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Everything posted by Dogboy

  1. They are Midget Slashers. As you say, Muri don't suffer the Curse of Kin, so I thought they would likely use Slashers instead. For some reason I thought Muri would "doc" their arms, probably so they couldn't bite off too much of the prey animal. I was playing with the idea of giving them tight thongs on their necks, similar to those used by Cormorant fishermen, to stop the birds swallowing their catch. I think the skulls are Midget Slasher skulls left by hunters, but I did this 23 years ago, and I can't remember my thinking at the time. (this was my favourite of the replacement art pieces I did, though the Ice Demon came a close second)
  2. Pg. 119 I think this is meant to say "His head is shaped like an ear of barley..."
  3. the picture on page 101, was originally meant to be a replacement for the D. Dobyski Troll Hunter image, used in the Zong write up in AH Troll Gods box, as part of Tales attempt to redo all the art.
  4. I'd say there are actually 3 schools of troll art: Dan Brereton's pictures from Troll Realms & Haunted Ruins; they have the "beaked look" you mention Kevin Ramos' Porcine style from the Gloranthan Bestiary. They have the flattened nose of a pig, and was how I saw Uz until someone lent me the RQII Trollpak and I saw the work of... Lisa Free/William Church style, which is what all the art in the Guide is based on. Though it developed on from Lisas' stuff, she is the pregenitor of almost all troll art. What? I'd have to disagree. if you elongate a human face like you say, you won't get a troll As Jrutila says, Uz skulls are closest to dogs (or bats) in their morphology: The brain is situated behind the snout, and there is almost no forehead. The snout sweeps back into the braincase. In a primate, the snout sweeps up to the eyes. Most importantly, unlike any primate, there is no supraorbital ridge. The eyes are placed on either side of the snout and Uz have an orbital ligament, instead of a full bone orbit. So the eyes are set wide. Sandy felt that Uz use sonar like dolphins, but i felt it would much more likely to be similar to bats (except for sea-trolls who are vaguely delphine). Much like Trollpack, I question Tuskriders' lineage. sure they have tusks, but I reckon they are just too embarrassed to admit the baboon blood
  5. None of these are from Elder Secrets. The 2 Ramos pics are from the AH Gloranthan Bestiary, and the last is from a Tales issue. That said, I agree, it is a pity no new art was commissioned for the merfolk.
  6. Aldryami archer up in the branches, done in pencils. Gave it away to another artist, years ago, and haven't got a copy of it any more
  7. Well developing feathers would be indicative of moving away from their dragon path, so is perfect. And any excuse to promote Simons' dinosaurids is fine by me
  8. I'd say it is far more like Invasion of the Body Snatchers: "elves" are pod-people, they look human, they ape human emotions (but there is no light behind their eyes) and profess to worship human gods, but they they have their own plans, that move at near glacial speeds, to reclaim the land and limit the human "blight". This is not your friend It only wants your artifacts.
  9. I get that, and I'm not knocking the official version, just saying that I liked the attempt to take it somewhere less trod. It was a nice experiment.
  10. Now we know where the name Flamal comes from Seriously though, this is going to be very important to _some_ communities of Aldryami.
  11. Surely that is because Aldryami names are scents and pollen on the wind, or the rustles of leaves in a breeze. Who knows what Aldryami _really_ call their gods.
  12. Raupps cover to Shadows on the Borderlands is my favourite RQ cover, Jans' Pavis my fave HQ one.
  13. Those are from 3 different Osprey Books: Fortifications of Ancient Egypt, 3000-1780BC Fortifications of Ancient Israel & Judah, 1200-586BC Troy, 170-1250BC To be clear, I've worked with several people who have a very good vision of Glorantha, Jeff included. Jeffs vision is amazing, but I feel a singular vision isn't so great for creativity.
  14. When we doing the GRoY, there was a lot of too and fro, about ideas. So I signed FGS on pieces he had a hand in. For instance, this piece came about because we needed several pieces of regalia for the Muster of Khordavu. There were a orb and sceptre, and I thought having 3 objects that reflected the 3 Brothers was a good idea: Dayzatar as the Orb, Yelm as the Sceptre, and Lodril as.... a bucket or spade. Greg pointed out I'd drawn a mattock head not a spade head . Later Dayzatar and Yelm became the Sceptre, but I only ever drew the Dayzatar side. I had some whacky idea for an abstract design for the Orb, that revealed Runes if turned in the hand, but it never made it to a full illustration (it is in the final Khordavu piece though).
  15. When I first thought about this, it was a bucket, with the ears being used to attach the rope handle.
  16. I think he means this: look at the circled building here: From the POV of the Pavis cover it should be on the left.
  17. it may well be an accident. Maybe Jan Pospisil can shed some light on that.
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