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John Jeffery's body

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I just finished reading epsiode 1 and I can't wait to get this going for people, it is going to be fantastic.  I do have one question, though, about what to do with John Jeffery's body if the players do the right thing.  I mean you can't just leave his body imbedded into the rock can you?  No matter how crazy their story sounds, I would think that someone would go out and look into it.  If it is the deputy, I could see him coming back and lying about it and then going back and taking care of it later, or have him contact the Mi-Go and have them deal with it.  I suppose the Young could take care of it since they really don't want to bring suspicion of anything odd going on.  But with the body trapped in the rock, it would seem that anyone who decides to hide this would have a terrible time of getting the body out of the rock and not have it look like someone dug something out of it.  I was thinking about having the body disappear when the dream gate closes or perhaps the body just melts after the gate closes.  Yeah, there would be holes in the rock where the body had been trapped, but that could be discounted away by just about everyone.  Is there any reason to leave the body in the rock or can I use my imagination here to do whatever I wish?

Edited by sverbridge
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On a related note, I'm struggling to picture how Jeffery's body actually appears, the earlier text implies it appears wholly within the rock and I had a sort of 'Han Solo in carbonite' vision in my head.  But the later text implies it's sort of half in half out?  I was planning on going for the look of having his lower body embedded and his rotten upper torso and head exposed, but not sure if that's entirely the planned vision?

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2 hours ago, Destrin said:

On a related note, I'm struggling to picture how Jeffery's body actually appears, the earlier text implies it appears wholly within the rock and I had a sort of 'Han Solo in carbonite' vision in my head.  But the later text implies it's sort of half in half out?  I was planning on going for the look of having his lower body embedded and his rotten upper torso and head exposed, but not sure if that's entirely the planned vision?

Yes, head and upper body poking out of the rock.

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  • 1 month later...

In both the times I have run this campaign the groups decided to do the right thing and then just slink away and leave what was left as it was. One group did debate on cutting the poor boy up and burying what human parts they could retrieve from the stone, but in the end they didn't have the stomach for it. One player did grab some branches and covered up the body the best she could. When someone said "what's that gonna do?" she said it seemed like the best thing they could do. I liked that and gave her a few (1-2) Sanity Points back for that for that simple act of humanity. 

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