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Posts posted by icebrand

  1. 16 minutes ago, Nick Underwood said:


    I bet you didn't even spam the automatic dice roll in Phil Hibs Excel character generator!

    Psychologically interesting - and I share this double bind - that we desire cheaty outcomes without cheating ourselves by actually cheating... That's some self-inflicted torment. 

    I rolled by hand, a grand total of 3 times (first two were 76 and 81 pts, and really ugly). I wouldn't be posting if i spammed a dice roller, that's not legit!!!!

    • Haha 1
  2. 13 minutes ago, Nick Underwood said:

    Which opens up the question of why any self-respecting clan hasn't created a +60 Bless Pregnancy enchantment... The (minor) sacrifice of a single generation would create a clan of perfect people. 

    (and probably ruin the game for everyone...) 

    It baffles me that bless pregnancy has a mechanical effect. Especially since such effect seems aimed at 0,000001% of legit players!

  3. Just now, Richard S. said:

    RQG gives 20L per point, or 200L per if it's one-use. If magic points are spent to cast the spell as well, each is worth an additional 1L. For RQCE it's probably safe to use those multiplied by 10, like the rest of the economy seems to be, so 200L per reusable point, 2000L per one-use, 20L per MP.

    200 reusable seems nice (should be probably more expensive in CE since prices are super wack lol).

    So far you the one winning, but i think it may be too cheap... They got HARD CARRIED by those spells (well, what they did with telekinesis wasn't actually required but they seem to think it was impossible without -thats why they asked the priestess for it- and I'm partial to let them stay thinking that lol-

  4. On 9/2/2021 at 10:52 AM, Qizilbashwoman said:

    bronze greatswords typically don't have a pointy end. it's like a long-ass cleaver with the end giving the blade structural integrity, because bronze ain't hard, it deforms, especially big-ass pieces. a poke would literally be a poke.

    Wait bronze great swords actually existed??? I thought bronze shortsword was peak bronze sword! Man i feel super Jon Snow today haha

    In any case, isn't Gloranthan bronze "better" than Earth's bronze?

    • Like 1
  5. Hi guys!!! I can't find the cost (as in lunars) of having a priest cast rune magic on behalf of someone.

    I know it's listed somewhere, but i can't find it right now and I've to GM in less than 3 hours (doesn't help my prep so far is "i read the scenario... Kinda... Well, let's say i skimmed it" 😂.

    Ayway, last session my Chalana Arroy PC chose to go on a date instead of come play (irredeemable, i know) and i replaced her for the settlements wind voice, who ended up casting sandals of darkness and telekinesis, which were instrumental on the PCs following slaughter of enemies, so of course I'm deducing the cost from their rewards :).

    So... Help? 😋

  6. On 8/30/2021 at 7:40 AM, Eff said:

    Yes. But in the RQG rules, a greatsword is a pure slashing weapon, unlike the other straight swords, which are all cut-and-thrust, so by default you're not using the thing for halfswording or poking people. I'm not sure if this is an oversight or a particular vision I'm just not getting. 

    Why not let the players half sword (1d8+1) or poke (1d6+1@) ? Maybe at -20%?

  7. 14 minutes ago, Marc said:

    So, part of it may be communication issues with the players.  However, each player has the potential to have to add multiple entries.  It's not unusual for archers to have 2 entries, occationally 3( DEX SR mod 0, weapon already prepared at the beginning of the round ).  I know the sheet will add a weapon attack in, but sometimes you have to modify the strike rank( moving a bit before attacking, casting a Rune Spell, or maybe bladesharp first ).  I just found that getting everyone entered in, correctly, usually required that I do it all( and the GM has enough to do, IMHO ), or the players taking a long time( subjectively ) to get it all in, especially with players new to RuneQuest. which I have had several of.



    To be honest this seems like a strong case for DEX-Rank based initiative like BRP4/CoC

  8. On 5/5/2021 at 8:02 AM, PhilHibbs said:

    Now that is a fair point. If you initiate into a cult and lapse, you're pretty screwed unless you're illuminated and not everyone wants to go down that path. That big investment of POW in rune points that you can't get back is a huge loss.

    But Jon Pol-Joni doesn't see his initiation into Orlanth as a bad thing. It would be akin to rejecting his culture... For what? He can always become a runepriest of Donandar and everyone's happy.

    How does he get to the point where he thinks Orlanth is wrong?? WHY?!?

    If he's just different there are other cults for him to join, he wouldn't have made it to initiate of Orlanth If he had that worldview.

    I see this only as an issue that could arise with very powerful runelord+priests that get into a serious disagreement with their god(why? How??) And decide to desert them... And that's fine they have a bunch of one-use magic now, and they are free to join a divinity they see more fitting...

    Heck, if they leave on a good note to an allied god i may even refund them some rune points in RQG (in classic they would be 100% screwed)

  9. Hi guys! Due new covid restrictions my campaign died ⚰️💀🥀 please press F for us!

    So, this is the deal, i am completely illiterate as far as vtts are concerned. What do you guys use? Is it easy? 

    We use the RQ classic rules, is this a problem? Do the programs come with rulesets or what? 

