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A virtual convention for independent Call of Cthulhu creators - Miskatonic Repository Con (Oct 17-18)


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Miskatonic Repository Con is a two-day virtual convention, organised by fans, celebrating the Miskatonic Repository, Chaosium's community content platform for Call of Cthulhu on DriveThruRPG.

With Miskatonic Repository creators hailing from all parts of the world, the Convention is scheduled to run around the clock throughout the weekend of October 17-18.

Chaosium’s global community of players have a chance to see the best that Chaosium’s community creators have to offer. Keepers from the Cult of Chaos will be running gaming sessions, and Repository creators themselves can playtest their own scenarios.The Convention will also feature panels discussing writing and publishing on the Miskatonic Repository. 

Featured panels include Publishing on the Miskatonic Repository and Writing for the Miskatonic Repository, with Chaosium's Mike Mason and Michael O'Brien, and Miskatonic Repository authors Jon Hook and Marek Golonka.

Submissions to run events at the convention are being accepted now (closes September 27). Player sign-ups open at the end of September.

For more information about the event, check out the Miskatonic Repository Con Facebook page, or contact the organisers by email: MiskatonicRepositoryCon@gmail.com.

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Last weekend the first Miskatonic Repository Con was held online, organised by Miskatonic Repository creators themselves.

Chaosium’s global community of players got a chance to see the best that Chaosium’s community creators have to offer, with Keepers from the Cult of Chaos running gaming sessions, and Repository creators themselves playtesting their own scenarios.

In addition to all the gaming, the con featured two panels which will be of interest to prospective community content creators:

Publishing Panel

Are you looking to publish your Call of Cthulhu scenario or supplement? Chaosium's online collection of user-made content - the Miskatonic Repository - allows creators to sell their own original Call of Cthulhu material. The community of creators that has developed around the Miskatonic Repository provides a ready-resource for any authors looking to get their start, but who are struggling with developing their ideas or navigating the process of turning them into published products.

In this panel from the first ever Miskatonic Repository Convention, Meredith Gerber, RPG Publisher Relations Representative for DriveThruRPG, leads a discussion of what it takes to publish on the Miskatonic Repository. She is joined by Chaosium vice president Michael O'Brien; writer and reviewer Pookie from the Reviews from R'lyeh blog; RPG designer and game design lecturer Marek Golonka; and from Golden Goblin Press, author William Adcock.

Writing Panel

Are you a new RPG writer working on your Call of Cthulhu scenario or supplement? Writing within the Cthulhu Mythos, where death and madness may lurk behind every door, poses a number of unique design challenges for even veteran authors. Chaosium's online collection of user-made content - the Miskatonic Repository - allows creators to sell their own original Call of Cthulhu material and explore some of these challenges while putting their own spin on the Cthulhu Mythos. The community of creators that has developed around the Miskatonic Repository provides a ready-resource for authors looking for help with their writing, whether it be help with brainstorming, sensitivity reading, editing, layout, and much else.

In this panel from the first ever Miskatonic Repository Convention, author Heinrich Moore leads a discussion on writing for the Miskatonic Repository. He is joined by Chaosium Creative Director Mike Mason; author Jon Hook from the Miskatonic University Podcast; author Matthew Sanderson from the podcast The Good Friends of Jackson Elias; and president of Golden Goblin Press, Oscar Rios.

Chaosium thanks Niels Von Douten, Marek Golonka and the rest of the organising team for staging the convention, the volunteer Keepers who ran the games, and Max Writer for recording and posting these videos.

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