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Squaredeal Sten

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Everything posted by Squaredeal Sten

  1. If i recall correctly, voice pitch depends on the size of the pipes, as with a pipe organ. Therefore while song birds chirp in a high pitch, a dinosaur would be much much lower pitched. More bass than an elephant. A dragonewt would be somewhere in the middle if i understand their size correctly. So I argue from this theoretical basis that dragonewts don't chirp, to human ears, nor sing soprano They may roar or they may lowe like a large bovine.
  2. Many thanks, Grandmother, now i can keep my background consistent - Sten isn't too far from Kesten so i think i''ll keep that character name -
  3. The book about Esrolia is pretty thin from a character background point of view. So it's a rich field for the invention of more Gloranthan background. But it seems to me that Stafford wanted room in his world for very different societies. Look at the trolls, how's that for different? And part of the charm of Glorantha is that the players find adventures where two or more of those societies touch. So re. women in Glorantha - there is room for any status you want to play in, certainly somewhere but actually most places. But getting down to particular cults: From my original RQ GM, who seemed to have studied Glorantha pretty well, i understand the cult figure as an archetype. A cult initiate's goal is to become a better (fill in cult name here). And Ernalda is an archetypical historical/real world Bronze Age earth goddess. They were very popular in their time too. Which is not surprising given that Bronze Age folks were mostly farmers, so being a priest of a goddess of grain looks like a pretty good gig if you are set to go into the religion business. But that doesn't mean there is no room for other female archetypes, nor that the whole world is patriarchal.
  4. The Nochet book will be late but eagerly awaited as far as i am concerned. I generated a male Esrolian character - why not? and find that there is really very little Esrolixan background published. for example a list of enfranchised Houses would be nice.... and a sample of Esrolian names, since i note that different Gloranthan areas do have different sounds in the names generated by the original authors. Can anyone steer me to a draft list of Nochet Houses?
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