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Posts posted by TRose

  1. 7 hours ago, soltakss said:

    Is he a virgin, though? You have to be a virgin female for a unicorn to let you ride it.

     Guess we are going to first define Virgin in this case. If he never had sex AS A FEMALE is he a Virgin?

      But this gave me an idea for a scenario. A Eumal Trickster uses Heler magic to turn himself into a female, joins the Yelornan cult and wins the heart of a Unicorn and becomes it rider.  And then turns back into a male.

     And the Cult of Yelorna is not amused by his joke and are threatening to turn him back into a woman and they don't plan on using magic, or even anesthesia . And he of course runs to the nearest Lightbringers for safety.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, soltakss said:

    In pastoral communities, male goats and sheep are usually slaughtered for meat, leaving the females as breeding stock.

    With broos, the same thing probably happens, where female goats are bred to produce more female goats and non-breeding male goats are corralled for broo mating. This has several advantages:

    • The females are left alone to replenish the goats
    • Males are set aside in a corral for the other broos to mate with as often as they want
    • When the broos eat their way out of the males, they can easily be captured and become part of the clan, the dead goats then become food for the clan
    • Goats can live almost anywhere, eat almost anything and need little in the way of tending, so are perfect for broo husbandry

     I have  always felt that Animals that the Broo get their hands on would be Butchered after Broo  birth. Don't think they wait for the Goat or other animal to finish dying before they start their feast though.

  3. On ‎7‎/‎5‎/‎2016 at 8:23 PM, Evilroddy said:


    Are you talking about big broobies? :-)

    I'm so ashamed to have sunk to the level of bad puns so quickly. I blame TRose's "Cold Broo" pun for setting me off. Curse you, sir!

    Cheers and apologies.


     I accept your curses and will honor them

    • Like 2
  4.  I notice ONE real good  reason for an Orlanthi to work for Duke Raus  which has not come up.

     His one and only heir is a rather pretty young lady who is lonely. And if a Orlanthi Warrior uses Poetry instead of a sword to conquer certain Lunars , Orlanth Im sure will give them a thumbs up and not send in the spirit of reprisal..

    • Like 3
  5.  OK thanks for all the replies that have come in.


     My Knight Fort has  one  major Fort , built on top of a Gods Learner Fort that was built on ruins of a Gods Age Fort. In fact its the 8th known Fort known to be built there. there.( Are there secret Ruins under there? Who knows). The outlying villages tend to be walled often no more then  a dirt mound covered with thorn bushes for the smaller and poorer ones, as  Barbarian raiders are common.

      Besides local forces there is a number of mercenaries and Sartar exiles that work for the Knight Commander. The mercenaries are the usual motley collection and include Praxian from the losing side of Moonbroth, Sartarites, and other from the four corners of the earth. The population as I said is mixed with both Orthodox and Aeolians orlanthi and even a few traders from Gods Forgot.. The opening of the Seas and the Lunar conquest of Prax have both hurt trade in Knights Fort but some still goes on, A major caravan to the Block goes twice a year and is under the protection of the Urox temple there. No guards are provided by the Stormbulls but the High Shaman of the Block has stated if anyone interferes with his supply of Nochet wine coming in he will be very unhappy. And most people don't want to make a High Shaman of Urox unhappy.

    • Like 2
  6. On ‎6‎/‎29‎/‎2016 at 11:23 AM, GamingGlen said:

    I've wondered about this particular female broo, found in GW's version of the RQ3 Monster book.  Since I have several male broo miniatures, I checked around and got the Warmachine Cryx character Pirate Queen Skarre (PIP 34068) to be their leader.  Now to get to putting it together (ugh) and painting it.




    broo female small.png


     Chaos feature must be increased charisma

  7. 13 hours ago, Joerg said:


    All reported broo, even the most extreme ones like the stove one and the allosaurus one, were bipedal and mobile. I know of no reports of broo having functional wings. The scorpion-armed broo fighting Harrek on the cover of Genertela Book may have gotten that appendage either from scorpionman parentage or from a Chaos feature.



     As far as flying Broo go, there are  the Broobats in Doraster which are Harpy Broo Hybrids. I really don't want to know how they breed.


  8.  I think one thing that will has to be worked out is what percentage of the colony has to   work as farmers to support the colony. I envision having tractors to clear the land at first, then its back to Horse and mules pulling plows with simple farm tools and early mechanical reapers.  Think farming around late 19 century . But the soil and climate are going to be good as the colony will be making that a priority before they land.

  9. On ‎7‎/‎2‎/‎2016 at 5:06 AM, soltakss said:


    I would have them build a blast furnace, power station and so on. This allows them to make various kinds of steel, assuming the raw materials are present. Concrete and cement can be made, assuming similar geology to Earth, which means that buildings can be fairly advanced.

    I think that raw materials are key.

    You cannot make things out of wood if there are no trees, so tree planting would be vital as a long-term resource. 

    Geologists and miners would be surveying for minerals. Need copper wire? Find copper deposits and mine them. Need steel? Find iron deposits and mine them.

    The first wave of colonists would be true pioneers, searching for these resources, planting trees, making primitive buildings and laying the foundations for later colonists.


    Also, don't forget that not every ship going to the colony needs to contain colonists. A number of automated drone ships containing raw materials and supplies would be useful, they don't need life support, can be fully automated and can be recycled when they land, providing valuable raw materials in the form of metals, plastics and so on.



