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Posts posted by Trifletraxor

  1. Renaissance is Cakebread & Walton's free D100 roleplaying system for historical and fantasy gaming. The following is a list of supplements, settings and games published with this system so far, by Cakebread & Walton, with links to the individual publications:




    CLOCKWORK & CTHULHU - It's 1645, and the stars are right




    Please post it in this thread if you find a Renaissance publication missing from this list!

    Note that to keep this thread focused on the product list, all but the latest posts will be deleted after they have been responded to.

    • Like 1
  2. a-nation-ransomed.jpgA Chinese nuclear submarine bearing a dozen missiles,each with a nuclear warhead, reported a major mechanical malfunction and would return to port. The ship is late. World governments receive a broadcast from the captain of the lost submarine, demanding that Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea surrender to the Peoples Republic of China by midnight — to be absorbed into that great nation. If they refuse, a random city in those countries will be destroyed each hour thereafter. Civil panic has overwhelmed the government’s ability to deal with this terrorist threat. This is a modern-day military adventure for Basic Roleplaying, one of the winners of the second BRP Adventure Contest.

    By Kevin Scrivner, Steve Devaney, C.S. Barnhart and R.J. Christensen. 64 pages. Published by Chaosium August 2012.

  3. The site does have Q&A verification for registration now (What is the three letter abbreviation for BasicRolePlaying? See the upper left corner if you need a tip.), though no manual approval as I'm often AFK for long periods of time travelling.

    The site error message is obviously somthing wrong. I'll check it out.

    Edit: Site error fixed. Thanks for pointing it out! :)

  4. As the download section is a potential vulnerability spot for the site, all uploads there will from now on be personally checked and scanned before they are made available to the members (except for members with 100+ posts). It will mean some delay from a file is uploaded till its available, but also less risk.



  5. To avoid the latest problem with blog spam, I've created a new usergroup called "Confirmed User", which have the same privileges as the old "Registered users" group. Members are automatically promoted to the new group once they've been registered for at least 10 days AND posted 10 posts in the forum.

    The privileges of the old default usergroup "Registered users" have been nerfed in that all blog post are put in the moderation que, they can't upload files to the download section and can't use links in their signature. I have also pruned a lot of users with no post that haven't been logged on for a long time.

    This should help reduce the spam-problems we've been having, without hindering the active members of the forum. Hopefully. :tu:



  6. the-mythos-dossiers.jpgIf a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, then a lot of knowledge is a critical mass.

    Deep beneath London, the Laundry archives occupy several miles of disused subway tunnel. The shelves are crammed with documents and reports. Eyewitness statements, newspaper cuttings, court transcripts, the diaries of madmen, autopsies, scientific papers, archived material – from these, the Laundry works to piece together the shape of the world. A seemingly innocuous report may contain vital information when correlated with a dozen other files. Triangulate the doctor's report about an outbreak of strange dreams with seismic activity under the Pacific, and find the traces of the sleeping god. Match the suppressed play from Shakespeare to troop movements in Syria to plot the shape of impending doom.

    The Dossiers contain extracts from the murkier reaches of the Laundry's archives, a selection of unexplained encounters, unverified reports, uncorrelated data, loosely organised by whatever codeword seemed to fit. The truth exists in the unseen connections between them. The Mythos Dossiers contain dozens of reports, handouts, eyewitness accounts and deranged speculation about the horrors of the Mythos. Read them at your peril.

    Some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age...

    By Gareth Hanrahan, A. P. Klosky, James Knevitt, W. J. MacGuffin, Paul L Mathews, Brian Nisbet, John Snead, Jay Stratton and Graham Walmsley. 128 pages. Published by Cubicle 7 July 2012.

  7. talons-of-winter.jpgThroughout the Young Kingdoms travellers’ tales tell of the fabulous valley of Xanardwys. Here a legendary city is reputed to be sited in an enchanted land whose waters possess blessed warmth which resist the cruel winters of the surrounding tundra. Reputedly, roses bloom against the surrounding snow and fortunes can be made by trading with its peaceful citizens for precious metals, ivory and health restoring potions. Wisdom too can be sought if the city’s famous seers can be successfully implored.

