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Lloyd Dupont

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Posts posted by Lloyd Dupont

  1. 43 minutes ago, Atgxtg said:

    Okay. In that case do you have any special modifier for hi-tech weapons vs. low tech armor? A large shield in RQ3 could stop 16-18 points and that's just about average on 3D10. Unless you want the primitives to go all Ewok on the advanced troops.

    After a hiatus not progressing much on MoO booklet I am back at it! 🙂 
    I was kind of blocked by trying to find an adventure format that pleased me, I wanted some fighting action, I also wanted good well equipped police forces hence relatively peaceful society, I was stumped... 😮 

    Anyway, you raise an interesting point that I didn't give any thought to so far!
    Also, as suggested somewhere around these forum I might make shield block easier (probably a bonus instead of advantage roll, or a minimum skill value) but reduce their AP/HP.

    First thing first I have to say my base rifle blaster (TL 8 ) with its 2D8+4 damage and my base disintegrator rifle (TL17) with 3D8+4 (also know and plasma rifle in BRP, I switched disintegrator and plasma in pecking order) are relatively close to BRP values (BGB, page 256) 
    And then they could have mod, like heavy version (require TL+2) with increase each dice one steps (ie. 2D10+4 or 3D10+4) or burst fire mod (TL+2).

    But yea I gave weapon "power". It's a sort of vague extension of BRP special success effect toward Mythras special effect. But instead of a long list I have a short list of effect, mostly based on the weapon, that can also apply on normal success sometimes. For example they can both destroy armor (2 or 3 point at a time for blaster or disintegrator) and put things on fire and cause knockback.

    So.. mmm.. probably gonna be alright, should not forget to review shields though! ^_^ 


  2. 6 hours ago, Atgxtg said:

    Yeah, that could work. I'm not sure if I wan't to work it that way- I'd need to see what the weapon damages and armor protection was first. I mean if a plasma cannon was doing 8d10 or some such, then a 20 AP shield probably wouldn't cut it. 

    I don't have all my tables here (replying from work, oopsie) but the most dangerous hand held weapon does 3D10, at tech level 21 or something if I remember correctly.... can't remember exactly the damage of TL 13 weapon (which is what the game will be around) but it's probably close to 2D8. so nothing that big... (or maybe 2D10 with mods?)
    I removed shotgun, because I just dont see where it damage could fits in my weapon per technology table. But I left burst fire weapon, which is close enough hey!

    I did compress the damage. Even though I let the armor goes up. I gave most weapon ablative property though... (i.e. weapons destroy armors). It's why I rather not keep increasing the AP, even though I want shield.


  3. 59 minutes ago, RosenMcStern said:

    So the point is: can you houserule Legend or Mythras so that it resembles RQ3/G a little bit more? I would say yes, you can. And it will not break the game: your players will still beat the bad guys if their characters are competent and they make wise tactical decisions. But it will take a significantly higher number of combat rounds (and combat rolls) to do so. And not because more "exciting events" will take place. It will just be a higher number of misses or parries.

    I think what Rosen mean here.. is with action points, often players have the upper hands (since combat oriented character will hopefully be more min maxed that random goon). Meaning they will often starve the enemy of action point and have free unchallenged attacks.

    Personally I disliked that and prefer the way BRP handles it. However, obviously some people like differently. While I don't like action point too much, I have to agree it's nice way that RevolutionD100 and Mythras (relatively) smoothly handle more or less fast character or weapon in the game.

    For example with BRP I am at loss on how to make an hyperfast deadly combat robot, yet give it 1 attack per second if I treat it like any other character... (sure I could give it multiple weapon and just having it fire all of them at once, but I am specifically thinking how war machine should be faster)
    Toying with various idea, thinking for DEX over 15 (and every other multiple) give 1 extra action or reaction with malus....

  4. 17 minutes ago, SDLeary said:

    Yes, but the greater the damage value, the more likely the shield is to not stop that particular blow and lets all the damage through. Also, as it "counts" as armor, you could also factor in knockback. Or, if using as ships shields, say the shield doing its job might cause other small issues around the ship; think Star Trek when shields are bing heavily hit, and all the fireworks that happen on the bridge.


    quintuple post!

    oops that was you...

