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Posts posted by Brootse

  1. 6 hours ago, Akhôrahil said:

    P. 181: "This skill is also known as butchering. It includes the
    ability to dismember an animal in the quickest and most
    efficient way, and the ability to divide up a prey animal in
    the traditional manner."

    I also use it for skinning, where relevant.

    I do think RQ3 had the better solution, though.

    Same and agreed.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Crel said:

    Just sort-of off the cuff, I'd treat meat as anything that comes from the Herd Mother, and I'd treat veggies as unprocessed stuff from Flamal. I wouldn't count breads/baked grains, etc.

    I bet that Praxian probably eats a lot of dairy products, just to be safe. 

    When in doubt, I'd use a culinary sense of this--unless it's a taboo/caste restriction/geas acquired by a sorcerer, in which case I'd go with scientific. Basically just the general things we think about as veggies on the elementary school food pyramid.

    This is a great Gloranthn answer!

    • Like 1
  3. A humakti bisonrider in my campaign rolled the following geases: wear no metal armor in left arm, eat no meat on Windsday, eat no vegetables, and ride no animals one day per week (Windsday was chosen). But which things are counted as vegetables? A case could be made that any edible plant matter is a vegetable. Or that grains, nuts and fruits aren't. And what is meat? Technically poultry and seafood count too, but in common parlance not. How have you handled, or how would you handle this in your Glorantha?

  4. 11 minutes ago, lordabdul said:

    Yeah there have been threads in the past about Hunter occupations and Odayla/Yinkin cults, and the only conclusion we could come up with was that, probably, the authors really don't like hunter characters? (maybe some obscure story about them having to go hiking and hunting as kids instead of staying home and reading books? :) ).

    Occupations mostly give out between 150 and 185 points in occupational skills. The Scribe is an outlier, at 210 points. The Warrior and Healer are in the low bracket, with 140 points. The Hunter is the lowest, at 130 points -- lower than the Fisher (150). It would personally house-rule 10 or 20 points of extra skills to the Hunter, and it wouldn't feel out of place.


    Yeah, I just calculated the same. I was finally taking the plunge, and put my FrankenQuest campaign on hold, and start running RAW RQG published scenarios. But perhaps I'll give the Hunter character +10% Devise, and +10% Peaceful Cut.

    e: and +10 Survival.

  5. 8 hours ago, Shiningbrow said:

    Colour me confused...

    P294 lists a pile of those husband protectors and the spells they provide...

    Haha, had missed the next page. Most, if not all other cult descriptions end with a list of Asociated Cults, but Ernalda's format differs.

  6. 1 minute ago, David Scott said:

    Book space. Because as is fitting for a Great goddess she has a great number of husbands and RQG couldn't have everything in it. These are in the upcoming Gods of Glorantha book. If you have RQ3, it's looks pretty similar to the ones in the Ernalda cult writeup, otherwise if your players want a spell from Ernalda for their Husband-Protector cult, just pick one protective or fertility based Rune spell. If it's wrong later, don't worry, the adventurer was just blessed. Otherwise Cloud Call from Orlanth Thunderous (as Book 5, RQ3), and Shield from Orlanth Adventurous, Impede Chaos from Storm Bull (as Book 5, RQ3).


  7. 30 minutes ago, dumuzid said:

    It's the chief differentiator of AA spear trollkin mercenaries, they can fight in the day when they have to, like dark trolls.

    they didn't exist until a trollkin heroquested to make the connection with Argan Argar, I think during the Gbaji Wars.

    That sounds interesting, where it's from?

  8. 28 minutes ago, dumuzid said:

    Blindfolding them is one of the few ways to reliably transport undisciplined trollkin through daylight.  Crueler trolls actually blind lower-value trollkin outright to facilitate moving them through sunlight, leaving them only their rather meager darksense, if it won't disrupt their intended duties.  Comparable to real world human societies that deliberately maimed skilled slaves to prevent them from escaping their owners.

    The only other really reliable way is Argan Argar spearkin training, which takes time, effort, magic, and makes trollkin a lot more dangerous than many dark trolls and mistress trolls are comfortable with.

    Oh, I didn't know that trollkin could be trained out of it.

  9. 17 minutes ago, Kloster said:

    IIRC, the (human) cultist of Argan Argar in 'Price of Sartar' webcomic wear sunglasses too.


    So he does! No black clothes though.

    • Like 1
  10. I'd perhaps even make it mandatory for AA priests to own sunglasses and black clothes, just like the priests of Orlanth Adventurous need to own an oxcart and a spiral tent.

    • Like 1
  11. 16 minutes ago, soltakss said:

    True, Trolls have Darksense, so can use their sonar to perceive things.

    However, trolls can also use their eyes to augment their Darksense, maybe not augment in the RQ Rules sense of the word, but they can use Darksense and sight together.

    So, I can sense a figure hiding on the ground, but I cannot tell what it is. Oh, look, I can see that it is a Broo.

    Mistress Race Trolls have a very highly developed Darksense and almost no vision at all, so they rely entirely on Darksense.

    Trollkin have a poorly-developed Darksense and so rely far more on vision.

    That would block the effects of the sunlight and might even stop Trollkin from being demoralized by it.

