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Posts posted by rogerd

  1. Actually, thinking about it, I've been coming from a RuneQuest/BRP approach.

    A CoC approach might be different, because of the different approach to gods.

    As in the Creatures Stats thread, it really does depend on the setting and system that is used.

    I think the CoC ppraoch would be the right one and keeps them not too powerful. Do you have a linky to the creature thread?

    Incidentally a minor RQ god is stated in Legendary Heroes - page 87; Xeticoto the Blood God

    I'd be tempted to do something like this.

    Odin One Eye

    All Father 180%, Wisdom of Mimir and Yggdrasil 115%, Command Huginn and Muninn 145%

    Something like that.

    I agree, none of their stats would need to be particuarly impressive, but they would likely possess a fair few spells, and any from RQ / Glorantha that would be listed as divine, just move across to sorcery and take your pick.

    Now for the Aesir I'd keep the Odin stats above but add a slight bit of extra background, and maybe even alter the Otherworld by removing the dreamers and have it solely as another dimensions accessible from the dreamlands. That way it could be a group of mortals that found the so-called Garden of Eden, wherein resided a fruit that could render the eater immortal. In many ways trying to parallel that maybe the Aesir started off as humans, same as the Olympians.

    EDIT: Has anyone noticed how all of the gods of Earth in recent supplements have become Elder gods? Emma-O, Jade Emperor etc.

  2. If you're going to muck around with MOV. The best I can come up with is STR+SIZ+CON /6, without going into bell curves or other mathematical weirdness.

    I think your method would work better, and any kind of progression curves would be excessively complicated for an RPG.

    In my opinion Mr Bolt should be disqualified from appearing in the Olympics because he is obviously a mutant/super with an unfair advantage over normal people!

    Or doing a very bad job from hiding from the MiB. I agree he makes us normal folk seem sub-normal.

  3. Aspects from Fate, facets of the character that can both be beneficial and a hinderance and help generate story.

    Isn't that in the Dresden RPG?

    As I have both books but never really figured out exactly WTF it actually was though.

  4. Lets Stat up Usain Bolt!

    At 6'5" (77" or 1.96m) his SIZ is going to be 16 (ignoring his weight of 200lbs SIZ 12!)

    His personal best 100 m: 9.58 (according to wikipedia) using that Speed conversion link makes 23.55 mph! or 10.5 m per second

    So STR ?? + SIZ 16 = 52.5/5 = 10.5

    Oh! I think I would have to create a Running skill for Mr Bolt because I dont think his STR is 36.5

    I knew there would be a flaw somewhere :)

    Although not sure quite how to fix that...unless.....he could have a heroic / legendary ability that would bump speed?

    EDIT: So for Usain he can run 44 mph - shit that's fast :) Which equates to 19.67.

  5. Actually, thats pretty close. In the BRP Movement Rates Table a sprinting man moves at 50 meters a Combat Round. 4 m per second equates to 48m a Combat Round getting you almost exactly the 'average' sprint.

    I'd probably want to mix in CON as well as STR and SIZ but that does look like it works.

    Good point, perhaps take out the fatigue table, and maybe players have derived stat equal to CON which they burn during furious activity? Not sure how you'd make that work or write up to be honest.

  6. @ Mankcam

    I'm glad we agree about using the Heroic abilities as bonuses to the character. Although having said that for some games like even a gritty feel I would include them, but only some as many are too far from what could conceivably happen I can certainly understand why you discard them. For example even in a gritty police drama someone may have the quality /traits - e.g. marksman, gaining them an advantage for shooting things, whereas having something like Lifegiver wouldn't really work. To some extent they can even help form the character's personality set too, helping some to create unique and interesting characters. So in truth it is about engaging brain and common sense, and the type of campaign the players want.

    Mind you the one to break all that mould would be Alpha's which does it best to be realistic, enable odd powers while steering clear of the superhero trope so that people cannot shoot lasers fron their eyes and level a building. Now the whole universe it is set in - tends to lack that (it does include Warehouse 13 and Eureka in the same universe).

    @ Rust

    Probably the best system for qualities and drawbacks would be Eden - for most characters you pick 5 points, but on others you may pick up 10 - although it is not compulsory.It does have a good selection of basic ones which could be incorporated. Much like seperating off basic traits and supernatural ones, e.g., lifegiver - above which is not run-of-the-mill. Which is also why I was thinking of having one for techniques too, in accordance with Dragon Lines, and also as quite a few are purely a case of fantastical levels of skill.