    I think I will go with my idea outlined just before your multiposts.....

    However.. there are plenty of device with various tech level... And I think I can make another device like you suggested when one get the reflector field technology.. 🙂

  5. 8 hours ago, Atgxtg said:

    Does damage come off the hit point shields before damaging the ship or both at the same time? If you ship above got hit for 25 points would that do 20 points to the shield, 20 points to the ship, or both?

    Yeah the shield AP and HP is damaged first. Without any other bonus, i.e. your armor doesn't improve the shield AP.
    Once the HP of the shield is brought to 0 the shield is knocked off... and normal AP and HP applies.

    It slightly different for spaceship I think. Where shield HP regenerate fast and damage reduction always applies, I believe, as long as the shield generator has not be destroyed. But it's close enough. And mechanic seems good too.

    Also.. in MoO.. there is like 2 tech that simply bypass shield (in a large tech tree).


    FYI: in MoO Armor work slightly differently too, like an HP layer over the structur, no damage reduction. But big ship do more damage, maybe only ablative damage hey? So it's kind o f the same thing on you use ablation / AP reduction! ^_^
    And also, some weapon can by pass armor and directly affect structure. Again its either expensive mods (in cost and weapon space/enc) or a few tech in a large tree.

  6. 1 hour ago, Atgxtg said:

    The easy way would be to adapt the RQ3 weapon damage rules. Basically anytime the armor's AP are exceeded it's protection drops 1 point. You could do spilt values, but frankly i wouldn't. If you wanted less durable armor you could drop he AP by more than 1 point each time it is exceeded. Something like ablative armor might drop even if it isn't exceeded

    I know this rule from Mythras Firearms! ^_^ and call it ablation. I mentionned it as well with some number tuning... Everybody loves it, gonna stick with it...

    I guess I was annoyed with shield... I guess my main concern was to be both BRP friendly and similar to how spaceship shield work in Master of Orion... But then it struck me.. I could just use MoO rules, it's no biggie and not too alien, just a tad different! 🙂

    FYI in MoO shield have a small damage reduction value (i.e. AP) but mostly count as what could be best described as an HP layer, which regenerate (for a spaceship). So if I throw some random number out.. the current top of the line shield tech they have could add +5AP, and +20HP. Once the HP i gone shield is off... and perhaps shield can be regenerated with spare power cell.

  7. So... you suggest that forcefield be an all or nothing damage stopper with a resistance roll?.. I never considered such an idea, interesting...

    And for armor you you seem to quite like the ablating value... I need to review those rule soon (booklet almost finish but need a second pass) maybe that's good enough hey! It's a popular fix! ^_^

    For HP, I decided to use no hit location, except perhaps, for major wound. But you bring a good point on how, once again, even with modern or advanced firearms, location increase durability (when you got armor that can take a hit, that is...)

  8. My concern are many...


    For example, one is when you have a modern battle armor (that goes up to 16 IIRC, from the BRP rulebook, though I am making my own), plus some armor addons (which increase the armor further) (I have 21 tech level, so lot of tweaks..) and a forceshield... Then you can just walk in without fear or concern... And also, one marine can't harm an other one!

    Ok, perhaps it's fine, but thinking back to youtube video on whether modern ceramic armor is good against firearm.. I remember that yes, they are good, but after a few rounds, there isn't much of the armor left... Which bring me back to give HP to armor... or introduce a degrading mechanic...
    (what I am planning at the moment, depending on the weapon, is if damage is more than AP, or AP/2, AP goes down by a number, 1 or 2 or 3 so far...)


    Also... I am going to use Master of Orion spaceship combat rule.. and they have shield, armor and structure, and they all simply go down.. they do have a tiny bit of damage reduction, but their main effect is mostly an additional HP layer, for the spaceship. And also forceshield regenerate. It's not very compatible on how PC are handled.. and while it could be argued that PC and spaceship don't need to be handled with the same mechanic.. what about tank or, better, flying tank?


