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Posts posted by Trifletraxor

  1. clockwork-and-cthulhu.jpg“Then she did confesse that she gained her powers from a Devill which did come to her out of the baye on moonless nights. And upon examination, we did find the markes of evill upon her, for she bore scales like unto a fish about her bodie. And so was she hanged as a witche, and upon the scaffolde she did crie out “Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!” and those who did witnesse this were sore afraide, but her Devill answered her not, and she did die in that place.” – Fear-the-Lord Grimshaw, Witch Finder, 1645

    England has descended into civil war. The earth is tainted by alchemical magick. Giant clockwork war machines lumber across the land. In the remote countryside, witches terrorise entire villages, while in the hallowed halls of great universities, natural philosophers uncover the secrets of nature. War, plague and religious division make people’s lives a constant misery. But even greater threats exist. Witches whisper of the old gods. Royalist alchemists pore over John Dee’s forbidden translation of the Necronomicon, dreaming of powers that will allow them to win the war. Parliamentarian engineers consult with creatures from beyond the crystal spheres and build blasphemous mechanisms, unholy monuments to their alien overlords. Vast inter-dimensional beings seek entry into the world, while their human servants, corrupted, crazed and enslaved, follow the eldritch agendas of their hidden masters.

    For use with the free Renaissance D100 rules or the Clockwork & Chivalry 2nd Edition Core Rulebook, Clockwork & Cthulhu brings the horror of H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos to the 17th century alternate historical fantasy world of Clockwork & Chivalry. Inside you will find:

    Mythos creatures and gods, cults and secret societies for 17th century England.

    New rules for Mental Damage in the Renaissance system.

    Three complete scenarios which take the Adventurers into the rain-shrouded Coniston Fells, the shifting sands of Morecambe Bay, and the corridors of the Royalist court at Oxford.

    By Peter Cakebread & Ken Walton. 160 pages. Published by Cakebread & Walton June 2012.

    • Like 2
  2. kingdom-and-commonwealth-omnibus-2.jpgThe third and fourth adventures of the epic Kingdom & Commonwealth Campaign, fully revised and updated for the Renaissance rules for Clockwork & Chivalry 2nd Edition.

    Volume III: No Man’s Land - In most of England, an uneasy peace holds – but in the Debatable Lands on the outskirts of Birmingham, the conflict continues. Cavaliers and Roundheads are bogged down in muddy trenches fighting over every inch of blasted ground. Clockwork death machines grind across the landscape; magickally created disease miasmas drift on the breeze and settle in the craters left by the incessant cannon barrages. And in the despoiled wastelands round about, rival gangs on iron horses fight over scarce resources, obscure points of theology and access to the winding stations that they need to keep their vehicles running. Somewhere in this bloody chaos, the renegade clockwork alchemist, Lady Arabella Blackwood is up to no good. Can the adventurers find her before she achieves her nefarious aims?

    Volume IV: Quintessence - ...to boldy venture where no gentleman has previously ventured. It’s the talk of the town in the London cofee houses – how everyone’s buying shares in the Company of Gentleman Adventurers Trading into the Moon! In the London docks a ship is being built, designed by clockwork genius John Wilkins, a ship that can fly. It will be the first vessel ever to leave the shores of Earth and venture to another world – whatever it brings back, the profits will be enormous. Only the Adventurers, their mission aboard the moon-ship a secret at the highest levels, know that they will not be the first to visit the Moon – their nemesis is ahead of them, and up to no good as usual. As the party face ship-board skullduggery, meet wonders between the worlds and face first contact with an ancient civilisation, the race is on to find the secret of the fifth element – Quintessence!

    By Peter Cakebread and Ken Walton. 210 pages. Published June 2012 by Cakebread & Walton.

