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Posts posted by TRose

  1. On ‎3‎/‎19‎/‎2016 at 11:20 AM, Iskallor said:

    There's a Mostali walking drinks dispenser in my Prax game. A little copper man that vents steam and gives up drams of firewater from his finger. My players broke it.

     One thing my Dwarves have and guard almost as jealous as the secret to gunpowder is how to distill alcohol.  Everyone else has to do with wine and Beer while only Dwarves have whiskey. Its a major trade item

     For the record on Earth its was not till around 1000 Ad people learned how to distill Brandy and whiskey.

    • Like 1
  2. On ‎9‎/‎23‎/‎2016 at 4:23 AM, D.Athair said:

    I'd like to have a Quickstart for Clockwork & Chivary ...  In my opinion it's the best way to advertise the game. To spread the word about it at conventions, ...
    For Dark Streets und Clockwork & Chivalry and Pirates & Dragons: It would be great if there were adventure collections like the ones WFRP 2 (Plundred Vaults) or Dark Heresy (Purge the Unclean) had. The Adventures should be dealing with themes that are strongly connected to what the games are about.

    Dark Streets: A classic Bow Street Runners adventue in the poor, dirty and vicious areas of London [without any mythos]; A mythos adventure in which the goals of the cultists may be exactly the "right" ones [meaning: if accomplished, it would do a great good to the city]. An adventure like the proverb: "the road to hell is paved with best intentions"; An adventure that revolves around the runners themselves - dealings and conflicts about their involvement with the criminal milieu and their dealings with the "lords of the city", who want law to be brought to the streets but consider themselves rather to be above the law and are involved in intruige and shemes themselves.

    Clockwork & Chivalry: Adventures concerning the different factions and/or social classes. Maybe an adventure about "Horseman's Word" in the highlands, one about the struggles at the university of Oxford and another about the poor & rural people rising with ideas, that are threatening both royalist and parlamentarian interests, ...
    Plus: The final parts of the Kingdom & Commonwealth Campaign.

    Pirates & Dragons ... [I don't own it yet, so this is just guessing]: A calssic adventure about a "knight rescuing the princess from an evil dragon" while the "princess" is a savage and mean Pirate-Girl, that better shouldn't be released; something about old curses and the exploration of islands; a "road story" travelling from isle to isle ...

    To sum it up: Adventure collections that showcase the strenghts, the vastness and specialties the games have to offer.
    [... in general I can say that I - and some others discussing the games by C&W @ the german forum Tanelorn - would prefer more adventures for existing games to writing the next three or four iterations of OneDice games.]

     Or perhaps the Fair Maiden is in fact a Sea hag of great power and the Dragon was set to keep her captive so she does not spread her evil.

    Might point out Deluxe renaissance  PDF  cost only a few dollars if some one wants to check it out.

  3. On ‎9‎/‎1‎/‎2016 at 6:22 AM, skoll said:

    First of all, if you don't have the Cults book, get it. Cults are essential to any Gloranthan game, and you should definitely allow your players to join one.

    As a new player, the amount of cults can indeed be overwhelming. My suggestion: allow only human characters, and cults only from the following list: Orlanth, Humakt, Stormbull, Lhankor Mhy, Issaries, Yelmalio. (I'm sure somebody else will suggest a bit different list. It doesn't really matter what cults exactly are on the list. Just take a handful of the more popular ones. This list should allow quite varied group.)

    Also, hkokko from has created cult onepagers. They are meant for RQ6/Mythras, so spell names etc might be different, but you might find them useful nonetheless. https://notesfrompavis.wordpress.com/2014/05/11/gloranthan-cult-onepagers-main-page/

     Good list for starting Cults but I would add two more.

     First is Foundchild. The God of the Hunt. He a very good choice for starting players and has no real enemies besides chaos.

     For a more advance game My favorite God is Argan Argar Troll God of Trade who tends to try to get along with everyone he can make a profit out of.

  4.  Also how about a Renaissance world where magic is accepted.

    Burning Old Women, the mentally ill and your political enemies at the stake for witchcraft and Sorcery was one thing when Magic really did not work.

     But if magic does work, then Witches and Sorcerers are very useful to the powers that be so we might have  a little creative interpretation on who and what is a Witch or a sorcerer, such as that Woman who works for the King is a Wizard not a witch,  and no where does it say suffer not a Wizard to live .

     If you are useful to those in power , or can make a profit for them, you seldom get burned at the stake.

    • Like 2
  5.  One thing I remember is there are several Religious ceremonies where a Mortal will become a Champion of a Local Nymph and she will take him as a Husband.. There one in Sun Country where a Champion of Yelmalio marries a Daughter of Zola Fel and a few others  that I remember.

     I was wondering if Pavis could be from such a Union, his Dad being a Champion of Adari who upon doing a great deed for the Elves of the Stinking forest marries a Dryad to cement an alliance . And since Gods are almost always involved in these marriages of Champions to a Nymph they would likely be more fertile then a casual roll in the hay


    • Like 1

    And another Game I would be interested in is one based around the Honorable East Indian Company. Men of lesser birth and even lesser reputation could go to work for the company as traders or mercenaries and die filthy rich.  All sort of politics skullduggery and out right conquest would be involved.