    Talons of Winter adds further locations to the remote northlands of the Young Kingdoms Northern Continent which are described in Secrets of the Steppes. The city of Xanardwys, its customs, key locations and notable citizens are described and several scenario seeds are included. The mysterious and fearsome northern giants of the Fire Mountains are detailed, as is the dreaded Snow Hag, a fearsome troll-like sorcerer of the frozen Whitelands.

    The book also presents Vengeance Served Cold, a flexible campaign in which the numerous plot hooks and scenarios provided for the different regions of the Northern Continent’s steppe can be woven together. As a band of intrepid adventurers’ journey through the unmapped realms they encounter an ancient enmity against the city. The ruthless ambitions of Gods and the rivalries of their favoured agents clash and threaten to plunge the whole of the Dakwinsi Steppe into a savage war of annihilation.

    By John White. Available for pre-order.

  8. secrets-of-the-steppes.jpgNorth, beyond the vast, arid wilderness of the Sighing Desert lies a distant land that is usually only referred to by boasting merchants seeking to add to the price of their wares or else tellers of tall stories in the taverns of the Young Kingdoms cities. Secrets of the Steppes gives details on the geography, flora and fauna of the Dakwinsi Steppe and the regions which border this vast tundra land. In addition, the unique histories and customs of the nations and tribes who inhabit these areas are provided.

    Shad is a civilized Ilmioran City-State whose harbour is often the last port of call by those who chance sailing further up the coast into the colder reaches of the Pale Sea. These northern waters are home to huge whales and colossal icebergs, whilst the bleak coastline of the steppe itself is the realm of the Alofians, a savage tribe of hermaphrodites. Inland, the Bastan nomads roam across the countless leagues of wind swept plains which stretch towards the Unknown East, hunting seals and mammoths. Although snow covers most of the region through its long winters, the margins of the steppe have milder climates and are home to primitive tribesmen. The Limnissi people dwell in the mazelike marshlands whilst the elusive Arbanni are a ghostlike, unseen presence in the tall, silent woodlands of their mountain range.

    Rules are presented for the creation of adventurers from the lands described in this volume and also include several new background professions for Young Kingdom characters. Game statistics are given for a variety of animals, men and monsters. Finally 10 scenario seeds, tailored to the locations in this book, are written for use by Elric of Melnibone Games Masters.

    By John White. 130 pages. Published by Mongoose Publishing August 2012.

  9. historia-rodentia.jpgA sourcebook for the Legend Roleplaying System, Historia Rodentia takes you to the world of the Brushfire wargame. Animals go to war in a twisted version of the 19th Century. For fans of history or parody, Historia Rodentia provides a unique and rich setting that is easily expanded with your favourite historical events!

    In this sourcebook you will find:

    • A Campaign Setting for Brushfire’s regions of Eutheria and Reptilia, alternate versions of Europe and the Middle East.

    • Over 20 different playable species from 4 Nations.

    • Over a dozen organizations including militaries, religions and technology firms.

    • The Politics system, used to call in favours from your allies.

    • The Exemplarism system, used to command soldiers in the field of battle.

    • The Tactical Abilities system, replaces Magic and Heroic Abilities.

    By Emily Fontana & Matthew Whitehouse. Published by Mongoose Publishing July 2012.

  10. skarr-city-of-orcs.jpgHome to over 25,000 rampaging orcs, Skarr is a city of pure brutality, a place of nightmare that even the bravest Adventurer will fear to tread. Built from the ruins of an ancient dwarven stronghold the orcs themselves destroyed, the hordes of Skaar range for miles in every direction, bringing slaughter and misery to any community unfortunate enough to be within range of their predations.

    Inside You Will Find:

    City History: Discover how the dwarves of Ironhallow Hall lost their home in a dramatic battle with the orc hordes.

    Government: Despite being run by orcs, Skarr has a convoluted government with several factions all vying to wrest control from the warlords and City Master.

    Daily Life: For most of the orcs and goblins that dwell within Skarr, life is a misery beset by poverty and brutality. Yet they continue to thrive, posing an ever present threat to every civilised nation within range of the rampaging hordes.

    Religion: The gods of Skarr hold sway over vast segments of the unruly population, their priests guiding the hordes into predetermined paths to serve an, as yet, hidden purpose.

    Tour of the City: Walk the burnt out streets and dank caverns of Skarr, avoiding the most dangerous regions in an effort just to survive in this most violent of civilisations.