  9. Hey while we are at it...

    While I am ok with the way HP and armor works in a medieval setting... Against modern (or scifi) firearms I'd like it to work more like Borderlands 3. With up to 3HP stack (HP, Armor, Force Shield) and each of them being mow down in order... And I have been toying with various ideas without being satisfied.... Wonder if anyone can help me brainstorm?

    I got an idea this morning while driving!
    Armor could come with both its AP, but a "Internal Armor Point" (which is the durability of the armor itself, could be higher or lower than the AP). If damage is > IAP then damage above is also applied to the armor!
    Same for shield.... So in case of armor and shield, have to take shield down first so can take armor... But I fear it's all too complicated though...

  10. 43 minutes ago, Nephanor said:

    Inspiration hit me while in the shower. So my idea is Nazis are in Canada because they know that the serpent people will not follow them there. The cold keeps them at bay. They are coming here to summon some sort of ice creature so they can use it to invade the serpent people's Island and steal their technology. Is there such creature in the Mythos? (EdIt: Duh, Ithaqua and Wendigo. Glad I got Cold Warning already. RESEARCH TIME!) If not, maybe they are developing an ice ray based on something stolen from some site like is Antarctica. The fun with this idea is that you have two evil groups, and if you stop one, the other may win.

    This was inspired by true events! 😄

    • Haha 1
  11. Jupiter Legacy!
    Seriously guys, check it out.....

    I learned about it in New Scientist (seriously, they have a reading and movie column at the end), just released on Netflix.

    Started to watch it.. first episode I was unimpressed.. A little bit original, but acting or maybe psychology didn't convinced me enough.. and then... episode 2,3,4,5,6 went in a flash.. multiple story meshed together, some superhero story, some strange and foreboding story of madman and mystery in the 1920 that start as a flashback pitch in... the whole thing becomes.. captivating...
    Event the imperfect psychology of the supers become.. interesting....

    The trailer for you guys!

    Jupiter’s Legacy | Official Trailer | Netflix - YouTube

  12. An idea just crossed my mind.... Something anathema to BRP but.. hey, why not, it would fit the genre.... give your super more HP? like (CON+SIZ) * Hero_Power_Level (where Hero_Power_Level is an arbitrary number you as GM decide)

    That might make it work?


    EDIT actually: HP = SIZE + Hero_Power_Level * CON, would work better, I reckon. Or maybe something fancy such as HP = CON + SIZ + POW, or maybe HP = CON+SIZ + spend_some_super_hero_point_for_extra_HP....

    Welll.. you get the idea... 

    • Like 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, Jaeger said:

    Mechanically, there is no real reason to not be d20 roll-under for most "d100" games.

    yes, yes. but this change absolutely nothing, so what is even the point to roll D20 instead of a D%?

    Which beg the question, why do you even need to roll D20 I wonder?

  14. 23 minutes ago, Questbird said:

    It might be more interesting if you incorporate some kind of parallel psychological duel which affects the combat rolls from round to round.

    That's an interesting and novel (to me) idea I never had before... Food for thought.... 🙂 
    But I did introduce various manoeuver to spice up things.... (increase the chance of failure of both party, increase damage, etc...)

  15. 14 minutes ago, Questbird said:

    I think what people miss about D&D is the blood-rush of 'levelling up'.


    14 minutes ago, Questbird said:

    D&D characters are like superheroes in combat. They each have their special powers. When you level up you get even more powers.


    Yes.. levelling in D&D feels much better than few % in skills that we gain in BRP.....

    In fact my Master of Orion setting (soon to be shared, yoohoo! 😄 ) I tweak and introduced a few special skills that give a better level up feeling, I reckon.....

    And there are a few other things.. like for example Magic seems more "balanced" in D&D (although, this is a subjective and controversial topic, so I am agreeing to disagree right of the bat on that! 😅 )

  16. which beg the question... what people are missing exactly when they look at D&D?

    even though I am a D&D basher.. there are a few things that I dislike with BRP (particularly in contrast with how D&D handle those same thing) and slowly find my own ways to deal with them...

    I have a problem with elemental magic in BRP... I think it's not fun and either too expensive or too deadly or too useless but never just right, and I have a problem making swordmasters duels (i.e. both with like 120% skill) interesting... Though I have some untested fix in progress... 🙂

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