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[Skae'] Immigrant Songs - Setting Changes


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So the Skae; (Skaerune') project has been a long one, way longer than I ever anticipated. Lots of changes along the way and lots of re-design. The system of course has changed and gotten tons better, but the world itself has evolved significantly. At a point, about 18 months ago I realized I was telling the wrong kind of story with the setting. Skae' is a world and game of and about immigrants. Yes, the dragons and giants (mostly) and Caretakers were part of the world already. Yes the gods, whatever  they gods end up being, made the world as a kind of left over, a collection of crumbs from their own universes. The Four Cities though, the central players and originators of conflict, are newcomers to the world. And that is pretty significant. 

With the creation of mythological creatures based on the influence of the cities, these cultures have a strong influence on the land itself. In many ways they redefine the land. This is really important and a central theme. 

So what are the conflicts?

  1. Rise or Fall of the Glorious Empire and the prevention of the next /last city
  2. Discovery of the "Fallen" Cities, one of which is known to exist, City of the Jade Turtles.
  3. Deeper mysteries of Skae', the Deep Waters, how and why the world was created and Shadow Takers, the mysterious anti Caretakers. 
  4. Taming of the land itself by one city or another
  5. Chaos and chaoskampf in the form of Entropy creeping in. The infusion of new ideas keeps the world from sliding into dangerous stagnation. But why? Even I do not now the answer here, but I feel I want to take the Order/Chaos conflict many (not just d100) games have used and flesh it out in different directions.

I am learning a great deal as I go.  It is not outside of possibility that we will see Runed Worlds before we see Skae get published, but better to do it right than rush things.

Stay Tuned... 



Its 2300hrs, do you know where your super dreadnoughts are?


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