    I googled a bit and i found roll20 which apparently has CoC rules (close enough to rq i guess lol?). There's also foundry which looked kickass but super expensive.

    anyways, hope any high healer here resurrects my borderlands 😂

    Tnx in advance!

  10. 4 hours ago, French Desperate WindChild said:

    the issue with glorantha is, iron is not irl iron, baboons are not irl baboons, gravity is not irl gravity, etc..

    we have no proof of any griffin in our world 🙂


    "Enchanted iron" is steel (which at some point in history was considered magic)  Unenchanted is iron (which isn't really better than bronze for weapons and stuff).

    Gravity works the same than IRL, but it's probably a spirit or something, etc.

    YGWV but stuff works just like IRL, only there's a mythology reason instead of physics.

    yes, there is may be no gravity, but stuff falls exactly the same as if there were, so all those are moot points.

    I really don't know the zoology qualifications of perrin & co back in the early 80s, but to me it's much more likely the baboon has that STR due to the creator not being familiar with the animal vs deliberately giving them high STR for balance or lore purposes.

  11. 1 hour ago, metcalph said:

    Even the small ones can be nasty.  A while ago somebody broke into a zoo to steal a squirrel monkey as a pet.  The rest of the pack (twelve or so) drove him off with bites and scratches during which he sustained a broken leg.  

    Oh, don't get me wrong, a baboon will totally murder you (or severely injure/maim) but that's with their teeth, they aren't stronger than humans.

    The point is they aren't even stronger than humans their size. A giant baboon with 3d6 siz would have 2d6+2 or something str

  12. On 1/2/2021 at 11:00 AM, Akhôrahil said:

    And as regards strength, apes and monkeys tend to be buff.


    Chimps are around 1/3rd stronger than humans at the same size; 4d6 STR (or 3d6+6 would be better).

    Baboons are not apes, but monkeys, and would get destroyed on any strength contest against apes (including humans).

    An average human woman can most likely overpower a big male baboon IRL (ignoring the baboons teeth).

    Gloranthan baboons are supposed to be almost as big as a man, and "realistically" they should have less STR because pound for pound they are weaker.

  13. 5 hours ago, Joerg said:

    Assuming that you deposit your ransom in actual cows, as per the backstory for the "Cattle Raid" scenario in the Colymar Adventures Book in the GM Screen package you may end up herding those cattle for the temple, still harvesting their milk, and even some of their offspring.

    But then, what happens when (not if) disaster strikes your local temple? Your pre-paid ransom may be gone. You might have to wait for your temple to regain the wealth (putting you to work to make that happen), or you might have to accept spells or training you did not mean to acquire in the first place just so that you don't make a total loss.


    Your status in the clan (or rather your household's status in the clan) depends on whether or not the clan chief, advised by his clan ring, will renew your current holdings to your group in the Sacred Time Remaking of the World. They will probably let one case of needing to pay ransom for you slip without taking a look at your status. Maybe more than once if those times you need ransom happen on clan business. (There is no qualitative difference between having to pay your ransom to get you back out of involuntary guesting with others or having to pay for wounds or deaths you caused. Both will cut into the clan's resources if you don't have your own contribution to offer.) If such occasions pile up, your standard of living may drop from free to semi-free. That might mean you still keep that freeman's holding, but your household's taxation to the clan temple goes up so much that your discretionary spending is gone. (Much like having activated a private health insurance...)

    Your household will usually involve your immediate family (or in-laws, other than your children, if your character is the one who married into the household). So, whatever you do, always think of the children.


    Delivering a ransom to another party may be an activity fraught with danger. Even if the recipient of your ransom is less likely to just take the wealth without acknowledging your payment, other parties who may be potentially unfriendly to your party or their cause don't have much reason not to claim the wealth for their own if you deliver the wealth yourself. It pays to pay the premium for an independent, well-connected middleman to deliver the wealth to the intended recipients. Your party or clan may still provide some of the security to make sure the wealth arrives where it should (that helps keeping the middleman honest, too).

    One way I have tried to acquaint players unfamiliar with the concept of ransom is to have them involved in delivering a ransom. Possibly in gathering enough wealth in the short term to get the problem out of the world as soon as possible. It is also a good way to confront them with a (hopefully recurring) villain or at least strong rival in a stressful but peaceful situation.

    If it is about bringing a hostage back home, make that your uncle, cousin, older brother, or your rival inside your community. Neener niner, and all that... Imagine you are playing an Ernaldori party from Clearwine constantly in the shadow of the exploits of Vasana, Harmast and Yanioth, and rather than going to Argrath they had to turn towards Clearwine to get out of that pickle with Gunda the Guilty.

    Next level GMing!

    • Thanks 1
  14. Fire season, 1611

    The adventurers are mercenaries for an exiled noble establishing a new domain; they are tasked with eliminating the pirates of the zola fel, a band of thieving duck scum.

    But then two bold pirates, Dreamwings and Nar Rucker, managed to capture the whole group with the help of a zany pit of quicksand 🤪

    For the lay members amongst you, this is from the second Borderlands scenario, Outlaw Hunt 

    After activating the bell and on their way to the ducks lair the adventurers faced a (second) quicksand pit. 

