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Organized play campaign for RQG?


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On 9/6/2021 at 12:21 PM, Beoferret said:

By any chance, are there any plans to put together an organized play campaign for Runequest? Does anyone think that something like that makes sense for Runequest? I ask while having no idea how successful the Call of Cthulhu organized play games have gone in the past.

The CoC OP campaigns seem to go well, AFAICT...  At least, Chaosium keeps producing them & giving them to OP GM's to run!

I think Chaosium is still mulling the "OP" idea, looking at options.  There *IS* an OP program, and adventures for it.  They push for 'Con GMs.  There's the QuickStart, and there's about to be the Starter Box; that's... kind of the basis for an OP program, except it's "just" a commercial product (instead of a "Cult of Chaos" reserved item).

Last time I saw them talk about it, I got the sense that they think the "demo game" format (1-off's, & few-session / short-arc stories) are better for RQ.

With CoC, pretty much everyone has a handle on real-world setting, PC professions/backgrounds, etc.  In Glorantha, the RQG char-gen is meant to give the *PLAYER* a good entryway to understand their PCs' piece(s) of Glorantha, their place(s) in the world.  You  understand  why your character has  Hate(Trolls),  instead of it just being another line on the character-sheet... pre-gen's don't give you that immersion.  And RQG character-creation (for newbies) tends to be poorly suited to the "Organized Play" format, too time-consuming.  "Sit down and play" is the OP ideal.

It's not clear to me that anything more than the upcoming Starter Box is needed by Cult-of-Chaos/OP GM's who want that sort of thing for their demo games...?


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That all makes a lot of sense, especially how the setting and character gen could mitigate against organized play (at least as it's generally conceived of.) 

As a thought experiment, here's a "what-if?" though: the first session includes a modified character gen session. What I mean is a set-up where players a) pick from a number of partially statted-out pre-gens that are drawn-up according to occupation, then b) choose their cult, with each partial pre-gen being given a couple of predetermined options (including the skills, skill bonuses, and maybe 1-2 passions,) and finally c) being run through a truncated family and character history process. What do you think? I'm not sure how one would work homelands into it - maybe keep them limited to just one (maybe two)?

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