  7. Thats very true and one of the minor weirdnesses in the BRP system. Move should be a stat like Str or Con (or at least based on something) rather than a fixed number for every type of critter. But I guess it saves on the math...

    A while ago I was having a discussion in the nWOD forums and someone passed this link my way:

    Speed conversion online.

    I'd probably need to find the RQ table with speed rates on, but it may be easier to have siz + str then divide by 5 to get move per second.

    So 10 + 10 = 20 / 5 = 4m every second which is about 8 mph. Which sounds about right for an average person..

  8. A big horse is bigger than a small horse, in the same way that a big man is bigger than a small man.

    A horse is a horse is a horse, but a Shire horse should not have the same stats as a Shetland pony ...

    How do people vary the move rate as to be honest all humans having 4m is a bit ludicrous, Usain Bolt is a darn site faster that's for sure.

  9. On the other hand, Robert Howard's The Cairn on the Headland had an American archeologist confronting the avatar of Odin with the help of a holy relic. Let's just say his depiction of the All-Father wasn't as, ahem, noble as that of Marvel Comics' Thor.

    I've got to be honest I don't remember Odin being particularly nice in myths, and it is only Marvel's poor depiction (at least as IIRC) of him that makes me cringe.

    Not quite true. They could if they had their own divine aid, as is portrayed most famously in the Iliad. Diomedes, aided by Athena, attacks and wounds two immortals, Aphrodite and Ares.

    Gods were also injured in the Olmypos dualogy.

  10. Hmmm, demigods have stats in BRP; CoC doesn't really count to me as the Chthulhu Mythos is either beings so immense and powerful that they can't be touched, or monsters that can be killed; RQ generally doesn't stat up deities, only minor demigods.

    You're missing the whole point of the Cthulhu Mythos and what Lovecraft wrote - that the gods of Earth are tiny and insignificant biengs to Mythos entities, it is why Yog-Sothoth scoffed at them in the Silver Key as wanting things contrary to nature. If you want a good media example think Xena or better yet Baron Munchausen. None of the so-called gods were all that powerful.

    It is interesting that Corum actually killed the gods, so Moorcock's gods aren't always super-powerful.

    With relics of power so old that even the Lords of Chaos and Order couldn't duplicate them IIRC.....if so that says something about who, or what made them.

    The Sidhe are merely pale shadows of what the gods were, and that is part of their function - they have always been written in folklore as shades.

    Yes nicey romantic folklore is just tripe though. Mythologically speaking if you want to be particularly correct the Fea (Fey) would actually be more correctly interpretated as Yaksha's from Hindu mythology, and Kami from Japanese or plain Daimons from Greek mythology - in other words benevolent nature spirits. Now there are darker versions which in Hindu mythology were somewhat more unpleasant.

    Here is some info for you:

    - Excerpt

    The Sidhe

    Originally created for the Halloween Horrors II scenario “A Ring of Toadstools,” the Tuatha de Danann is reprinted here. They can easily be encountered in the Cthulhu Invictus setting. The power and disposition of each Sidhe varies greatly, with some being noble and kindhearted while others are wicked and spiteful. A few have powers that rival lesser Outer Gods and Great Old Ones, and at least one has managed to elevate herself to that status.

    Tuatha de Danann, Fey Folk From the

    Land of Eternal Youth.

    Char. Rolls Averages

    STR 3d6 11- 13

    CON 3d6+3 12 - 14

    SIZ 2d6+3 9 - 12

    INT 3d6+3 12 - 14

    POW 4d6 14 - 16

    DEX 3d6+3 12 - 14

    APP 4d6+3

    Move 9 HP 30-31

    Av. Damage Bonus: None

    Weapons: Various finely crafted weapons, such as swords, bows and spears (sword, damage 1D8+db; bow, damage 1D8; spear, damage 1D6+db or 1D6 thrown) 51%-70%.

    Armor: None.

    Spells: 2-4 spells, 10% of Sidhe know 4-10 spells. Innate magical ability called Weaving (see above).

    Sanity Loss: 0/1D2 Sanity points to see a Tuatha de Danann

    Tiews is a god that had not been actively worshipped for a few centuries at the time of Deus Vult, so again I would have expected him to be less powerful.

    He's a spirit and not actually corporeal.

    I haven't seen the stats for Diana and Odin, it would be interesting to see them. Do you have any idea of which supplements had them?

    Now in The Viking Age book the actual source for either left at discretion of the GM - whether to make them pathetic god of Earth, or an avatar of some mytho entity.

