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Spell Trading Again


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I think the consensus has been reached that you don't get the RP back from a spell you have traded until the recipient has used the spell.

Fine. That can be quite harsh, if you trade away a large spell that the recipient doesn't use for ages and ages. Just be careful and canny about what you trade and to whom.

So here's a question: what about critical successes on casting?

You cast the spell to trade it, involving a Rune roll. If you get a critical, I presume the recipient gets the spell, and you don't lose any RP. Sweet.

What if the recipient rolls a critical when they use the spell? Presumably the RP are released back to the original provider of the spell, and the recipient can cast the spell a second time. It would be extra mean if the RP were not released, but remained tied up in the traded spell that the recipient still has!

I have an idea for an Issaries trader who specialises in collecting Guided Teleportation spells that he sells to people who need to get somewhere in a hurry. The real challenge is, what does he offer in return? Presumably, other spells that he has traded for, along with other goods or services.

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What isn't quite clear is what happens when the buyer of a traded spell fails his rune roll to activate the spell. Like with associated spells, the chance to fail the rune roll for a traded spell could be quite high as the rune is quite likely not a good match to the buyer's personal runes.

At the time of the spell trading, the participants in the trade don't roll to cast the spell, only to transfer it safely (which has a 5% chance to fail, resulting in an accidental release of both spells).

(Given the cloud cover requirements for Sunspear and Thunderbolt, what happens if those aren't fulfilled at the time of the trade? Is the trade not possible?)

Edited by Joerg

Telling how it is excessive verbis


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15 minutes ago, Joerg said:

What isn't quite clear is what happens when the buyer of a traded spell fails his rune roll to activate the spell. Like with associated spells, the chance to fail the rune roll for a traded spell could be quite high as the rune is quite likely not a good match to the buyer's personal runes.

You use the original donor's rune rating to cast it, so there's some bookkeeping to do.

15 minutes ago, Joerg said:

(Given the cloud cover requirements for Sunspear and Thunderbolt, what happens if those aren't fulfilled at the time of the trade? Is the trade not possible?)

Interesting point. Since the Sunspear or Thunderbolt goes off and hits the recipient on a fumble, I guess the conditions have to be met to trade!

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