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Posts posted by dieselpunk

  1. A lot of interesting thoughts.

    g33k: Are you suggesting that because no one pays attention to the kids they have more chances to get easy rolls?

    One thing I'm not too clear on is the personality traits and passions angle. I looked up personality traits in BRP and it reads as a guide to role playing NPCs. How does this help PCs? I don't have the new BRP and neither BGB or CoC7 seems to have rules for passions. Internet comes up with a variety of different takes but basically it's roll it for a possible bonus. Anyone give me a quick summary of the "official" one Jason's talking about?

  2. I'm interested in creating an adventure where the PCs are pre-teens or teens inspired by the Kids on Bikes RPG and shows like Stranger Things, ET, Goonies, Red Dawn, etc. where the protagonists range from 11-19. Looking for strategies for character creation. Realizing that BGB is generally assuming adult PCs.

    CoC7 has some recommended adjustments to characteristics based on age, but I was wondering more about skills. The "realistic" approach would be that kids aren't going to be great in the academic skills since none of them are going to be in a professional tier (i.e., skills >51%). Physical skills might be pretty high since a lot of pro athletes are already really good as teens. For fun's sake, it would be nice if every skill weren't capped at 50% (the amateur tier). 

    Or I just explain the skills in terms of a genre convention. Like science is really [high school] astronomy. So the kid astronomer with 80% isn't going to outperform a university researcher if they were head-to-head, but for the sake of the problems the PCs would encounter it's enough. 

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  3. 4 hours ago, Jason D said:

    6. Occasionally just rewriting a section from scratch (I defy anyone to make sense of the first edition's Encumbrance rules description).

    Lol! I'm a big fan of the original BGB, but one of the most perplexing things was the encumbrance/fatigue portions. I have to buy this new one now just to finally see what  was actually intended. Thanks for putting this all back together!

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  4. An aside, but I like how bgb handles the multiple actions per round by each one of the actions being  5 Dex lower. It's still the best way of handling multiple attacks I've  encountered in rpgs. I also like the ascending Dex (or int) statement phase followed by descending Dex or int actions.

  5. My latest revision based on some tests creating a Pulp Cthulhu swashbuckling aviator. I made the character first using normal rules and then tried to see about recreating it under my latest version of the abbreviated skill list. I used the CoC7e Option 5 Quick Fire Method (i.e. 70, 60, 60, 50, 50, 50, 40, 40, 40) to get the starting skill percentages.

    Having fewer skills and a pre-made point pyramid definitely made things faster. The character after starting assignments looked like this:





    Fine Manipulation




    First Aid






    Science (Navigation)




















    He is reasonably competent across the board with an emphasis on piloting, navigation, and people skills (inspired from the swashbuckler archetype in Pulp Cthulhu). I'd throw in another 100 personal interest points for customization with a starting skill cap of 80% on any particular skill.

    The biggest deviation from normal BRP/COC is how I'm choosing to handle Knowledge and Science. The default chance for someone succeeding at any knowledge or science skill is INTx2. This is my attempt at heading off the problem of "Does anyone have Science (Botany)?" because no one thought that would ever come up in play. If you do want to be a Botanist then take Science (Botany), write it in, and assign points (with INT x2 as the base).  Functionally, Science and Knowledge are the same, but I kept the terms as a helpful way for players to think about specialties.

    For more precise builds, each skill has a starting base percentage (with ties to certain characteristics likely to be higher than the normal BGB starting levels). I haven't tested this, but it seems like a starting pool of 560 points (sum of the CoC quick start pyramid + 100) would yield an appropriate start for a pulpy character. Since the skill list is short, I wouldn't bother with occupations other than as RP concepts.





    APP X2

    Includes Fast Talk and Intimidate; Charm is a charisma roll

    Fine Manipulation

    DEX x2

    As in BGB



    As in BGB

    First Aid


    As in BGB; medicine is a specialty in Knowledge or Science


    INT x2

    Base chance for all knowledge ; can only be improved by taking a specialty


    INT x2

    Base chance for all science; can only be improved by taking a specialty



    As in BGB



    As in BGB


    DEX x2

    As in BGB


    CON x2

    Includes swim, throw, jump, climb in BGB



    As in BGB



    As in BGB; add pilot skill with base of 1%+POW if needed


    DEX x2

    As in BGB but no specialties


    STR x2

    As in BGB but no specialties

    Not sure when I'll get to play test this. For a campaign and players that enjoy the system I really don't have many issues with running char gen RAW. But for a one shot, quickly making competent characters, NPCs, or introducing new players this may be an alternative. 