    Movers and Shakers: Full details are given on the inhabitants of Skarr, from the barkeep Gireous Phlog, through to the infamous City Master, Cylus Groon and the Demon Lord Kharkus. Watch orcs rise through the ranks of the Silver Tusks and spread throughout the Disciples of the Asphibyiex or the Mended Ones.

    By Will Upchurch. Published by Mongoose Publishing July 2012.

  11. pirates-of-legend.jpg‘A pyrate is Hostis humanis generis, a common Enemy, with whom neither Faith nor Oath is kept… if Pyracy be committed on the Ocean, and the Pyrates in the attempt be overcome, the Captors may, without any Solemnity of Condemnation, hang them up at the Main Yard; if they are brought to the next port and the Judge rejects the Tryal, or the Captors cannot wait for the Judge, without Peril or Loss, Justice may be done upon them by the Captors.’

    Pirates of Legend brings the golden age of piracy to life! Lay hand to your cutlass and stick your pistols in your belt, friend – adventure is waiting for you offshore. Band together with other scurvy dogs and take command of a ship and crew. Lead them to victory and plunder, or to a watery grave! Win fame and fortune or dangle at the end of the yardarm when the Navy catches up with you!

    The shining blue waters of the Caribbean lie before you and the wind is in your sails. What you do next is up to you!

    By Gareth Hanrahan. 125 pages. Published by Mongoose Publishing July 2012.

  12. the-iron-companion.jpgSooner or later every wandering Adventurer finds his way to Sorandib, whether the aim is to hide out from authority, find work as a sell-sword or simply to loot its treasures.

    Sorandib is an ancient city in catastrophic decline. While there are districts wher law and order hold sway, no single force exercises control over the whole city and outside its walls there is near anarchy to the West, while Taskan soldiers maintain some order in the East to keep the road to the imperial heartlands open.

    Sorandib has been kept alive by two things: its control over the trade in Fengo, a drug harvested from the weeds that choke lake Barur to the North; and the creations of the Guild of Artificers, a centuries-old association of sorcerer-scientists who are famous for their inventions, feats of engineering and practical devices – many of which are built into the very fabric of the city.

    Just as the Emperor owes his immortality to magic provided by the king of Sorandib, the city will surely play a role in his final ascension to the heavens. The cult of Thesh in Taskay has its eye on direct control not only of the Artificers but of the fire-demon Sorantar who is the city’s god. The Iron Simulacrum himself looks to Sorandib as the place he will discover his fate when the Emperor departs the physical plane, where he might be unmade in such a way as to find the key to a continued existence as an independent soul. Sorandib could be the scene of Treason on a world-shattering scale.

    Age of Treason: The Iron Companion provides a comprehensive view of this famous city, including maps, floor plans, NPCs, cults, scenarios and rules for creating Artifice.

    Also in this book are new spells, price lists, new rules for training, henchmen and hirelings, running a business and using Passion traits in the setting. Comprehensive Spirit Magic rules synthesise the Legend rules and the Setting rules into a single document, and statistics are provided for Elementals, including the bizarre Flesh Elemental, the Blemmye.

    In addition to the fully detailed scenarios set in Sorandib, the Companion describes six major treasonous plots to form the backdrop for further adventures, as well as suggested plotlines for scenarios set on the wild frontiers of Marangia and Kitan.

    By Jonathan Drake. 138 pages. Published by Mongoose Publishing July 2012.

  13. pavis.jpgRevisit the classic city as you have never seen it before! Pavis: Gateway to Adventure contains 416 pages of pure Gloranthan gold, including:

    • Character creation for Pavis heroes.

    • Full write-ups for locations including New Pavis, Pavis Country, Sun Dome County, Prax, the Ruins of Feroda, and the Pavis Temple.

    • 66 detailed random encounters and 20 special encounters for Prax, the River of Cradles, and Pavis - each an adventure in its own right.

    • Four full-length scenarios: Rough Business; The Celestial Engine; Red Moon Rising; and the Purple Troll. Each features major characters, themes, and plotlines for campaigns set in Pavis.

    • Dozens of adventure seeds.

    • Full write-ups for six Gloranthan cults: Pavis, Flintnail, Lanbril, Yelmalio, Zola Fel, and the Seven Mothers.

    • More than thirty maps!

    By Greg Stafford and Jeff Richard. 416 pages. Published by Moon Design June 2012.