     The company not even had its own army but even its own Navy and even the Navy at times was expected to make a profit( Hmmm, How do you make a profit for the owners when you are in charge of a Frigate?)

     And if I am going to bring up the East India company how many of you are familiar with James Brooks the White Rajah of Sarawak? He could be a model of what your players are trying to do.

    • Like 3
  7. 3 hours ago, Ade said:

    Interesting. I must admit my knowledge of that era is only secondary through central American archaeology papers and a couple of novels. I can see the adventure aspect 

     Well Pizzaro was once down to thirteen men on his way to conquer Peru, while Cabeza De Vaca explored much of the Southwest of the USA with just 3 companions.

     And think of the fun you could have changing things. Lost Viking or Roman colony, El Dorado is real, , the last Sabertooth Tiger or Bigfoot encounter the party etc. You never know whats over the next hill.

    • Like 5
  8.  The Quinkana . Since we do not have a lot of entries from Australia

     The Quinkana is an extinct type of Crocodile that lived in Australia. Unlike other Crocodiles it lived on land and had rather long legs to run you down and eat you. It was the apex predator in Australia before man arrived


    Str 3d6+12

    con 3d6+8

    size 3d6+12

    int 3

    power 3d6

    dex 3d6

     Move 12(8 in water)

     hits 22-23

     armor 5 points damage

    damage bonus 2d6

    Bite 1d10+2d6 db

     Skills bite 50% track 50% stealth 50%

    • Like 1
  9. On ‎8‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 1:50 PM, M Helsdon said:

    All very true. I'll keep with my earlier assessment. Thank you.

    For the same reason I'm ignoring dinosaur mounts because they aren't something you'll find for sale at a market, and if they were to appear in an army, they are probably equivalent to a cavalry regiment. If horse units can be repelled by camels in the real world, the effect of a large dinosaur ought to be even more dramatic. Dinosaurs appear in the Dragon Pass boardgame (as individuals? herds?) but they aren't recorded anywhere yet as being of military use by either the Lunars or the Sartar Free Army.

     Think I read that the Empire of Wyrm Friends used Dinosaurs in combat and there was an Old adventure where some Dragon newts where delivering a triceratops to a wild tribe .

     Might mention the Dragon Pass dinosaurs  pieces where all vegetarians except the Pteranodon, so they would not be trying to eat people around them.

  10. 2 hours ago, Tindalos said:

    Presumably somewhere in the Lunar Empire there lies the great Brootopia a city where broo of every animal type lives in peace and harmony with each other.

     If I remember correctly Brootopia some where in Valind Glacier.. At least according to Tales of the Reaching Moon.

  11. 16 hours ago, M Helsdon said:

    I suspect they are extinct, save on the Red Moon. But...

    [I was aware of the reference, but decided that as it wasn't supported by any recent publication it was probably dead. The Esrolia book isn't in this list: http://www.glorantha.com/canon-and-ygwvtheres-been-a-few-questions-about-what-is-canon-are-these-maps-going-to-get-gregged/ ]

     Well extinct does not mean the same thing in Glorantha as it does on Earth.. Unicorns where extinct in Prax until a heroquest to the Green age brought some back. perhaps  Augners are extinct , but there a minor Heroquest that allows  people to get one.

  12.  At present Warmachine/Hordes is the big game around here( I just started.) And we where talking about running an RPG in the Iron Kingdom.. Most people I talked to think the Iron Kingdom RPG is waste of a good tree and I really don't care much for D20. Was just wondering if the clockwork rules could be used (with a few changes) for the Warjacks in War machine.

    • Like 1
  13. 4 hours ago, Mankcam said:

    I personally don't really like the idea of Heroic Abilities for most settings, they are too much like D&D Feats - you can just cover that with skills I think. However they do have a role in pulpy/cinematic settings, like Pulp Era Adventure 1930s, but not really in a gritty ancient/medieval setting. However how they can sometimes be used in a Fantasy setting as special abilities/gifts awarded from the Cults or Deities etc, or if playing a Mythic Mycenaean Age setting for instance (where heroes often had special abilities), so all in all they are okay if used in particular settings.

    I really liked some of the MRQ2 books such as Vikings, Samurai, and Pirates, which were reprinted in Legend. Also there have been some cool settings for Legend that I like, such as Deus Vult and Mercenary Breed. Also the Xoth books are reasonably good if you want to play a Hyborian Age style game. The Stone Age one that Simon did is on my wish list to get, solely because I have not seen any game portray a stone age setting before.

    I think the flexibility of publishing Legend may keep it around for a little while


     Going to have to disagree with you a little here.

      I use heroic abilities in my Glorantha but not as intended. I use them instead as rewards for performing a  Heroquest. Save me the trouble of Ok you performed this Heroquest what reward do I give the players. But outside of doing a Heroquest, You cannot get Heroic abilities.

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