     As I stated they are a bringing along tools for smelting metal and that would include a blast furnace and for making steel and other  metals. Not sure if you need a different type of furnace for steel, copper tin etc or can you use one for all metals. I do  know Aluminum requires very high temperature  . Problem is a blast furnace is a fuel hog an is going to need plenty of charcoal ,coal or Coke( Coke here is a product of coal that is baked at high temperature to remove impurities). And finding a spot that has everything you need in say a 300 kilometer range may not be possible. A small mining colony set up from a distance from the main colony  might be needed for say, copper ,coal or iron

  10. 16 hours ago, g33k said:

    Presumably they have complete tech archives, so the INFO is available.  The colonists have been screened (and presumably trained in various "primitive" crafts and trades).

    I'd look carefully at what your tech-level supports; for example, a smallish electric motor can do a HELL of a lot of work -- would they even flow their tech through a "steam age"?  Why not mixed-energy-generation (including fixed-placement generators -- possibly steam, probably wind and solar, almost-certainly hydroelectric/dam -- dams are SO damned useful for SO many things!) + distribution grid; batteries (and maybe solar cells, which are really just sophisticated glass...) for most off-grid use.

    I'd expect to see a rather weird-seeming mix of medieval-through-modern-into-SciFi tech's side by side in common use.  Some tech's will just be SO reliable, build-once-and-use-forever, that they won't bother with antiquated equivalents.

    I like Rust's suggestion of sail vs steam, for standalone range.  See also:




     I already plan on having  the colony having a large library so information on HOW TO BUILD is there. Its the old you need tools to make the tools to make the tools to make  what you want problem.

      And one of the early conflicts I have planned concern access to electricity. The Original colonist brought along some  hydro electric generators for a mid size dam and so the central area has electricity, but there is  a shortage of copper wire so the out lying areas don't have electricity . One of the big complaints is going to be the colony center where the ship landed  hogs all the  Earth Tech( Items brought from Earth, such as the Library, a fully stocked  Hospital and the machine shop)) while the outer areas complain they  are stuck with sticks and rocks.

     I figure wind mills and waterwheels will be fairly common as they been around since the Ancient Greeks in some form or other.. Main form of transportation is going to be Horse back as Cars require things like rubber, gas, or highly complex batteries and lots of specialize parts...The colony has a pair of vtol Aircraft but they are sent out only when needed. Same with the tractors and heavy equipment . They where used to clear the area in the center of the colony and build the dam  , but since have been kept in storage.

  11. 1 hour ago, ReignDragonSMH said:

    Well they would need to be able to get the materials and then set up manufacturing. They MIGHT be able to build a steam ship, but maybe not several of them. I would suggest, if even just for your own edification you create a Tech Flow chart based on available materials. If they sent 10k people, did they send any heavy machinery? What kind of tools?

    The socio-economic ramifications seem very interesting.  Are those dedicated to food production folks with power or folks indentured to the greater needs of the colony? How do the factions shake out and how does the Tech affect economy and social position.

      Colonist are all volunteers and where screened before they left Earth( So no major genetic problems )

     And as far as raw material goes, that not a problem as its going to be an Earth like world and the Colonist get to pick where to land. Im thinking of an Island like Cyprus on Earth, nice climate, large metal deposit, and no large predators that's  going to try to eat them.

     But take the steam ship, you are going to have to dedicate people to mine the Iron and perhaps coal, other to smelt the Iron, then others  to form the iron into useable parts for the ship and finally people to build the ship and other to maintain and run it.

      Now the colony is going to have people dedicated to mining and smelting Iron is a given, but for specialized boilermakers a steam ship requires, I don't think so. Instead there would be more generalized Ironworkers and blacksmith making plows ,nails and axes.

     And the colony ship has a full machine shop and people who know how to run it , but those lathes and tools are irreplaceable and so are used very carefully. not for making common everyday tools a blacksmith can hammer out.

    • Like 1
  12.  I been toying around of running a Science Fiction game with slower then light space travel where it takes years to travel between planets.

     The players are colonist on a planet and  are going to be pretty much restricted to what the colony can manufacture as what High tech items that where brought from Earth are carefully hoarded and used only when really, really needed. Im thinking with a population of around 10,000 they could achieve  around 1800 technology but would not have the population to devote to specialist to ,say build a stream ship.


    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, M Helsdon said:

    Fear: his boss would at best hurt him very badly, and at worst...

     But chance are his boss is a fellow Broo.. So whats to  to keep the top Broo from raping the whole flock in one week? So as I stated, the Broo Can control their desire to rape, if they see a need to. They just prefer not to.

  14. On ‎6‎/‎19‎/‎2016 at 0:41 PM, M Helsdon said:

    Broos tend to lack taboos. Female broos gravitate towards the cult of Mallia as a survival strategy, because becoming gravid isn't a survival strategy for them.

    The offspring of a broo and a human might be very similar to a satyr (and satyrs are sometimes mistaken as broo), or a human with a goat's head, or even a human with horns, or a Chaos horror. Chaos never gives standard results, the offspring will always display their nature somehow.

     Well not a taboo but perhaps Broo for the most part to not have an urge to rape other Broo.   After all if the urge to rape included other Broo, would any of the weaker Broo, male or female survive?  And we know Broo raise goats. So how come a Broo  shepherd does to rape and destroy his flock in a few weeks? So a Broo I think can control his urge to rape if it is in their benefit. But then there no need to control this urge when raiding enemies.


  15.  One thing I have always wondered about Sun Dome Temples is are they open to ALL worshippers of Yelmalio?

     For example if two Darra Happa families are engaged in a Dart War can  a truce be declared and have both sides worship at the Local Temple before trying to kill each other in a polite civilized manner?

     Or in Prax a number of  members of the Impala tribe worship Yelmalio, are they allowed to attend worship at the main temple in Sun Country?

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