  6. I'd go with a fail being whatever needs to happen for damage not to be inflicted. It's a fail. The only other add I'd do for any of these situations is to make what would be narratively interesting the thing that happens. Have it affect the environment (e.g. starts a fire) or cause some other consequence (e.g. exposes a secret passage way behind the book shelves). Anything that keeps a conflict from just being a series of hit/miss reports until one side dies.

  7. 11 hours ago, Roko Joko said:

    You could check out OpenQuest (26) and Revolution D100 (13).

    For starting values it sounds like a Fate pyramid would be good for you.  The specific values could be anything.

    I did glance through RD100, but they also have traits to expand the skills which I'm not interested in doing as it just moves the problem around. In fact, I'm annoyed by Knowledge and Science being somewhat duplicative, but kept the 2 to have some more ways of differentiating characters. 

    The point allocation "problem" is closely related to reducing the skill list. The one thing with BRP that's bugged me is that points have to be distributed across so many skills that it's easy to be crappy at everything (e.g. No skills of at least 75%). I need to test, but hoping the standard number of points will work fine. Having characters with multiple high skills encourages people to try things. I'd rather see (and play) a character who has a high chance of success at a skill doing difficult things then feeling like I only have 30% chance of success at a normal skill check. But this is another topic.

  8. I've noticed about 50% of my players don't like dealing with skill lists or assigning points to skills during character creation. Many see it as a chore more than empowering describing a character concept. Usually these are the casual or new RPG players, but honestly even I tire of trying to keep lengthy skill lists in memory. My last few games run using FATE Core has shown that my game sessions don't suffer at all with just 18 core skills.

    So with FATE Core as inspiration I took a shot at whittling down the BGB skill list down to 15 skills that I'm thinking may be a good way to streamline whatever game I try next. It's aimed at settings roughly late 19th-present century.  Labels in parentheses are the Fate equivalents.


    1. Fast Talk (Deceive)
    2. Persuade (Rapport)


    1. Art
    2. Fine Manipulation (Burglary)
    3. Craft (Craft)


    1. Medicine
    2. Science / Knowledge (Lore)


    1. Insight (Empathy)
    2. Spot (Notice)


    1. Dodge
    2. Athletics (Athletics)
    3. Stealth (Stealth)
    4. Pilot/Drive (Drive)


    1. Firearms (Shoot)
    2. Melee (Fight)

    The only non-native BRP skill in the above list is "Athletics" which is what I would lump jump, swim, climb, and other feats of physical daring into.

    I suppose I could really condense things down to just 6 skills by using the categories, but I do like having things finer grain than that. Anything else not covered I'd just boil down to characteristic rolls. Anyone else play with a greatly reduced skill list? If yes, how have you adjusted the starting point allocations?

    • Like 2
  9. Just bought the print and PDF. Thanks for putting out SF RPG material. This book looks great and I'm looking forward to diving into the origins, and computers/hacking portions the most!

     I really like the new art direction in this book too. As interesting as some of the pieces were in M-Space, I found some of the full color pieces in that work to be more fantasy than SF and mostly disconnected with the content. The companion pieces are much more integrated. My favourite is the portrait on p. 57. 

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  10. Where's this idea from? I feel like I've read it before somewhere too. Good idea!

    I haven't had a chance to spin up a BRP game since posting this, but one of things I like about crunchier rule options is that you can dig out stuff like this and make it a mini-game for a session or two. 

  11. BRP (and variants) has a lot of skills. Not GURPS level amount of skills, but enough that there's 3 skills to notice something (Listen, Sense, Spot) and oddly specific ones like Gaming, Fly, and Psychotherapy. Much the same with Mythras. Revolution takes this down to something like 15. 

    Yeah, I know, toolkits, I can add/remove. Do people generally game with the out-of-the-box character sheets and skills or do you actually trim them down at your table?

    I used to really get into discrete skills, but increasingly I find it more distracting. It generates more questions for new players and GMs have to make more calls as to what skill is most appropriate. As a player, I find I have a lot of skills that are generally garbage and a few decent ones - even after 20 some sessions. I'm in a CoC game and run a Fate/Atomic Robo game. The latter has 13 skills and it doesn't seem like players are missing anything. Would BRP/d100 systems be better served with fewer skills in general?

