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xGreek Titan Correspondencs With Cthulhu Mythos?

Guy Hoyle

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Hello all,

I am thinking of a setting loosely based on the old Hercules sword and sandal movies of the 50s and 60s' and I though it might be fun to incorporate the idea that the Greek Titans are like the Cthulhu mythos. I seem to recall reading about this somewhere, but I can't remember where. Does anybody have suggestions along this line?


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HELLAS: Worlds of Sun and Stone and Princes of the Universe supplement are very good. This is a Greek-inspired Science Fiction game (think swords, sandals & blasters) , but the benefits for worshipping gods are easy to port to the BRP allegiance system. One of my favorite parts of Hellas is while your character will gain more power as he devotes himself to his deity, eventually the god will become jealous and things will end tragically.
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Cthulhu Invictus has an interesting take on the Greek gods and titans. The Olympian gods were mortals who encountered a Mythos artifact/gate and gained superhuman powers. They defeated the Titans, an older elite of mortal scholars and scientists opposed to the Mythos.

If I were doing this, I'd make the world like ancient Greece but not. The Titans would be wholly original eldritch abominations, only nebulously described but known by their "children" (i.e. monsters). Their names would sound Greek, even be Greek with some extra work.

If equivalents to the Olympian gods exist, they might be powerful but insubstantial psychic entities, masters of advanced science, equally alien beings with better P. R., or fictions based on old superstitions and long-dead heroes. Alternatively you could create a human-friendly religion based on an anachronistic faith like animism, Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Judaism, Socratic philosophy, or modern humanism.


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Cthulhu Invictus has an interesting take on the Greek gods and titans. The Olympian gods were mortals who encountered a Mythos artifact/gate and gained superhuman powers. They defeated the Titans, an older elite of mortal scholars and scientists opposed to the Mythos.

I wasn't very keen on that interpretation to be honest, it seemed off, and somewhat forced.

If I were doing this, I'd make the world like ancient Greece but not. The Titans would be wholly original eldritch abominations, only nebulously described but known by their "children" (i.e. monsters). Their names would sound Greek, even be Greek with some extra work.

Here is something that might help:

Years of the Titans were recalled' date=' but the host grew timid when he spoke of the dim first age of chaos before the gods or even the Elder Ones were born, and when the other gods came to dance on the peak of Hatheg-Kia in the stony desert near Ulthar, beyond the River Skai.[/quote']

Why not use something of the below links?

Beings - Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Immortal - TARDIS Index File, the Doctor Who Wiki

Olympian - TARDIS Index File, the Doctor Who Wiki

All would fit in quite handily into the mythos to be honest.

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