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Rule change for dyng


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Getting killed in Comics and other Super powered media is rare. But in Superworld its fairly easy for a villain or hero to end up dead , even when no one is trying to kill anyone.

 So here is a rule change im presently experimenting with in the current game Im running to prevent death being common .

 when some one reach zero hit points they are now dying( but not dead yet) and unconscious . Death does not occur till they reach their CON in negative hit points .

 When dying they must make a CON or POWER roll x5 minus how many hit points below zero they are or they lose another hit point . If they crit their roll they stabilize and no longer need to roll to not lose hit points  . If they fumble they lose 2 hit points . If they have purchased luck they can of course add it to their roll.

  Example MightyMan is hit hard and is now at -3 hitpoints . He has a Con of 15 and 12 power so he choose to roll on his CON .  His 15 con minus the 3 hitpoints he is negative give a 12 x5 or a 60 percent chance of not losing a hit point .

Edited by TRose
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  • TRose changed the title to Rule change for dyng
  • 3 months later...

If the heroes are worried about dying and they should be in a Superworld type setting.

Let them buy extra hit points with a limitation only usable when hit points are below zero. or a small regeneration that has the limitation to only bring them back to zero. The limitation has got to be worth the max which is a 1/2


"Hard to kill"

Power; Extra Hit Points; 5 levels; +10 Hit Points

Hero Point Cost; 5

Limitation; (1/2 points; Only to bring hit points back to zero) +3

So real hero point cost is 2


"Won't go down that easy"

Power; Regeneration; 1 level; 1 hit point per melee round; works on negative hit points

Hero Point Cost; 3

Limitation; (1/2 points; Only to bring hit points back to zero) +2

real hero point cost 1


Well worth the investment. If the situation is a worry for heroes then the solution is something they should spend hero points on.

At reasonable levels of earned experience earned hero points its cheap and also satisfying in the genre sense.





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On 6/19/2021 at 8:20 PM, TRose said:

 when some one reach zero hit points they are now dying( but not dead yet) and unconscious . Death does not occur till they reach their CON in negative hit points .

That's what happens anyway. A character only risk dying if they take  more permanent damage than they have CON.

Permanent Damage is defined as damage greater than hit points available.

Thus a character with SIZ 15, CON 13 would have 15 hit points, and if he took 15 points of damage he'd be unconscious, not dead. It would take an additional 13 points of  damage (permanent damage) to risk death. Even then, if given medical attention within the hour the character gets a Luck roll to survive. This luck roll is modified by -1% per additional permanent damage taken in excess of CON.(permanent damage). 

So as written a character need to take permanent damage equal to CON to risk death.

BTW, if you want to increase the ability to survive you could replace the need for medical attention with a modifier to the Luck roll. 



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Chaos stalks my world, but she's a big girl and can take of herself.

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