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Pol Joni - Guide to Glorantha


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Good Evening all you Lhankor Mhy sages out there. I have a question about the Pol-Joni after reading their info on page 446 of the GtG.

In the info box, the 2nd column, 2nd paragraph, it mentions the Pol-Joni accept anyone who pass their initiation test.  Which eventually included other Praxians like impala riders, bolo, or bison riders, etc (i'm paraphrasing). Then it mentions all Pol-Joni rode horses. Do you think that means a bison rider (or whomever) gave up his bison when he joined and rode a horse instead. Or maybe, if his bison died for whatever reason, he then rode a horse?

I'm getting ready to start a campaign so just fleshing some things out and this comes into play.


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1 hour ago, 10baseT said:

Good Evening all you Lhankor Mhy sages out there. I have a question about the Pol-Joni after reading their info on page 446 of the GtG.

In the info box, the 2nd column, 2nd paragraph, it mentions the Pol-Joni accept anyone who pass their initiation test.  Which eventually included other Praxians like impala riders, bolo, or bison riders, etc (i'm paraphrasing). Then it mentions all Pol-Joni rode horses. Do you think that means a bison rider (or whomever) gave up his bison when he joined and rode a horse instead. Or maybe, if his bison died for whatever reason, he then rode a horse?

I'm getting ready to start a campaign so just fleshing some things out and this comes into play.


I'm sure you'll get some responses here, but I'd suggest you cross post this to the Glorantha forum a couple sections down from this one as thats where the Sages usually hang out. The RQ Gateway is mainly rulesy related. :)


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