    The Yerlornan tried to jump it and failed, falling in, neck deep. The Humakti got in (waist deep) and grabbed her, and then the Lhankor Mhy grabbed the Humakti by the legs...

    And then stealthy Dreamwings scored 8 damage points on the Lhankor Mhys leg ROFL.

    With literally the whole group immobilized, the ducks just had to threaten them a bit with their slings before the backup arrived.

    A few minutes later Pinfeather & company got there and helped tie down and disarm the adventurers (which by the way contemplated going 1v6 with their hands tied *several times*)

    Anyway the pirates successfully ransomed them to their employer, and the ducks left their lair with 100% of the loot, unscratched and even richer. They should probably get some extra magic from their new roommates at 5 eyes with all the money they brought in!

    The adventurers have their clothes, their foci (the ducks were really nice and gave back them magic wands) and very little silver back home they got from a bounty last time. 

    They also have -1 CHA and I'm pretty sure everyone laughs at their back in the fort.

    You should have seen the faces of my players. Their hopes and dreams of greatness crushed by my ducks while i just kept laughing... Man it was a really nice session, i just wanted to share and while we are at it...

    How do you figure out how much ransom is someone worth? Because I'm totally deducing it from the PCs pay!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  15. How do you play spirit/battle magic?

    Borderlands seems to assume spells are invisible (as seen for example in tusken rider tactics).

    Are protection / countermagic / shimmer "invisible"? (Well, at least until they work)

    Or do you play them as having effects? (Like bark/stone/bronze/iron skin for protection 1-4, or glowing blades for bladesharp).

    I always played battle magic as invisible, and saved the SFX for rune magic, just wondering since classic and rqg seem silent about it and rq3 says "do what you want"

    For example, the enemy can see you casting "a spell" but won't have any clue about what it is (except obvious cases like Fireblade or shimmer)

  16. 7 hours ago, Godlearner said:


    A chance that they may or may not take. It would require contemplation, meditation and reasoning. A wast majority of Chaos may not have the luxury of time to even consider.

    Uhh... Spirit gives taboo, broo follows.

    Otherwise spirit mad. 

    Broos are sentient, and not all of them are feral. They can speak, they can get rune magic, they do ceremonies ... They sure as hell are able to follow a taboo.

    A celibacy taboo can perfectly work on broo. You aren't supposed to like the taboo, it's like a divine geas. 

    If the broo doesn't like the taboo let them break it and find out what happens.

  17. 21 hours ago, Kloster said:

    P.S. Note, it does not matter if this is a house rule or not because Dullblade also affect the target, by removing 5% to his weapon skill by level of the spell, so the POW vs POW roll is mandatory.

    I don't allow pow vs pow with dullblade. You cast it and it works, unless the weapon as a spirit on it.

    And it doesn't affect the character. The weapon is -damage and -%, if the character throws the weapon and picks another they don't get any -% or -damage

  18. 21 hours ago, Kloster said:

    Oh, so I misunderstood your point. Yes, you are right, but I think you can play on the conditions (target, trigger) to say 'the spell (which automatically works, because the spirit is bound) commands the spirit to do <programmed> task, in that case, 'cast fireblade'. I agree this is not written as such, but Scotty's comment gave me the idea.

    Yes, of course, but the point was to have an automatic casting of an active (in that case, Fireblade) spell. I think I will stay with Bladesharp.

    Meanwhile I'm playing without enchants (#TeamRQclassic). I'm not a monster though, i give them rune points as per RQG, and some other stuff (like 1 skill per weapon, etc)

  19. 8 hours ago, HreshtIronBorne said:

    I am not sure how different GMs play bounc spirits. According to a rather strict reading of the rules as written getting a bound spirit to cast a single spell could take up to a round or two. You first have to cast a command spell at the spirit in the binding and direct it to go about casting spells. Once it leaves the binding to see stuff then it is completely open to being messed with by opposing magicians. Maybe even getting jacked by a shaman. You then would spend your time and concentration directiong the spirit to buff you or others. The exception in our Glorantha are Allied spirits which are specifically in a psychic link with their priest/Rune-Lord and can cast spells through each other. 

    What you describe is a magic spirit. Int spirits (and spirits in classic) do not cast magic, they are reservoirs of INT/POW. 

    In classic the spirit only served as mp/int storage. They were "free" to bind (you needed a cult animal or spirit crystal, and maybe you died trying to fight the spirit).

    There is no "control" spell for classic.

    In rq3 they were the same, only that the was a specific spirit for int (1d6 int) and a specific spirit for pow (2d6+3). They were 2 and 1 pow, and pretty harmless to fight.

    So, matrix is 1 pow/spell point, bound int spirit is 2 points for 1-6 spell points (and you can keep summoning in your spare time until you get 6 pts maybe).

    Yes technically another guy with the appropriate spell and magic sight spell can control them, but you can just slap a condition... Or you know, have like up to 24 free INT for the cost of a single 4 point spell and let them control your spirits. I'm pretty sure the chances of you killing the enemy while they spend 4 rounds making spirits go away is greater than the chance of killing them with +4 free int and the enemy fighting you.




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