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Posts posted by HreshtIronBorne

  1. At this point in our game we have sort of put some reasonable pieces together. With spells like Extension and Wyters the High Priestess just HAS CHarisma all the time. Almost any spell she desires to have up is just there whenever she needs it. Especially for a high priestess of Ernalda, she would have access to a large wyter, huge community, piles of resources. We have been playing through about 7 years of game time, just formed the Eleven Lights as part of our campaign. We are at a point where we are basically always walking the World with our Gods. So, in our Glorantha no one has any problem seeing magic done most of the time. Someone casting a spell during a meeting might be trying to divine an answer or encourage harmony in the meeting, not necessarily get their own way, it wouldn't be seen as immediately and unquestionably a hostile act. 

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  2. From Divine Intervention: Procedure Pg. 272 Core Rulebook RQG


    Calling for divine intervention takes no time, and occurs simultaneously, in the time between a blow striking and the adventurer’s death, for example. In appealing for divine intervention, the adventurer must first permanently sacrifice 1 Rune point and then the player must state in a precise way what their adventurer wishes the divine intervention to achieve.


    So yeah, whether you describe it as trading POW or saccing RP it is in the end limited by the POW economy. The more POW gain rolls the better nearly any kind of character scales.

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  3. So, what things might a sorcerer Tap around the Tula without mucking things up too bad for the community? Would there be ways he could use Tapping to help out around the community? Could something like Tap + Beast help manage or destroy an infestation? Could a spell like Tap + Stasis make it easier to Move Big Stuff around a village, I am thinking pushing logs uphill and such. 

    Could my Lhankor Mhy Philosopher think up a spell to keep the damn wind from messing up all my papers and scrolls in the library AND Generate MP out of it to boot? Maybe Tap + Movement, or Tap + Movement + Command + Stasis? I don't know if you can combine anything with Tap at all. Would love to have a little better idea of the philosophy for putting together a new sorcery spell. Scaling a new Rune Spell isn't super difficult as there are a lot of examples of different affects, and the No God Can Have a Better Spell Than the God With the Rune is a great guideline, nothing straight up better than sunspear makes a whole lot of sense from any other Fire/Sky God.


    So, I am not sure if I should necro the old additional spells thread, create a new thread, or field more questions about Sorcery and Tapping here. 

  4. 2 hours ago, David Scott said:

    This has changed a bit from the RQ3 version of sorcery back in 1984. The background was not Glorantha and the Spell tapped a characteristic. In the Glorantha section (book 5) it said:

    The gave a list of who tapped what, but was all about tapping beings not the current version which is Runes. I'm not suggesting that you abandon your ideas based on RQ3 if it works in your game, but we have moved forward in Gloranthan concepts in the last 35 years. The big change was the discovery of the Xeotam Dialogues in Greg's notes.


    It was this that allowed a new look at sorcery. Firstly in the Guide then HeroQuest Glorantha then to the RQG version.

    There's only one cult in RQG that actually forbids Tap and it's Chalana Arroy, even Lhankor Mhy doesn't have this restriction. IMO Lhankor Mhy would use tap, just not using the Malkioni model. Tapping some leather armour (beast rune) for a few useful magic points or a cave mouth to make it crumble (earth rune) trapping the broos, is fair use.

    I also believe that the RQ regeneration of Magic Points is clearly the natural tapping of Glorantha, set up by the Compromise.

    Would eating and breathing be akin to the natural Tapping of MP from Animal, Plant, and Air?

  5. So, LM sorcerers wouldn't be cool tapping Air or other closely related runes?


    On a completely different note, could someone use a Tap Movement Spell to gain MP AND slow something down, like a merchant's cart or something? There seems to be quite a wide range of what sort of 'target' is acceptable for a sorcery spell, Boon of Kargan Tor hits one object, as do neutralize armor, preserve item and such. Ward against Weapons targets a whole body. Moonfire, Steal breath, and a couple others target literal Cubic meters of space or area, and they scale pretty quick.


    I am having a hard time trying to quantify exactly what might be reasonable or 'balanced', can't think of a better term, for creating new spells with my LM sorcerer, even though the rules say it isn't all that hard, coming up with a reasonable spell without feeling OP is hard. Just Boon of Kargan Tor has changed the landscape and I can only put it up at 2d6 for a couple years at this point. 

    Let me know if this isn't the appropriate thread for this rant. sorry.

  6. Crel has it exactly as our group has understood the RAW as well. As far as I can tell the intention really is that Rune-Lords can effectively maximize their stats before really becoming all that old, and allowing them to fight off the effects of aging rather well!

  7. In our Glorantha nearly EVERYONE not in a Western, Sorcerer-Centric, Society loathes the Tap spell. Literally when I asked about it being related to ALL the techniques my GM said no freaking WAY would a LM sage use TAP ever on anyone's anything. As far as our Glorantha, especially in Dragon Pass, is concerned Tap is for Evil Bad Guy Sorcerers.