    But, it isn't cool, hip or trendy, so Argan Argari merchants probably wouldn't wear blindfolds. Leave that to the Zorak Zorani.

    I have some vague recollection that Argan Argar was even linked to obsidian in some way.

  12. 11 hours ago, lordabdul said:

    Good point, a PC might start doing this gimmick where they always kill the last enemy by throwing the axe at them, just so they can end the trance early and have all their wits back immediately after the combat. I would say that you can easily throw a wrench into that kind of abuse, by adding a second wave of attack a minute later, forcing the PC to cast a second trance spell.  Otherwise, just remove that option -- if they throw the axe, the only action they can take afterwards is to shamble, crazy-eyed, towards where the axe landed, or draw a second axe.

    Probably no other spells have had as much discussion and opinions about them on the forum as the trance spells.

    Here's an official answer about their length and when you can end them:

    So throwing your axe/sword away could be seen as a good way to end the spell before the duration runs out. And you could also ask for a will check (POW) or concentration check (INT).

  13. 1 minute ago, Sir_Godspeed said:

    Unless of course it doesn't. 

    I don't really see the point in retroactively criticising someone for how their campaign played out. 

    Maybe the spirit took a liking to them or whatever. It's creative storytelling. Stuff happens.

    The Black Manatee got a wolf skin nailed on the prow decoration and the wolf's spirit enchanted in it. Later the wolf skin was moved to the Black Perch.

  14. 9 minutes ago, M Helsdon said:

    Everything in Glorantha can have a spirit. It may be small and weak, but offending it still has consequences...

    In Glorantha that may be true, but in RuneQuest the community needs 50 persons to have a Wyter. Of course it's easy to houserule smaller Wyters.

    e: Bestiary p. 165 has a table for random spirits. The smallest Wyter matches the spirit on line five, so if you want smaller Wyters just use one of the smaller spirits in the table.

  15. 24 minutes ago, lordabdul said:

    Back to the OP, I would say that it's OK to throw an axe or a dagger, but:

    • If you have another axe or blade on you, you must then draw it and keep hacking at enemies with it.
    • If you don't have any other axe or blade on you, or if you don't want to draw them, the spell ends prematurely... or maybe you can't do anything except going to recover the thrown axe/blade from the (hopefully) fallen enemy (which might be a dangerous proposition as you need to walk over to the corpse while everybody else attacks you)

    Good ideas! I think that I'll use them.

    • Thanks 1
  16. 1 minute ago, M Helsdon said:

    The ship's spirit will be deeply offended... At some point she will have her revenge, probably by splitting a seam in the next heavy seas.

    The campaign started in RQ3 days before official rules for Wyters. But I had made some house rules for the Wolf Pirate "wyters" that were mentioned somewhere. And the original ship had had such a small crew originally, that it wouldn't even have had a Wyter in the current rules.

  17. 1 hour ago, Snugz said:

    p15 pic; I also noted on a quick breeze through that yes, some ships are shown with pennants/flags. Like here. (and p43,69)

    But not fancy flags. More decoration of sails (far more visible from a distance on those big sails), and prows/rams, like others have said.



    Yeah, the decorated prows have played an important part in the campaign. The first ship that the characters captured was a large roundship carrying grain from Esrolia that featured a Grain Goddess on the prow, which was burned with torches to be unrecognizable. After the work was done, someone realized that it resembled a scorched manatee, so she was renamed to the Black Manatee. The first ship that the group built didn't have a wolf at the prow like most wolf pirate ships, but instead a fish, and she is called the Black Perch.

    • Like 3
  18. 26 minutes ago, David Scott said:

    This guy pretty much covers it: https://stevelaube.com/how-much-can-i-quote-from-another-source-without-permission/. fewer than 300 words is considered fair use, but read what the article says (not what I write). Make sure you credit where it's from. You used 132 words, so likely fine.

    It's more about IP. So I would suggest the following.

    • less than 300 words
    • Use the quote marks in the tool bar so everyone knows it's a quote.
    • say where it's from

    This also helps when people are talking about stuff, always say what exactly it is and where it's from, stops misunderstandings.

    Where is this from for example? Book, page?



    • Thanks 1
  19. 4 hours ago, soltakss said:

    Ship Types are as important as flags.

    Don't forget that the Opening only happened a generation ago and most people sail in the ships that their ancestors used before the Closing. I can see Gloranthans having a silhouette diagram showing the shapes of ships to they can identify them.

    Yes, that would be important, I think, more so than a flag that can be quickly changed. It is hard to change a sail quickly.

    For me, Shadow Plateau ships are black with a black flag. You can't have enough black, especially where trolls are concerned.

    Sounds good, I think that I might go with all black flags for them.


    7 hours ago, Snugz said:

    Art in HQ "Men of the Sea" book has some useful illustrations as inspirations for decorating ships. I'm fond of the Vadeli one.

    Could you post the Vadeli one?

  20. Does the Axe Trance allow the use of throwing axes too in your Glorantha? And does the Sword Trance allow the use of all of Humakt's cult weapons? Since RQG hasn't yet listed Humakt's cult weapons, I'm using RQ3's list which includes also throwing knives.

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