay to march into chieftain's hall with your sword? Maybe, if violence is always an option and no Orlanthi would act unhonorable in the hall that is common sense to let enemies bear arms inside the tula. Flying Orlanthi always struck my odd note. I have never given it enough thought to see flying as a way to move. And it also seems a little silly. Maybe it just needs time like the ducks that are now looking quite content part (albeit small) of Glorantha (derail alert, do not proceed!). At the end of the section there is a mention about Reversed Air Rune. This is the first time I hear about it. Could someone please tell more about it?
  4. This whole chapter was new stuff for me. All in all Pamaltelan cultures are little less known and thus interesting to read about. I don't know how common it is in our world to have cultures where women are in political power by default. In that sense it is refreshing to read these Gloranthan cultures that differ from my learned norms. The map has "Maslo Culture" mentioned but this chapter does not speak about it a single word. I can find the word later in the book so maybe it will be cleared up later. The picture is enlighting. The clothing clearly marks ones position in the society. The amount of runes in these pictures really highlights the foundation of runes in Glorantha. The problem is that everytime I see a fantasy-themed picture in the Internet I cannot straight away apply it to Glorantha. I always find myself thinking how many runes the picture is missing. I am having mixed messages with Doraddi religion. They worship Pamalt pantheon but their religion is shamanic. There was in some older HeroQuest book about this mixed, weird magic where animist way of magic was used to interact with gods. I don't remember the term but is this now something like that? "We Tried That Already" is a funny way to open up the culture. If there would only be definitive access to the scriptures of "Nochet Knowledge Temple"
  5. So, Fronela seems to be the place to go if you want to meet some Hsunchen people. And there seems to be pretty straight forward beasts (at least in the major influences) that it is easy to think how they would act. I remember there was a RuneQuest scenario (I don't remember the name of it) way back then that introduced these turtle people on an island. Nice to match them now to represent Hsunchen. The relation with their totem animals is interesting. After reading "Beast Brothers" and "Food" I am not sure what I would answer if someone would ask for example do Uncolings eat reindeer? So is it forbidden or seen as a way to fully .. hmm, utilize... your brother. On the other hand for example Rathori are wearing a bear hide and others also wear their totem animals. Picture of the Hsunchen hunter and shaman is really interesting and inspiring. These pictures paint the picture of how Glorantha would look the best way. I always try to spot the runes from these images. Do Hsucnhen tattoo themselves with the runes? Every item on the shaman and the hunter is for some magical use. Not just decoratives. These Hsunchen people worship greater spirits. Is there an explanation how this would happen somewhere. A god can be present everywhere at the same time, but does this also apply to these greater spirits? Or do the worshipers have to travel to some spot everytime or does the travel happen by shamans in the spirit plane? I have heard Hykim and Mikyh mentioned before but didn't really know what they (it?) were. This genealogy of course tunes with our animal taxonomy. Is the Mammal Mother also the mother of platypus-god in Glorantha?
  6. I have played a solo HQG game. It is the intro adventure "Return to Apple Lane". The AP contains also Mythic GM emulator stuff. Hope this helps. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uECRhgQD1-a3mg6BjbEMeaWjqTjRso48aXOcgNibAgs/edit?usp=drivesdk
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