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Clan History Generation Ideas


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So as I've said in other threads lately, I'm probably going to be running a FATE Core game set in Caladraland sometime soon, and the player who's been the most interested has been talking about playing a game with a similar feel to Six Ages and King of Dragon Pass, with a heavy emphasis on being a part of a specific community and its history--or at least starting there and moving onto a more standard Big Fantasy Quest eventually. I kind of like this idea, but I'm stuck on how to generate family history and (more importantly), Clan history along the same lines of Six Ages and KoDP's famed new-game questionnaires. The difference between Heortling/Sartarite (and Hyaloring, for that matter) cultures and history--particularly given that Caladraland is described in several places as being "impenetrable" and largely immune to invasion thanks to its geography and volcano gods. That seems like it would take out a lot of the strife and warfare that fills up a lot of the family history generation tables seen in the RuneQuest books I've perused.

I've got some bare ideas for what could go into a sort of questionnaire for the table, but nothing concrete enough to feel like it could actually work yet. Has anyone else done this for their own games? I'd be interested in seeing how it turned out.

Edited by ZedAlpha
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I don’t know if any recent Fate has story aspects, but I seem to recall them from Spirit of the Century. It might be simpler to ask each player to give an aspect relating to recent history to their character. It’s not like you really need a specific Caladraland chronology for your game, but “Dragons are in my nightmares,” “Hero of the battle of Hot Top,” etc. should help you flesh out your own game. (I suppose if someone wanted this to be their Trouble, they could: “Seeking vengeance against the Six Feather clan.”)

(BTW, my Fate Glorantha also suggested giving a sixth aspect which was community-related: “Blue Pine Clan” or “Nochet Dock Quarter,” since your community can compel you or inspire you in many circumstances.)

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3 hours ago, ZedAlpha said:

Has anyone else done this for their own games? I'd be interested in seeing how it turned out.

Yes, I've done it for several cultures.

If you pick up my Edge of Empire work on the Jonstown Compendium, you can see what I did for the kingdom of Imther. I know there are several people running campaigns now in Imther and have said it worked well for them.

3 hours ago, ZedAlpha said:

I kind of like this idea, but I'm stuck on how to generate family history and (more importantly), Clan history along the same lines of Six Ages and KoDP's famed new-game questionnaires. The difference between Heortling/Sartarite (and Hyaloring, for that matter) cultures and history--particularly given that Caladraland is described in several places as being "impenetrable" and largely immune to invasion thanks to its geography and volcano gods. That seems like it would take out a lot of the strife and warfare that fills up a lot of the family history generation tables seen in the RuneQuest books I've perused.

So here's my thoughts/suggestions:

1) Keep the Clan history and Family history background distinct - the first works from key mythic and historical situations, the second works from situations relevant to the prior two generations (~40 years).

2) Caladraland is a Heortling culture (not Sartarite, but still decidedly Heortling). So you'll find a whole set of standard myths present including the Earth cults and the Lightbringers (remember the Westfaring of the Lightbringers passes through here - or will in Caladran myths). Then what you need to add in unique for Caladraland are the myths of Lodril and Caladra and Aurelion - the latter are available either in the new Cults of RuneQuest: Earth Goddesses or the old Cult Compendium. I think Lodril is in the latter too.

3) Keep the Clan myths/history to a manageable level.  Structurally you want something like: 2-3 myths from the happy times (how did the goddesses bless your clan, what wonders did they gain during the Golden Age), how the happy times ended (something about Lodril and/or Storm Gods), how Chaos came and what it did, how your clan survived the Great Darkness (and here you'd particularly draw from Caladra & Aurelion), and how did you get organized in the time before the Dawn (did you help the dwarfs, the elves, the Waertagi?). Actions during this time may influence historical events. The result should be that your clan (and wyter) gets a few blessings (bonuses to skills, a specific spirit magic, a favored deity and Runic association) and gets certain flaws/weaknesses (Fear or Hate certain Elder Races and/or Chaos beings). 

For the historical events, focus on what's key to what people know and speak of - this is not going back through 1500 years of history as no one remembers those details. What's important?  How the God Learners were evil. How you helped Lodril destroy the God Learners and/or turn back the Sea. How you interact with Esrolia and Maniria. How you aided or resisted Belintar the God-king. How you ended up with the Vinavale or Thomble. These should result in your clan's preferred skills, Loyalties, and some additional Passions (particularly general Fears/Hates).

And that's it for Clan background!

4) Also keep the Family history manageable. As an alternative to the RQ core book, have a look at what was done for Family background in the JC work Tales of the Sun County Militia. Where there aren't as many major invasions or dramatic events, there will still be certain points that characters can react to. Of interest in Caladraland will be: the End of the Closing (fears of pirates and sea monsters invading!), the weakening of the Trader Princes, the Rise of Greymane, contention with Esrolia over the Vinavale, Greymane's raids, the Evil Year (1616 when Belintar is killed), and the Rise of the Wolf Pirates. 

Good to recall that Caladraland is one of the Sixths - while Belintar ruled it is fully part of the Holy Country, and that means that it was a Golden Age when the gods were close to mortals once again (yes, particularly on Holy Days, the gods might even appear amidst your clan - maybe Lodril takes the Forge, or the Twins visit to bless the village, or Mostal comes to claim an ancient treasure, or Eurmal visits...). 


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That is absolutely a good approach that I think I'll go with. With that in mind, I think I'd just make it a sort of adjunct to the character and setting creation process and keep it to a few questions, maybe one or two, three tops per major era of the game: Golden Age, Storm Age, Darkness, Dawn, Holy Country, Grandparents' Day, Parents' Day, Now?


Then as @alakoring suggested, using those answers to make a Fractal assembly of Aspects and Skills based on the answers to flesh out the PCs' clan. That could really work, and it could absolutely work with a minimum of having to lore dump, which could be daunting for new players who don't really know anything about Glorantha except that which I've been talking their ears off about for the past few weeks.

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...and now i just wrote a google doc with about ~2,000 words of clan history across 9 questions.

Between that and the (hopefully) brief overview of the setting I'll be handing the players this ought to get them invested. Hopefully lol.

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One really useful tool for starting a campaign for me has been "The Quiet Year."

It's a communal community building generator that has given some stellar and fun results for us. We built an entire town and the surrounding countryside for one campaign, complete with history, weirdness, natural resources, myths, and other fun story stuff. All we did was tweak the timescale a bit, so that instead of a year, it charted the community since it was founded. And, it makes the players as invested in the community as the GM, and they will know what it is about without having to read up on long handouts (which I know some people are not fond of). And, in the end you get a map that you can clean up if you want! We just colored ours...


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☀️Sun County Apologist☀️

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