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Posts posted by TRose

  1. 1 hour ago, metcalph said:

    Water wheels exist in Glorantha - the Lunar Empire is compared to a good waterwheel (Guide p307, copied from the in-gloranthan text of the Fortunate Succession) while the Astronomical Clock Tower in Kuchawn is powered by waterwheels (Guide p273).  

    For the windmill, the evidence is far more nebulous.  The Old Wind Temple was depicted as a Windmill in the Dragon Pass boardgame and also in a William Church illustration (which appears in Dragon Pass; a Gazetteer of Kerofinela).  Such a description does not appear in the Sartar Companion.  Secondly an old Greg sez said that the Malkioni had Windmills at the Dawn but again that's of dubious canon at best.

     Well if you are going to hve windmills , can they then be built over an Air  Geyser? Granted air geyser are no more predictable then water geyser and some spew poison gas.

  2.  So in Prax  as an adventure I can escape the Baboons at the  Monkey Ruins with a beautiful Herd girl on my horse and then as I ride along the coast, I see the  Statue of Liberty buried up to its neck in sand. Or a different Statue since this is Prax.

    • Like 8
  3. 5 hours ago, David Scott said:

    I don't believe that there's any form of literacy at the Paps. There are a few Grimoires of Pavis, likely accepted as part of Waha's healing, but that's it. Most of the history survives in songs and some images. The mythology can be revisited. 

     While Glorantha is not Earth, I would like to mention most non nomadic  ancient culture adopted some form of literacy in a few centuries after they came in contact with it . And while the tribes are nomadic , the Priestess at the Paps are not and would recognize  the value of written records . The Cherokee  And Sequoia are a prime example.

    • Like 1
  4.  As far as Corflu after it was sacked by the Wolf Pirates.

      A large part of the population of Corflu was made up of Riverfolk , who I doubt would have stuck around to be pillaged and sold into slavery by the Wolf Pirates. They would have quickly took to their rafts and boats and headed into the safety of the bog while the Lunar garrison and settlers where dealted with by the Wolf Pirates. And return  only after the Wolf Pirates left

      Same with the Trolls, I doubt they would have stayed and fought a losing battle when they had a safe place to retreat to. And if the Trolls took their Dragonflies with them I doubt the Wolf Pirates would stay long. The Wolf pirates might be willing to Fight a horde of Chaos horrors, but to fight a horde of Mosquitos  is another thing.

     . Corflu would be smaller and poorer then when the Lunars where there, but every now and then a Ship would stop and trade for goods from Prax or buy Provisions and the Riverfolk would continue their life as they had since the start of time.

    • Like 2
  5.  two more questions.

     What is Orlanthi law and the White Bull feeling about enslaving Lunar settlers instead of killing them? If An Orlanthi return to the farm that was seized by the Lunar government and tells the Lunar settlers he taking his farm back and you are now my thralls or you will die is this acceptable behavior?

     Second is the Grantlands and Duke Raus. In most games Duke Raus has retired and replaced by a player character of a Neutral Cult.  I know my  Yelmalian player character would quickly try to reach an understanding with Prince Agrath and not fight a suicidal fight to the Death unless that was the only option.

    • Like 2
  6.  As for as Bison riders go, I have both the Lance and Laser and Ironwind Bison riders. Ironwind are true 25 and are about half the size of the Lance and laser and are very poor quality. They look like they where made for wargaming mass armies not roleplaying . I use the Ironwind Bison for adolescent riders I might add.

      I do like the fact that the Ironwind Bison is cast separately from the rider and hope Rapier does the same. That way I can change riders out and perhaps even mount a Lunar Officer  riding a captured Bison or Rhino.

  7. 3 hours ago, Mankcam said:


    I'ld sooner just use a pack of Jelly if I want to create a swarm of Gorp heh heh

     Long ago I made some gorps out of some left over acrylic  grout( called Mastic in the UK I believe.) Stuff really great for modelling.

     Not sure what it called in other countries but it the stuff used between tiles when you are putting new tiles in the bathroom etc.

    • Like 1
  8. 11 minutes ago, g33k said:

    The legs, as-shown, look more "crab" like (with pointed tips); scorpions usually have small "foot-like" tips at right-angle to the legs.  I expect those would break off, if modelled.  So I'm good with the pointed "crabby" tips.