  14. wyrms-footnotes-15.jpgAfter a short rest, Moon Design Publications announces that the legendary flagship Gloranthan "magazine" Wyrms Footnotes is back with Issue 15! Articles and scenarios by Greg Stafford, Sandy Petersen, Jeff Richard and Rick Meints, including:

    • Adventure Time with Sandy Petersen!

    • The Upland Marsh!

    • Sun Dome County (in Sartar, not Prax)!

    • The Far Place!

    • War in Glorantha!

    • Magical Regiments of the Hero Wars!

    And much much more!

    By Greg Stafford, Sandy Petersen, Jeff Richard and Rick Meints. 88 pages. Published by Moon Design July 2012.

  15. Wyrms Footnotes was Chaosium's original house organ magazine, published from 1976-1982. While early issues focused on the company's board games, starting with issue 11 the magazine was subtitled The Runequest Magazine. A total of fourteen issues were published. After a short rest, Moon Design Publications have brought back the legendary flagship Gloranthan "magazine". At this size and general awesomeness, Wyrms Footnotes is better thought of as a regular Glorantha Companion. Setting Glorantha back thirty years, its the return of Wyrms Footprints!


  16. runequest6.jpgRuneQuest – Sixth Edition of the Iconic Roleplaying Game. Created in 1978 by Steve Perrin, Ray Turney and friends, RuneQuest is the classic roleplaying game of fantastic adventure with heroes and magic. Now in a brand new edition, RuneQuest is updated and expanded by Pete Nash and Lawrence Whitaker. Everything you need for fabulous roleplaying adventure is contained in a single volume that has been designed to support any genre of fantasy. The game retains all the key concepts and hallmarks of its earlier versions, but requires no familiarity with the previous editions.

    In RuneQuest your characters are defined by their culture, career, community, background, comrades, skills, magic and cults. Progression is through skill advancement – not levels or similarly abstract concepts. As your characters adventure and quest, their capabilities improve and their relationships deepen and strengthen. Players and Games Masters have complete flexibility over what can be achieved, and the way characters develop is entirely dependent on choices players make, depending on their characters’ aspirations and motivations. Games Masters receive a huge amount of support through the RuneQuest rules. All the concepts and game mechanics are explained clearly with options and considerations explored and presented for ease of use. You need only this rulebook for many years of exciting and imaginative play.

    RuneQuest contains everything needed for play:

    Character Creation – building your character through the familiar characteristics, through developing culture and community relationships, choosing a career, and gaining basic equipment according to social class.

    Skills – What they do, how they work, and how to handle many different circumstances (degrees of difficulty, critical and fumbled rolls, opposed skills, group skills, and so on).

    Economics and Equipment – Arms and armour, tools, clothing, accommodation... everything your character needs as he or she begins on their life of adventure.

    Combat – RuneQuest’s combat system is unique, dynamic and geared towards adventurous realism. Gaining success over an opponent generates Special Effects that can rapidly turn the course of a fight. Copious advice is presented on balancing combat skills and styles, through to handling rabble and underlings.

    Magic – No less than five very different forms of magic are presented and explored, with complete lists of spells and effects. How magic is defined and used in different fantasy settings and campaign worlds is examined in detail. The Runes, what the represent and how they work, is clearly presented.

    Cults and Brotherhoods – Religious, magical and secular organisations, as well as other kinds of societies are detailed the Cults and Brotherhoods rules. Cults have been an important and traditional part of RuneQuest, and they are covered in significant detail along with templates for many different kinds of cult, order, school and so on for Games Masters and Players to build upon for their own campaigns.

    Creatures - Over 50 creatures are fully detailed, including several non-human player character races. This chapter also offers complete guidance on how to use creatures effectively in RuneQuest games, and notes on how to design your own.

    Games Mastery – Copious notes, thoughts and guidance on how to Games Master RuneQuest games. Areas for consideration are summarised, options explored, and different ways of using the rules offered. An invaluable chapter for new and old RuneQuest Games Masters alike…

    Anathaym’s Saga – Numerous examples of play and how the rules are used are provided through Anathaym’s Saga. Follow Anathaym, her sister Kara, Mju the Mystic and Kratos the Sorcerer as the RuneQuest rules are illustrated and explained.

    By Lawrence Whitaker and Pete Nash. 456 pages. Published by The Design Mechanism July 2012.

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