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Posts posted by nclarke

  1. Because CoC operates in a sandboxy manner there is no simple way to make it conform to the "Start at the Inn walk a bit, attack something, walk a bit, hit something" ad nauseum style of organised play as exemplified by other Living style campaigns. Unless you follow some sort of railroad you are never going to end up in the same place at the end of a session as all the other groups of players. I cannot think how you would believe a modern well written CoC game would be forced into the sort of straitjacket you mention.

  2. It's easier for the players to create a backstory with links to the NPCs if you give them a reduced list of NPC's and just say that these are the NPC's you are likley to have a link/connection with. That doesn't give anything away especially if the other two NPC's are rather surly and bad mannered to the others. Give them some sort of trait that makes it obvious why no-one would even consider having and sort of relationship with them.

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  3. You might wish to consider the Cubicle 7 books covering the Mythos during WW2. The Darkest Hour covers SOE agents in occupied Europe and the recently in pre-order WWC London covers the Myths in London during the war. Both provide a much more competent investigator compared to the normal 1920's version.



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  4. I'm not sure about Bone Hill but I think someone has done the Reptile God for BRP as I'm positive I have a copy. Sorry just checked and a have  Basic Fantasy version of B1 (in Search of the Unknown) and my own partial notes for I-1 Dwellers of the Forbidden City which consist of comments on what to replace in each encounter using RQ6 creatures.

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  5. I started doing a RQ6-based game for Tekumel last year and ran out of time before I could finish it. In the end I ran the game (at Indiecon (a UK gaming con) using Brett Slocum's Heroic Age of Tekumel rules which are more like AD&D and it worked perfectly well. I'd use either those or Kevin Crawford's rules as the main fun in Tekumel is dealing with the society and finding out what, you as a barbarian from over the water, needs to know to avoid being impaled and not the rules used to play. Read the long running thread over on the RPG site for a player's descriptions of playing in the Professor's games..

  6. I enjoyed the California Missions when I visited them but your friend was missing the point. These Missions were built by pioneering Jesuits who didn't have the infrastructure that they would have had in Europe and the Missions are more interesting as an example of transferring the concept of a sacred space to live and work in into a structure that works in a Spanish-American environment.

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  7. Check the rules for when to actually ask for a roll. It's normally not used unless there is some reason for a roll/test. A normal climb using a rope wouldn't call for a roll but one on a sheer surface with no equipment would for example. It's also normal to test when under stress but not when things aren't being stressful. So if it narratively makes sense to test then do so.

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  8. I think that all the material will be available as add-ons. This means that you pledge at the lowest level for a hard copy and then add on the costs of the items you want (look in the text covering the add-ons) and get a total. When the KS ends they send out a survey (or use another system called backerkit) that allows you to specify what your dollars are for exactly.

  9. Reprints are an easy way of refilling the Chaosium coffers especially as so many of their fans are still playing RQ2 and want to have fresh core books to replace tattered old copies. Reprinting other material as Anniversary Editions is another chance to capitalise on all the nostalgia for the good old times of people's youth/college days. 

    Redoing a book to take advantage of modern layout and style concepts is relatively costly  and Chaosium rightly limit the expenditure on things that aren't relatively short term and likely to make back any money quickly. Some material isn't available in electronic formats and so they cant even throw those things up for POD yet.

    Another issue with older material is ownership/copyright. If the work for paid for by Chaosium they probably own it (depending upon contract terms) but if it was produced by someone else from several people's efforts like ToftRM then who owns what is fraught with difficulties. Contacting people who may not be in the game hobby any longer is going to be very hard and even then they may not wish their youthful writing to be out there.

    Anyone who want's new material can write it and submit it to Chaosium for possible publication or offer it for free to avoid problems with IP. I'm sure that everyone who no longer has the hours to spend on producing game material due to family and career will thank you for anything you choose to offer.

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  10. Once layout is finished and has been checked the pdf can be generated (that's the file that gets sent to the printer) and some companies offer an order option at that point to get the revenue stream started. Once the files have gone to the printer he has to slot it into the queue. The printing takes  a period of time dependent on the volume and then shipping takes place. This can be six or eight weeks from China or less if printing is done locally. Importation rules often hold up shipments from outside a country and then it arrives at the distribution centre where it is packaged and mailed.

    The answer is it depends on where the work is printed and how long shipping takes and so on..

  11. Unread posts gives a stream of unrelated stuff that goes back days. It doesn't give me only New since my last visit.

    I really don't like the new software update and think I'm going to just use other media sources to find material that interests me without all the unrelated material that I don't want to go through.

  12. Each time I came to the site I used new posts to filter the posts and only got posts that were new since my last visit. Now I get a stream of unread crap that I have no interest in and it's spammed with topics I don't want to read. The old style of 'proper' forum with the ability to only view new posts and then pick the ones I wanted to read was much better than this Facebook style stream of unrelated junk.

  13. You could certainly do the SOE+French (or any other) Resistance movement with WWC very easily. I've run quite a few games at conventions and a couple of campaigns and the one-off games have often gone with the military operation over the Mythos one if the player's prioritised rather than balanced the two threads.,.

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  14. Moon Design have been focusing on their own Moon Design product range and have targeted the finalisation of the 7e Kickstarter as the way forward for Chaosium. They have to dig their way out of the huge hole that Chaosium are in before they do anything else. As some of you appear to not understand production of a supplement is a process taking a certain amount of time and if that process was started earlier this year then in order to fund things going forward they must have saleable product and minimised expenses to be able to fulfill the KS and keep Chaosium alive. Those saleable products were physical stock in Heyward and Moon Design product close to completion. They sold off what they could (what professional company keeps and pays for stock that is not selling twenty years after it was produced?) and closed the warehouse. They are moving MD stock and other product that is available for cash flow reasons. MW is not selling in any quantity and neither are their in-house BRP lines so they are just sitting until that money hole is filled. External licensed product that will drive BRP down the road are being encouraged (see Mythic Iceland for example) but anything that requires direct MD/new Chaosium management direct effort is not going to go anywhere for at least six months by my reckoning.

    Pulling Chaosium out of the hole it's in will require huge effort and loads of bucks and the truck loads of cash required don't come from BRP but Glorantha oriented products and Chaosium material that is ready to go to POD or pdf with no further expenses. Note how they have ramped up the sources for obtaining product without costing them money in terms of labour or stock control. I've heard that they talked to European stockists at Essen and are providing means to get product into stores more easily than before. The deal for board games is a big thing for Europe where board game sales are huge and Glorantha was/is very popular. They are probably leveraging Sandy's experience with CW or going with an experienced board game producer as a partner on that front.

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  15. MW is not a priority because they have all their resources committed to getting the CoC 7e KS completed. The coffers are virtually empty and until they clear the cloud of the 7e KS nothing or virtually nothing is going to happen. I don't know how many times they have to tell people that but it doesn't seem to sink in. Chaosium fans are lucky they have anything to look forward to based on the state the company was in after Sandy and Gregg took a look at it. The MD folks have said that the actual state of the company finances was even worse than G&S had thought when they originally stepped in, 10K in the bank and a 7e printing bill for 100K is a hole that isn't easy to climb out of so a lack of a concrete statement on the future of MW is small beans. Be thankful you actually have material already out there to play.

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