    Stance-wise, many scorpions have larger legs to the rear; where it's clear in the models, it's clear they have modeled the scorpionmens' legs larger to the front, allowing rhe underside to show in a front-view.  Again, I'm good with this (for artistic reasons instead of practical ones).

    Are there other differences you object to?


    Legs  come unattached. There are three holes on each side and you can attach the legs  anyway you want to.

  9.  For the record I recently bought the scorpion men and Ducks from Rapier.

     And while  I am satisfied with the scorpion men. But I should mention that their Ducks are much bigger then the Old Mongoose ducks I have .. .

     The Rapier Ducks are almost the same size as a true 25 mm Figure so are about 50% taller then the Old Mongoose ducks.

     Might mention when I ordered all six scorpion men and  I received some extra weapons, the Champion comes with the four sword pictured while the Queen has a staff, the other  other figures can be armed with  spiked clubs, spears , shields , , a sling , jabbers and claws . Wish I could have given the Queen a sword so I could use it for a certain Humkati Scorpion Queen but  maybe we can get another female scorpion man in the future. 

     For the record I want Morokanth first , along with a dragonsnail. as I can use other figures for human of Prax but there is really nothing close I can use for a Morokanth

  10. On ‎5‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 0:09 PM, jajagappa said:

    the same who get excited by a block of plastic called a Gelatinous Cube that cost ~$19.00 on eBay?

     I have a Gelatinous cube I got when I was collecting the D&D Mini game.

     It looks like some one took a paperclip holder off the office desk and put it in the oven till it just started to melt.

     And now they sell for $19 on Ebay? Hmmm I could use an old pizza pan, buy a bunch of paperclip holders and go into a side business , if the wife lets me use the oven .

    • Like 1
  11.  Also remember some wealthy Lunar might want  Aldryami as slave just because they are exotic and different.  Remember in anciet time slaves that where Midgets or Siamese twins or just far off often commanded a higher price then Thralls from the local farm.

     I could see a brisk trade in Aldryami, Baboons , Morokanth , Agimori, pygmies,  and Kralorans slaves  etc into the Heart of the Lunar empire based just on the fact they are exotic  and rare.

     A Lunar Noble shows up to an Imperial event in Glamour in  a coach pulled by 4 Morokanth, His Baboon manservant opens the door to the carriage  and bows,  His  Agimori bodyguard scans the crowd behind him while  an Eastern Island Maid demurely carries his belonging . He has made a bigger impression then the Noble who staff are all locals.

  12.  One problem we have is we don't know much about Bronze age cities except those Ancient cities except the Highly Centralized Monarchy of Egypt or Highly Stratified ones of Sumeria and later Babylon. It would be nice to know about the ancient city that stood outside Stonehenge but  outside it existed we know hardly  any thing

  13. 1 hour ago, Pentallion said:

    One of the rare "fails" in RQ IMO.  D&D has many such fails, like the dragon deep in the dungeon that's too big to leave through the passageways on the map.  How does it eat?  How can it survive?  RQ has always avoided that stupidity.  Except in this case.  Why would a Praxian want to be buried inside the walls of Pavis?  That's so unPraxian it would never happen.  And a burial mound in the Big Rubble is just begging to be plundered.  Last place a Praxian would leave a burial mound.

    It was one of those things that probably sounded good on the surface, but they forgot to think it through.

     In my opinion the so called burial mounds in the rubble are more like mass graves .

     The Nomads don't want to admit that their Khan got ambushed by the residents of the rubble  and he and his warriors where then  slaughtered and  all where buried in a mass grave so they come up with heroic stories that explain why he is buried in the Rubble.

    • Like 3
  14.  Beside the above listed cultures, you have Daka Fal/Ancestor worship types to whom burying the dead  under the floorboard of the house might seem like a good idea. People there might fight as who gets to bury Grandma under their house

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  15.  MIght also point out a good population of the ancient Greek cities  where in fact rural people who lived outside of the city. The rural folks where still considered citizen of the City, got to vote on all issues and served in the armed forces. And of course where given refuge during times of war. Also your wealth often determine what you where required to bring to war. The requirement of what each Roman citizen was required to come equipt with depending on their wealth  is well documented and I can see Orlanthi having similar rules saying if you have this much wealth, you have to own this armor and weapons and if you own say 30 cows you have to come with a Horse and fight as cavalry , 50 cows and you need to bring a horse, a chain shirt and weapons of your  choice.