    • Cakebread & Walton - Publisher of the Renaissance system and the Clockwork & Chivalry setting
    • DriveThruRPG - Renaissance, Clockwork & Chivalry, Clockwork & Cthulhu, Dark Streets and Pirates & Dragons publications PDF offers and free downloads
    • Signs and Portents - Various C&C articles and scenarios for the MRQ2 edition of the game, beginning with issue #82
    • Foundry Virtual Tabletop - Renaissance Package for FoundryVTT


    Please post it in this thread if you find a Renaissance resource missing from this list!

  3. kingdom-and-commonwealth-omnibus-1.jpgThe first two adventures of the epic Kingdom & Commonwealth Campaign, fully revised and updated for the Renaissance rules for Clockwork & Chivalry 2nd Edition:

    Volume I: The Alchemist’s Wife - January 1646, and the land is in the grip of an icy winter. From Prince Rupert’s capital of Oxford, the Adventurers set out on a quest for the missing wife of a high-ranking Alchemist. Ahead of them, a ruthless Parliamentarian agent leaves a trail of destruction; behind them, a mysterious figure dogs their footsteps. They are bound for the tainted lands around Naseby, where the magickal aftermath of alchemical warfare blights the countryside. Beyond lie the clockwork weapon-shops of Cambridge and a deadly climax which could re-ignite the smouldering embers of Civil War.

    Volume II: Thou Shalt Not Suffer - There are those who claim that witches don’t exist! They also claim that tales of curses and crop blights, of midnight sabbats and dark conspiracies, are the fevered imaginings of fanatical witch finders. Those people have never been to Cornwall. In that wild and sea-girt land, the Witch Queen rules through sorcery and fear, and the Royalist majority seem to be in thrall to her evil will. The Adventurers are sent on a mission to this bleak, remote and sinister place, where they must struggle through a maze of witches, wreckers and pirates, miners, fanatics and superstitious peasants, to find the truth behind a growing evil which could swallow up the whole of England.

    By Pete Cakebread and Ken Walton. 180 pages. Published April 2012 by Cakebread & Walton.

    • Thanks 1
  4. Seek and destroy beetles have been released, but the spambots are numerous. I've changed the Q&A verification and added email verification for any new users. This will probably also hinder some legit new users, but seems necessary now given our opposition.


  5. BRP Central just moved from a shared server to a new dedicated server. The reason for this is that the site started to crawl extremely slow and I hoped a dedicated server would speed it up. It seems we're at least somewhat successfull on that part.

    The downside is that some bugs need to be ironed out (e.g. the Facebook connect) and that some days of posts and uploads are lost. Please repost and reupload and tell me of any bugs you encounter!



  6. I think the typical Gloranthan sages (Lhankor Mhy priests) would say the air was "dead" or "poisonous", instead of considering lack of components within the element. But that could depend on the type of sage of course, the God Learners would probably say something totally different.

  7. Failed updating the software to the latest version, but at least I didn't corrupt the database in the process. I'll try that again later.

    The forums have been rearranged according to how many posts they contain, with the Glorantha and RuneQuest forums changing their spot on the ranking.

    Tell me if you notice any glitches!



  8. The site can now be connected to by your facebook account, and you can publish treads and blog posts you make to your facebook wall. It's all pretty new, so tell me if you experience any glitches. Had some problems myself the first time I connected. There is of course no need to connect your accounts, that's fully voluntary, but the autoregister feature might lure some of the lurkers in.



  9. the-hoffman-legacy.jpgBrother Hoffman is far and away the most talented inventor to have passed through the ranks of The Order. As a Prior Artifex, he was without equal. His devices have aided countless hieromonks to overcome supernatural foes that would otherwise have bested them.

    News, therefore, of a lost device – of a machine Hoffman was working on when his mind failed him – is of the utmost importance. Agents are dispatched at once and charged with locating the plans to Hoffman’s last great invention…

    A complete adventure for Deus Vult.

    By Carl Walmsley. 66 Pages. Published by Moongose Publishing February 2012.

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