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Posts posted by Noita

  1. Fingers crossed and good luck. I have a game i'm running online but at the moment I'm full up. Here's the link and feel free to browse. There's a lot to read... In Character posts are numbered though you'll have to go back a fair few pages to find number one. When a spot frees up I'll let you know. It's in it's fourth year now and well past the 30,000 post mark, with folk posting daily


    • Like 2
  2. I was just letting him know about this thread. Hence the @. He runs online Heroquest games. You could of course message him and see, though he will likely be along shortly.

    Get in touch with the other folk via the links I gave.

    • Like 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, DuskoDugousko said:

    I´v been reading this stuff for years but never had an opportunity  to play.  So, i will ask you to steer me towards a play by post or other form of online game. Thank you in advance, an hopefully you can help me play in this wonderful setting.

    What rules? I saw a game advertised on g+ will go find the link.

  4. It is impossible in my view to be a rune lord of more than one cult. You are meant to be emulating your god and devoting your time and energy to furthering their aims. RL and initiate in an associated cult sure.

  5. 26 minutes ago, jajagappa said:

    Aside from tracking down old fanzines, you have all the published material (aside from the Guide to Glorantha which provides extensive survey of the Wastes).

    There's some Pavis/Prax material in the RuleOne articles here: http://ruleonemagazine.com/index.php

    Issue 15: Caves of Waha

    Issue 13: Agape

    Issue 12: Ghost Places of Prax

    Issue 11: Flora and Fauna of Prax

    And some others, but no scenarios that I recall.

    There was a Broo heroquest, with the characters drawn in as adversaries.

    Beyond Pavis had some extra adventures set in the Zola Fel area.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Jon Hunter said:

    I would suggest boys leave the cult at the moment of initiation into waha or other cults. Its the cult of women and children.

    But up until that they must follow the Eirithan restrictions. Plus old school Waha initiations were early 20's.

    Contradicts the Waha no healing too.

    This doesn't happen in my game, was just wondering  how i never saw this before.

  7. Just reading Cults of Prax. It says that every Praxian can be said to be a member of Eiritha as a Lay member. This makes sense, but then the prohibited magic is quite extensive and would prevent one being a successful warrior or hunter for example. Personally I'd ignore that bit, but what do other folk think?

    Prohibited: Bladesharp, Bludgeon, Disruption, Fanaticism, Fireblade, Fire Arrow, Iron Hand, Multimissile, Speedart.

    Restricted (2x normal): all non-axe weapons skills and all knowledge skills.

  8. 1 hour ago, MOB said:


    New 'Leaders of Dragon Pass' backer levels added to our Kickstarter—your opportunity to immortalized in the KHAN OF KHANS Rulebook as the leader of one of these famous Gloranthan places!

    Up for the taking:

    • Count of the Sun Dome
    • Chief of the Colymar
    • Dark Mistress of the Council of Elders
    • The Dwarf of Dwarf Run
    • Great Witch of the Earthshakers
    • Prince of Sartar
    • The Human King
    • Lunar Governor of Tarsh
    • Feathered Horse Queen

    and (last but least)

    • Great Beak, Lord of Quackford, Duke of Duckvale and Master of Gandertown


    That link drops me somewhere else. Happens a fair bit recently when you post links.

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