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Posts posted by nclarke

  1. I suppose if the updated web store software cannot easily import the old database there's not much you can do. I guess the offer to restore old orders required them to re-enter the order details and that would only work if you could supply the details.

  2. I read somewhere that if you have the order number they can reinstate your downloadable file. The biggest problem would be the limit (four times) on the downloads and actually getting a response to your email.


    I've kept every email confirmation of orders I've placed with them just in case, for which I am now very glad.

  3. I think you'll find the page numbers aren't quite right. Paul said, IIRC, that the Investigator's book was more like 250 pages and the GM's book 450 pages.


    I'd also point out that the Investigators books duplicates a lot of the GM's book such as occupations, skills and chargen so I'm not necessarily sure that most gamers will need both unless they run the game rather than play.


    POC also suggested that the changes from 6e were mostly cosmetic and optional (Pushing a roll and the Luck mechanism) rather than mandatory but the advice added made the whole thing much more helpful.


    Other points I've seen mentioned are the references to both the Call of Cthulhu story (not included in this edition) and to The Haunting adventure (again not included) in the text of the GM's book. I suspect another couple of editing passes after the KS backers send in all the typos and errors that have crept into the pre-print proof copies.


    With HotOE coming in at USD120 I expect retail for the 7e rulebook to be maybe USD40-50 and the Investigators book running about USD25-30.

  4. You may not know about the Essentials version which is Pay What You Want and contains just one magic system and is missing some other bits but is otherwise a complete game. Same place as the full system.

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  5. The other problem with weird dice i.e. those beyond the usual platonic solids plus d10, is the cost. I know someone who has just had a die for special D6's cut and that wasn't cheap so I'm guessing that an example would be Cubicle 7's set of One Ring dice( 6xD6 with one face adding a symbol and a D12 with two special symbols) and they sell for UKP 8 a set. Trying to get players to spend the normal cost for a set of 7 poly dice is hard enough (USD7 from Chessex). I know it's less than the cost of a fast food meal but there's a certain reluctance amongst gamers to spend money on stuff (other than maybe pizza and soda). Look at the number of players who turn up at a convention or even a home game and don't have dice or a pencil and paper.

  6. Nothing I posted since Silent_bob asserted the superiority of the US paper size and US spelling was political purely pointing out that he couldn't have his cake and eat it too plus a dose of leg pull about US stereotypes.

  7. Again Silent_bob are you suggesting that American's cannot manage to print two-up on letter size paper with the fit-to-paper option checked?


    I think you can see why the rest of the world hates things that are designed for letter-sized paper that no-one outside the US uses. Let alone legal-size or digest-size paper.


    When the Chinese economy outstrips that of slowly decaying America and you have to learn Mandarin to speak to your overlords you'll appreciate being the little guy more.

  8. Silent_bob, are you suggesting that US citizens are not literate enough to cope with variant spelling? I know they have problems with History, not enough of it, and Geography, anywhere outside CONUS, but I did think that they could manage to read, unlike Dan Quayle (best remembered for his spelling of potatoe).

  9. Larger companies in Europe (at least the English one's I know about, C7 and Mongoose) have distribution facilities on both continents and can minimise shipping costs even when sourcing the hard copy from China. The Guide to Glorantha folks at Moon Design are doing the same with bulk shipping out of the US for all the European material and then distributing it from Germany to keep the costs down.


    I've heard about one company that found it cheaper to ship to the UK then back to Canada than across the border from the US.


    The USPS charges have gone up so much on International mail that it's prohibitive to ship stuff anywhere outside the US.


    Unfortunately the US is the biggest market for RPG material in English so most companies need to deal with the US market and printing there or doing their distribution from there makes a certain amount of business sense.

  10. The killer of course for buying a hard copy vs. a PDF is location. If you have no local store where you can purchase a copy of the book and it's not offered on Amazon (lots of Indie games) and the source is Kickstarter or another US based source then postage is going to be the thing that makes a European purchaser think twice before buying. (I quote a recent buyer of Monte Cook's latest work, "USD 35 for shipping!")


    POD through DTRPG where the material is printed in the UK works reasonably well but if you are left with the choice between getting a PDF and printing locally (or via POD) or paying a lot of money and potentially customs fees for a book then it has to be a 'must have' to bother.

  11. I doubt that lancers of any description in the early 19th century or even a hundred years before actually threw the lances they carried. It was mostly a terror weapon as it out-reached the swords of the non lancers and thus was hoped to cause them to give way. Often the lancers in European or Eastern armies were used in the rout of an army when the fleeing troops could easily be brought down with a thrust in the back. As light cavalry they were often used in a scouting role and carried a carbine for use on foot or when on sentry duty. Swords varied but could either be a sabre or a straight-bladed sword that used the point.


    The Lancers in California were almost a militia and patrolled in small groups armed with lance and shield, musket (.69 cal) a pair of pistols of the same bore, a dagger and a short sword similar to a European hunting sword.



  12. Triff's been in the UK visiting Scotland and attending Continuum 2014. AFAIK he should be back now but it might be sensible to wait until the later part of the weekend to be sure.


    BTW I found Jason Durall's Game of Thrones for BRP files to be messed up as well but I mailed Jason through PM and he sent the files to me direct.

  13. Not sure that lots more skills is really a selling point. If you have say 250 points to spend at character generation are you better putting them in to lots of skills at low levels or focussing on a smaller range to skills and being better at them. Analysis Paralysis is going to hit some players hard with loads of skills. The half a dozen extra (specialised) skills in WWC are plenty.


    The 6e skills at very low levels (1-5%) are more a hindrance as there's usually one player who want's to try the ole Hail Mary throw at a skill the more skilled characters has failed at, "I've got 1%, I could roll that".


    I honestly prefer the older CoC versions where skills didn't have these low base percentages. I don't know how players with a tendency to want to roll at low chances of success are going to deal with 7e's reroll/pushing the roll mechanism without pulling fanciful reasons for a re-roll out of their posterior.

  14. I've run a fair amount of WWC and played the Fate version of the A!C adventures. You could use concepts and ideas from one in the other but bear in mind that A!C is designed as very pulpy and WWC usually doesn't go that way (depending on the players). basically WWC is just 6e CoC with a different background but A!C is pulpy 40's action.


    Which one is better depends on your preferred play style.


    A!C has the Nazi's actively using the Mythos and summoning stuff to help them,

    WWC has the Mythos more as a background to the war where things with tentacles and cultists take advantage of the upheaval to gain power.

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