     Some citiies also required their citizens to maintain a minimum amount of wealth. Go broke and you lost your citizenship until you got your wealth back.

     Athens  was one of the few city that had no minimum wealth for its citizen, but that was because the poorer classes in
    Athens served as rowers on the Triremes where all equipment was provided by the city.

     Slave , those too poor to be citizens and foreigners did not normally serve in the military except in an emergency. After the defeat of the Roman army an Cannae Rome did raise a legion out slaves and foreigners and equipt it with weapons and armor captured from the Gauls twenty years earlier but then sent that  Legion  to garrison Sicily instead of employing it in front line combat against Carthage .

    • Like 2
  16.  As far as tribes and city Militia.

     I remember ancient Athens raised its Hoplite force from 10 traditional tribes that founded the city. Each tribe formed its own unit. The tribes did not live in separate areas but you knew which tribe you belonged to.

       I can see Urban Orlanthi being the same way. They would form Militia company's with their brothers ,sisters, cousins and second cousin and other  family members in the same company's .

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  17.  As far as damage bonus due to strength plus size    goes , I prefer the RQ6/Mythras system . A Large troll with a size and strength of 30 doing a plus 1d10 is dangerous but under say  Magic World a 3d6 damage bonus  means  any hit has a good chance of instant death. 

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  18.  One problem I can see with the Plough any field magic of Barntar is how does the local nature spirit feel about  having her forest cut down? Glorantha is a land full of magical spirits and just because there are no Aldrayami around does not mean there is no  spirit in the local forest that's going to make your life miserable if you start cutting down her trees. You don't placate the Spirit and Insect swarm your field, your Ox  trips and breaks it leg, a Tree falls the wrong way crushing the cutter  and other nasty bad luck happens.

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  19.  Well one thing Magic could be used for is detecting if a letter of credit is real or not.

     I bring a note from the Casino Town bank that States it worth 1000 wheels and try to trade it in at the Issaries  Temple in Prax. People can use magic to detect if the note is real and did I steal it if it is. Of course I will still have to pay a large handling fee , but then I did not have to take a large sum of money across the waste of Prax.

  20. 1 hour ago, Ali the Helering said:

    'twas but a joke my liege.... 

    The question is worth examining, however. What are the effects of 'everyday magic' on the economy of clan and city? How appropriate are RW models to Glorantha?

     Well lets look how some spells could be used for every day life.

     First would be IGNITE. .Starting a fire to cook dinner or work as a bronze smith just got a whole lot easier . Not to mention one to keep warm on a cold rainy night.

       We got REPAIR  to fix that broken chair or plate that was dropped. No longer a need to buy a new one.

     And there GLUE.  It does not last long granted , but a cabinet maker or other craftman can use glue to make sure  the wooden pieces stay in place  before he nails them together. and then

     And lets go back to BLADESHARP. As pointed out it last just two minutes, but a Butcher or Lumberjack can cast it at the start of their job when the cutting is the toughest. And I can see a set of prized Butcher knives with a permanent Blade sharp being passed from one master chef to another. Not that any uncouth Orlanthi would ever steal such knives from Halcyon favorite Chef.




  21.  As far as using magic to increase the wealth of the community.

     How does would magic effect farming , the source of most wealth  in the Ancient world .

     Take Plowing and clearing fields  something most people don't think about in a game. In the Bronze age the most common plough was the wooden  Ard or Scratch plough. , Which was fine in the Nile valley or the Middle East , but not so good in the in Rocky soil or newly cleared land with lots of tree roots. To plough with an Ard you would first have to clear the area of rocks and tree roots by hand or using a hoe , a hard and time consuming task . I can testify that clearing out tree stumps with  a chainsaw and a tractor is a long hard job, I don't even want to think about doing it with  a couple of axes and  a team of oxen.

     Now if you can get an Earth elemental( Or use other magic) to  remove the tree stumps and rocks from the soil ,perhaps putting all the large rocks in a pile for later use. that 40 acre patch of rocky woods is no longer  almost useless land.

     Come to think of it, can you cast bladesharp on a Plough?

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