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[Moved & renamed] Socialforums

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Welcome to the Glorantha social group forum! This is also a test to see how the socialforums work, so there might be some bumps in the road.


EDIT: Found a bump allready. Sent a message to the developer to see if we can fix it. My hope would be to have socialforums that stay visible even to people not a member of that particular socialgroup, but which would only show the "unread posts" sign to those who are members of it.

Edited by Trifletraxor

Ef plest master, this mighty fine grub!
b1.gif 116/420. High Priest.

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Well, with the new version of the software, it is possible to form "social-groups". vBulletin wants to add some social networking component to their software, but currently it is all pretty limited, to be further developed in new versions of the software.

Socialforums was an add-on product that made it possible to make forums attached to these various groups. I have used this function to set up a private socialgroup with a forum for a BRP game that is currently being playtested.

The Glorantha forum that you saw was just a test. I had hoped it was possible to create open groups with forums, which would only turned up with "new posts" if the group was joined (a feature I would really have loved!), but unfortunately this did not turn out to be possible.

I'm still wondering how I should organize the forums later when more different forums might be requested, but currently haven't found any solution for that yet.



Ef plest master, this mighty fine grub!
b1.gif 116/420. High Priest.

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