  12. On 10/19/2019 at 8:39 AM, groovyclam said:

    I totally agree with what you say there, BUT...those sorts of RPGers/GMs are few and far between and so the sales for any new BGB would be small (although I would buy one). I think the most resource Chaosium should apply to any new BGB would be fixing errata and sort out any obviously broken mechanic ( shields has been mentioned, I don't know if there are any more )

    A while back I had noticed that the Encumbrance and MOV rules were incomplete. Everything other folks have written upthread would be great. I'd totally buy a cleaned up edition. I'd love to see some cleaned up art even if it's all black and white. Many of the original pieces seemed like they were scanned pencil drawings and lack contrast. 

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  13. Hey all.

    This is super helpful and actually fascinating. Thank you!

    I'm still very much in the pondering phase still, but right now I'm thinking of it mainly as an art book of a SF setting. Ideally it's heavier on the visuals and inspiration and lighter on the text and rules. You'd want to buy or read this thing because the product is attractive and the setting has gaming potential.  The fact that there's notes in it to use as a game almost secondary. Not totally because I'm still a gamer. :) I just don't have time or motivation to be a game designer. 

    In fact, the main place I want to have "rules" is NPC or pre-gen PC stats. It's conceivable that there might be some ships or even powers created, but I really want to leave that as open ended as possible. So the system choice is about what sketches out the gameable bits in a way that lends itself to easy adaptation. d100 systems are descriptive that way because of the percentages. Another different direction is Fate Core because of the aspects.

    So being able to own my IP is the important thing as I'm not thinking about it as a game really. It never actually occurred to me that if you don't mention anything about a published system or use it's language that you could use the stats freely. Not sure it's practical, but darn interesting!

  14. I've been thinking about publishing a setting with stats for things using an established system because I don't have the interest in creating a whole separate game. BRP would be a good fit, but apparently there's no real way of using it. I've read the "Just a reminder there is no OGL for BRP..." thread. I suppose this question isn't specific to BRP, but what would go into licensing a system? Is it just a matter of paying enough money and not colliding with existing or planned product lines? Or would the licenser also own part/all of my property?

  15. In the BRP book there's an optional rule page about fate points that suggests ways to spend POW to get re-rolls or shifts in success levels. I've long been interested in mechanics like this dating back to TSR's Marvel Super Heroes' karma system because I think RPGs running on pure luck of the roll sometimes isn't satisfying.

    I've been reading Fate Core lately and it's aspect system is very interesting. However, as a whole I prefer something more of a BRP mechanic rather than having GM judgement be used for everything. I'm interested if anyone has tried marrying more narrative approaches with BRP or have alternate POW point expenditure rules to modify success.

  16. 19 hours ago, Atgxtg said:

    I think Chasoium's policy is probably due to the fact that most gamers prefer to have the rules "set up" for them. As we know from when the BGB came out, it wasn't quite as accessible to new players because the rules had so many choice, options and variants to decide upon. With a setting worked out in advance, all those options can be settled before hand, making the game much easier to pick up and run with. 

    Now to experienced GMs, especially those who like to run thier own settings, the toolkit approach of the BGB is very appealing, but we're the choir. They are trying to reach the "mainstream" RGPers. 

    Who are these "mainstream" RPGers? I've always known TTRPGs to be somewhat of a fringe thing. Is there an equivalent to the casual video gamer (i.e. mobile phone gaming) in TTRPGs? Does any of the existing Chaosium products reach this mainstream audience? If I had to guess, CoC would be the most popular but even that is niche.

    More back on topic, I'll be interested to see how FFG/Genesys does as a new generic system with high production values. There seemed to be no shortage of excitement about it over on rpg.net. For that matter it seems like Savage Worlds and maybe Cypher System have done ok (maybe more the former) as generic systems. 

  17. As someone relatively new to BRP (but not RPGs), I understand the sentiment of the OP as far as having the equivalent of BGB v2.0. For me, there are some missing pieces that need filling in (there's not a lot and I've made posts about them here) as opposed to some massive rework. It does seem hard for someone to "break in" to this game when there needs to be rules clarification and the answer turns out to be "Just do it like in RQ3." I'd even be happy with a BGB errata or update supplement.

    I'm not as concerned about fragmentation and don't think a GURPS approach is necessary. In fact, we can see how that played out at sjgames and I think BRP is in a healthier position not being dependent on a single company.

    On the otherhand, I don't see why there couldn't be active promotion of the existing BGB with encouragement towards taking submissions for new supplements to keep the generic system a living thing. I do think that BRP is skewed towards fantasy in a hobby already awash in fantasy and would like to see more rules/supplements coverage for other genres.

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