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Combining major wounds with hit locations

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4 hours ago, Barak Shathur said:

The goal here is however to simplify, not add more rolls 🙂

Yes, but this doesn't really make things more complex, since it is easy to implement (roll both dice as once), and also handles targeting a hit location (you migght not hit exactly where you were aiming at, but you will usually hit close.)

4 hours ago, Barak Shathur said:

But then one will almost never fail a shield parry?

Yes, but I was using this with RQ3 style parries, where parry object can only stop so much damage unless they get a special., and when taking more damage that the AP total reduces the AP by one. So there the shield would get hacked up during a fight. Sorry, I forgot that bit when I posted.

4 hours ago, Barak Shathur said:


I find the passive coverage more appropriate, especially now that BRUGE doesn't have hoplons cover every location except the head. 

Yeah. Although I like they way RQ3 did that better too. Basically it protected the shield arm plus one or more contiguous locations depending on the size of the shield. The end result was that could (and probably would) protect your head with a hoplyon, but then your shins and feet were exposed.  Which is why the ancient Greek wore greaves.


Oh, if I recall correctly Stormbringer used to let you shield parry missile weapons, but not melee weapons, which made shield useful when you got attacked by archers. You could allow shield to parry missile attacks at full skill rather than 1/5th


4 hours ago, Barak Shathur said:

In my campaign they ran into a half giant/troll that actually wanted to play riddles with it, had they waited to find out. They shot it.

How the GM runs things has a lot to do with how things play out, as well as what tactics the players use.. Had the half giant/troll been less agreeable and more aggressive and chucked a (big) rock at on of the PCs it could have gone very differently.

But then, I ran a group were were supposed to hunt down a wounded bear, and, once they found it, some of them they charged into melee and got mauled rather than shoot it from a distance. The same group later tried charging some bandits from over two hundred yards in the open, eschewing any cover (there was a row of trees on either side of the road).  And they shouted at the bandits to first to let them know they were coming, that bandits having been been occupied with looting the cart of the merchant they just ambushed.  

At least your players deserve credit for using their brains.




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9 hours ago, Atgxtg said:

How the GM runs things has a lot to do with how things play out, as well as what tactics the players use.. Had the half giant/troll been less agreeable and more aggressive and chucked a (big) rock at on of the PCs it could have gone very differently.

But then, I ran a group were were supposed to hunt down a wounded bear, and, once they found it, some of them they charged into melee and got mauled rather than shoot it from a distance. The same group later tried charging some bandits from over two hundred yards in the open, eschewing any cover (there was a row of trees on either side of the road).  And they shouted at the bandits to first to let them know they were coming, that bandits having been been occupied with looting the cart of the merchant they just ambushed.  

At least your players deserve credit for using their brains.

At least the emotion is real! 😄 

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