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Creating a PC from Ralios


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Hi guys, 

I'm new to Runequest, but I've played a lot of Call of Cthulhu so know the whole BRP system fairly well.At some point soon my group will be embarking on a Runequest campaign, there's some players who are very experienced in Runequest there, it's going to be a good time!

What I've done is buy the Humble Bundle and start to read the Guide to Glorantha. I'm really liking the area of Ralios and would like to create a character from eastern wilderlands, hopefully some sort of solider whose job is to protect their settlement from the Elves, Broo, Trolls etc... 

I've read through the PC creation in the main rulebook. There's a lot of details for generating the background & cultural skills of characters from Dragon Pass. As you know this includes Sartar, they're Orlanthis like the people from Ralios. 

My question is: can I use the rules for Sartar PC generation to generate a PC from Ralios? Is there a specific set of generation tables for Ralios anywhere? I don't mind shelling out for another book as I've got so much material for a very low price from the Humble Bundle. 

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35 minutes ago, Eddie1467 said:

I'm new to Runequest, but I've played a lot of Call of Cthulhu so know the whole BRP system fairly well


36 minutes ago, Eddie1467 said:

My question is: can I use the rules for Sartar PC generation to generate a PC from Ralios? Is there a specific set of generation tables for Ralios anywhere? I don't mind shelling out for another book as I've got so much material for a very low price from the Humble Bundle. 

Generally, you should be fine using the Sartar or Old Tarsh PC generation for a PC from eastern (or northern) Ralios (i.e. Orlanth and related cults, regional skills and occupations).

But you won't find any detailed character background for Ralios anywhere yet. 

You may find the Jonstown Compendium volume, Children of Hykim of use (whether for beastman PC's or NPC's).

Also Men of the West contains some history of Ralios plus pictures of typical warriors from the region.

To shape some background, look at the Common/Uncommon/Rare Events noted in the Guide for the region, possibly plug-in any historical events in the time period from the Guide or Men of the West. No easy route though.

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Family history mostly gives you some interesting starting Passions. Look at the map and the recent history, and ask your GM what’ll be appropriate. They’ll know if Hate Trolls, Fear Sorcery, etc. are useful in their planned campaign.

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Thanks for the feedback, 

I'll have a look at the Old Tarsh generator too, plus the books mentioned. 

We've got a really experienced GM, so I'm sure we'll be able to sort something out. 

In terms of the look of the people from Ralios, I get the impression the nearest real world culture was the Thracians. 

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