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  8. Joerg and Phil just made me think of this over in the Bless Pregnancy thread that's going. I had a total Munchkin hat idea that I thought might fit better here. A Rune Priestess of Ernalda could in theory have up to 21 CHA and 21 RP with no HQ expansions or extensions of RP, just keep it RAW as far as we have now. What about the Clan treasures, and all the other POW the Rune-Priestess gained during her lifetime, after maxing RP? 

    Matrix Creation

    1 Point Enchantment, Ritual, Stackable

    This spell is used to store the potentiality of a spirit magic or Rune spell in an item. Anyone who can use the item gains the ability to use the spell whenever they are in physical contact with the item, though they lose the potentiality of the spell as soon as they lose that contact. POW points equal to the magic points or Rune points needed to cast the spell must be sacrificed to create the matrix. An enchanter cannot make a matrix for a spell they do not have access to.

    ...The POW sacrificed for the enchantment does not have to be provided entirely by the enchanter; if the enchanter sacrifices at least 1 point of their own POW, others can voluntarily contribute to the sacrifice, with no limit.

    Does this mean that the Great Temple to Ernalda nearest our town has a ridiculously large bless Pregnancy Matrix? Would the Royal lines of different Cultures? I could see some awesome retiring Ernaldan contributing a goodly pile of Power to making something that the clan will treasure and benefit from for generations. And, in theory this spell has been around a while. There is probably no problem assuming you got a couple points, ESPECIALLY if you rolled up a Noble. You could even take the cost of the spells out of his 'inheritance' or starting money.


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  9. I can't see anything that would limit a Bless Pregnancy spells ability to be stacked other than the RP of the Ernaldan Priestess casting it, in theory +19 stats with a max Human CHA of 21 and maxed Rune Pool. We have definitely been investing treasure into blessing our children. There has been some debate about what it would cost, or if you can employ a priestess how much RP she would have left and all the other variables. +19 lets you get +3 to 5 stats and +2 to 2 others, making sure you can't go over species max even with a phenomenal Yahtzee of 6s in character creation.

  10. We basically the same thing. Roll 4d6 for all but INT and SIZ, drop the lowest, rerolling all ones. Roll 3d6 for INT and SIZ, lowest die becomes a six. Our Pcs have way above average stats. You can also look to the Rune Spell Bless Pregnancy for an additional idea for creating heroic PCs. If you look through Divine Intervention and RuneLord benefits it is not that hard for even a moderately gifted RuneLord to max stats, if that is a goal. 

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  11. The way we have played it is that joining Humakt severs loyalties and ties but, after that there may be reasons a Humakti could initiate to or bind himself to another. Like Humakt did after Orlanth offered him a seperate but equal position. And that is without any illuminated shenanigans. Lol

  12. RAW you can join both Orlanth and Humakti, which is just bonkers strong. It may not be a starting option but, quickly gets very very strong. Truesword, sword trance, darkwalk, Leap, flight, teleport, shields for days. Not to mention skills and spells.

  13. We are reaching the point in our current campaign that we have herqouested once or twice through the quests outlined in 11 Lights. I'd love to hear some of the powers your PCs have brought back with them from the Hero and God planes. We used a houserule for years where a critical success on a heroquest gifted the hero with a special ability based on circumstances, entirely adlibbed. This is how my new Humakti has become immune to vampire enthrall, and damages vampire weapons on parties. Now that there are some nebulous ideas of what might be up ahead for RQG in terms of the acquisition of HQAs and what they might be like, we are trying to step away from that and find a better way. How have you fellow grognards run heroquest and their rewards for the last couple decades?

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  14. Yeah, my go to example if Orlanth Thunderous and Odayla, in the PDF I have it says Odayla gives Orlanth Thunderous initiates the Bear's Strength spell, which in it's description states you have to be an odayla initiate to cast the spell on yourself. So, I assume most thunderous initiates do the Odayla thing for a maple trump card. Lol. Surprise Bear Orlanthi

  15. if we are going egregious munchkin then go bison rider, dark and storm dominant runes, with a little luck depending on how you roll or assign stats you can have yourself a near giant with 2d6 base damage bonus, then strength spell for another d6 th at start. Even throwing rocks this guys crushed skulls. Lol

  16. if we are going egregious munchkin then go bison rider, dark and storm dominant runes, with a little luck depending on how you roll or assign stats you can have yourself a near giant with 2d6 base damage bonus, then strength spell for another d6 th at start. Even throwing rocks this guys crushed skulls. Lol

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  17. 9 minutes ago, PhilHibbs said:

    If you pick #17 for your Family Heirloom, don't take Bladesharp or Bludgeon as the matrix. It will become redundant if you later learn the spell at a higher level. Strength will give you an improved damage bonus and +10% to hit anyway (and on all skills and weapons, not just the sword) and is stackable with Bladesharp. The same applies for any matrix gained, always go for a non-variable spell.

    This. I picked darkwall as it is only two points and a phenomenally useful spell.

  18. 2 hours ago, David Scott said:

    The mechanism of disease spirits is straightforward - they are in the spirit world and that's where they attack. They don't materialise.

    I am lacking the bestiary but, I always thought that all spirits become visible/material/whatever to attack in spirit combat, how else are you able to defend with a magic'd iron sword?

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