    The Viking Age - page 42] - Excerpt

    The deity Odin is a sinister and paradoxical entity. Surviving Norse material attests to Odin’s negative as well as positive aspects, and with only a little exaggeration the Keeper can turn him into a truly horrific figure. Odin was a traditional god of nobility from Norway and Sweden. Many elements of Odin’s mythology suggest a shamanistic element. His sacrifice of himself to himself on the tree Yggdrasil for magical knowledge may be seen as a form of initiation. His connection to seithr (often Cthulhu Dark Ages: Spirits and Dreams 43 seen as a women’s art) may reflect ritual gender transgression. Odin’s role as god of war is closely related to his role as a god of the dead. He collects dead warriors to fight beside him at Ragnarok. Odin can also be seen as a trickster god; his contests with mortal and immortal rivals usually end in their destruction. In later portrayals from the conversion era, he is depicted with as a demonic being who tries to prevent his worshipers from converting to Christianity.

    ODIN, God of the Otherworlds

    STR 17 CON 15 SIZ 15 INT 20 POW 45

    DEX 14 Move 8 HP 15

    Bonus Damage: +1D4

    Weapons: Spear 75%, damage 1D6 + db

    Armor: invulnerable to conventional attacks

    Spells: any

    Sanity Loss: 0 normally. 1D10/1D100 to see his true form.

    Well, the Trojan War might have been in the 12th Century BC, and the Iliad was probably written down in the 8th century BC, so about 400 years separated the two, so about 13 generations. Time enough for things to be twisted, of course.

    Looking at the Greek Myths, the Olympians are rarely defeated by humans, Their contemporaries (Titans/Demigods) are sometimes defeated by mortals, but those mortals are often descended by deities. Off the top of my head, I can't think of any who were fully mortal.

    So, if they were statted up then they would be very powerful - high POW, divine magic cast in the same way as Common Magic (perhaps at a cost of 1 MP per casting), high STR/CON, resistance to damage and so on.

    Around Elder god leve most likely, which considering the ones listed in Lovecraft actually came from mythology, e.g. Hypnos, Bast, Nodens. There is no reason to then draw parallel between the Protogenoi of Greek mythology and some of the more powerul Hindu deities and place them at lesser Outer God level - as the latter were likely behind some of HPL's sources anyway.

    - page 88

    In addition to invulnerability and exceptionally long life, the Olympians gained the power of flight, the ability to create unnatural, hybrid creatures, and the knowledge necessary to summon dimensional shamblers, shuggoths, the Hounds of Tindalos, and other mythos monsters.

    So to stat them I'd use a basic Olympians template from Doctor Who, something akin to the Greek gods from Olympos dualogy by Simmons, or Bifrost Guardians - all of whom were powerful, but too powerful not to have smack down. I'm also liable to incorporate some from Lovecraft's story about the Greek gods returning to Earth too.

    If you want a good example, think Eden Studios idea of Angels that thought they were all high and mighty until they encountered a squadron of M-16's and got a lesson in how far humanity has grown. Without modern weapons or some form of powers (super, magic, psychic) against most lesser races in the mythos you're going to get ganked. Now there is no reason that a tale cannot show the contrast (if you retcon the Olympians dying) as they suddenly experience the difference between ages past, and modern times where despite Zeus' ability to hurl thunderbolts here is quite outclosed if someone chucks a MOAB or heavier artillery in his direction.

  11. In the Iliad, it describes the Olympians getting down and dirty on the battlefield. Basically, mortals have no chance, but Immortals can defeat even the gods. Other gods certainly can - it is full of descriptions of how Ares is defeated by Athena, for example.

    As to having stats for them, unless you want to go up against a God, what is the point? Even goddesses such as Artemis and Athena could take out 20 men without thinking about it. Ares could take a hundred without breaking into a sweat.

    Stormbringer had the right idea - its gods always gave mortals the first blow, then said they killed you.

    However in BRP & CoC, RQ or even RQII they aren't that powerful.

    It is in Elric that Lords of Choas / Order that they are more powerful, but you wouldn't stat them as there is a difference in power level, by an order of magnitude to the extent that they dwarf the Great Old Ones in power, at least in my opinion.

    Invictus has stats for Tuatha (Sidhe)

    Viking Dark Age (?) has stats for Diana and Odin.

    Deus Vault has stats for Tiews, but it is more of a spirit that manifests as a man with one had missing.

    Now to reconcile the difference between Illiad and fact, Chinese (or is that Greek) whispers over a thousand generations you get something that doesn't even represent the truth.

  12. It works ok if you keep it as just a guideline. A straight translation is going to give different results because there are different assumptions built into the ruleset. Still, keep in mind what you want the write up to do in game and adjust as needed and you should be fine.

