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Everything posted by DevintheGM

  1. The beautiful/horrific thing about dreams is how anything can happen and anyone can show up. An interesting fact that I once brought into a Dreamlands campaign is the fact that you can't dream up a face that you have never seen. So, other Dreamers can't recognize other Dreamers that they haven't met before and instead see them as Faceless monstrosities. The only real rule of thumb for playing with the ethereal stuff of dreams is make it interesting, after all who can remember a boring dream.
  2. What an amusing and interesting problem to have. My best guess, I don't actually know your players so just a guess, the first little bit will be rather goofy with plenty of lines delivered directly to the "camera," with a wink and a nod. However, as MoN begins to progress and the depth of the clues add up...and the body count rises, I think prior historical adventures are going to pale in comparison. Also, the idea of the real Sundance Kid being locked up in an asylum somewhere insisting upon being the real Sundance Kid...I mean isn't that what all the effort of being a Keeper is for?
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