    Cool, thanks mate.

  13. As in Zeus and company? I don't think I've seen them. It could be fun.

    As in all things, I think it depends on what you want to do with them.

    It did say in Invictus that they can summon Shoggoths and other such nasties. No reason to actually stick to CoC either, maybe use BRP for some other stuff. Certainly would need the Demi-god template from BGB that's for sure.

  14. The reason why Myshella varies so much between MRQ1 Elric and MRQ2 Elric is because, in MRQ2 Elric, we changed the cap on increasing characteristics. Therefore all statistics needed to be recalculated to reflect this rule change. We also introduced some new gifts, and altered how some gifts work.

    Just for clarity are those the gifts regarding partonage? Whether Law, Chaos etc?

  15. Guilty, Your Honour. :o

    My defense is that I used to play GURPS and got tired of mute one-eyed albinos with

    lots of odious habits and a fear of preferably extinct animals who used the character

    points from their mostly meaningless disadvantages to buy superhuman abilities. I like

    it that BRP does not support that kind of boring munchkinism and prefer normal human

    characters anyways. B-)

    Having played Gurps myself I can see why that can be a problem and totally agree to some extent.

    Neither though am I postulating all the merits in WOD or Eden, as they get a bit ad nauseum after a while - just 'key' ones like Fast reflexes, poison immunity, longevity, things like that. The rest should be character and narrative driven to be honest.

    As an aside, how does my idea above sound?

  16. EDIT: I think my one and only gripe, with being new to it so to speak, is the lack of qualitiies and drawbacks (merits and flaws etc) in my opinion.

    As a longtime Hero System fan, I'm used to advantages/edges and disadvantages/flaws. But many of our BRP veterans think such a thing is unnecessary. The closest we get is flaws in the Super Powers section. Putting together a merits/flaws system for BRP has been discussed in several threads but I'm not sure that anything came of it.

    Well I've been looking through Legendary Abilities and quite firmly of the opinion that could be split: Merits & Supernatural & Techniques. Thus making it more compatible with things like Dragon Lines.

    Merits - an example from Legendary abilities would be poison immunity which would fit in quite nicely here.

    Supernatural Merits - these cover supernatural type affects that are neither psychic nor truly magic, e..g Life Giver, and could easily include chi abilities from Dragon Lines. These should likely be powered by; PP, POW or MP?

    Techniques - years of training has enabled the user to learn (from someone), or work out various techniques that make them stridesd above everyone else, e.g. Sundering Strike. Being unique and not something you can use to spam someone with, i.e. a degree og concentration and mental exertion is required - which should power this?


  17. Don't see any Babylon 5 conversions in our downloads section, but there's other sci-fi related stuff you might find useful.

    Cool, I'll take a lookie see shortly;)

    How easy would D20 B5 convert to D100?

    My introduction to the BRP family was GORE, an attempt at an OGL version before the release of the Big Gold Book and BRP Quick-Start Edition (both GORE and Quick-Start are also in the downloads section). At the time, the 16-page version of BRP was long out of print. My first thought was science fiction rather than horror. I now have the BGB and frequently use the Super Powers rules to make science fiction critters.

    Seen BGB mentioned a few times and am very glad you've spelled it out for me. I'd been lurking for weeks and couldn't figure the bloody thing out. Now I know.

    Having had a good look I'm getting to the opinion that any power, any ability, and any spell could used in any way you see fit really. So if there is a spell that fits the criteria for an ability you want a critter to have, then hey presto!

    Anyone done Highlander for D100 yet? As I'm a big fan and having one in CoC or Young Kingdoms with legendary abilities would be awesome.

    EDIT: I think my one and only gripe, with being new to it so to speak, is the lack of qualitiies and drawbacks (merits and flaws etc) in my opinion.

  18. This is certainly a matter of personal taste.

    What I do like about the BRP Corebook are the rules and stuff for science fiction bits n' pieces, e.g. disintegrators.

    But, yes as a whole I see what you mean and flicked through in more details would use one of the three (CoC products), add bits from BRP, then plunder the fantasy setting of choice - and then add Legendary abilities.

    It does most certainly seem that most of the magic systems are more-or-less identical, bar a few minor details - would that be correct? Personally it would be awesome to have someone from RuneQuest and Young Kingdoms in a CoC Dark Ages setting.

    While some of the legandary abilities and the alternate magic is cool, it's not going to stop flat-out stop a lot of CoC critters, slow some down and give the players a fighting chance.

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