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Posts posted by Trifletraxor

  1. If anyone receives PM spam sent in the last 12 hours, please report. We've banned all the spamming accounts we found and current reports are for PMs sent by them before getting banned. So PM spam sent for more than 12 hours ago needs no reporting.

  2. On 4/1/2020 at 11:07 PM, Atgxtg said:

    Not really. According to the last time I corresponded with Triff he mostly  foots the bill.

    I set it up before the zero edition of BRB was published, when I was working in a tiny village up north where and had lots of spare time. Two kids later and the situation is quite different. I'm very happy Chaosium made a home here and help with the management as it reinvigorated BRP Central and I wasn't able to give it the attention it needs myself. If however you should find any bugs in the forum software, don't eat them, they're mine!

    • Like 9
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    • Haha 3
  3. On 10/9/2019 at 6:55 PM, tedopon said:

    I was the person who got a temp ban. It had nothing to do with the thing that is mentioned in this thread.

    You're not the one. With a temp ban one is restricted from logging in (for a month). Following one or two warning points one is restricted from posting, but not from logging in (for a day or a week). 

  4. 25 minutes ago, RosenMcStern said:

    Jeff, I know perfectly what that person told to MOB (I read it) and I do not condone it. My question was :

    1. How does it reconcile with Triff's statement above about "only spammers".

    2. Can people get banned here for what they do elsewhere?

    Apparently, the answer to question #2 is "yes".

    My mistake, forgot that person, so my statement was incorrect. Concerning the "secrecy", I'm not sure whether it is useful or unuseful, but my thinking is that publicly stating that a member has gotten a warning (or in the case we're talking about a temp ban) does not neccesarily reduce tempers. 

    • Like 2
  5. On 9/28/2019 at 3:57 PM, RosenMcStern said:

    So in brief, the issues I see in the current situation are:

    • There are no clear guidelines for moderation. Trif has announced some new procedures, but at the moment we have tens of thousands of members and no rules at all. This is not an ideal situation, particularly in an age when inappropriate comments about politics and religion are everywhere on the Internet.
    • There is no appeal mechanism. Whoever is banned cannot have his/her case heard. In some cases, people may not even be aware that someone has ben kicked out, and why. Which, in addition to rules being non-explicit, makes the whole thing sound entirely arbitrary.
    • There is no area where moderators can exchange their views on . See my report about the hidden message above.

    In short, I am hereby claiming that with the size that BRP Central has reached and the current social context of most of the Western world, "people, let us keep it civil" is no longer enough as rules. It has worked for many years, but it is no longer the case. We need something explicit, and procedures to review and enforce the most serious cases. Nothing monumental, but at least something that tries to tells people "This is what is ok / not ok here" and "If you disagree with something, say it here rather than disseminate the forum with off topics".

    I think "keep it civil" is probably as good a rule we can get, and it's heeded by the overwelming majority of our members. Making clear guidelines for moderation is no easy task. This is a RPG site, so real world politics and religion really have no place here. Everyone is welcome here whether they think Hillary is a goddess or Trump is the second coming of Christ, whether they are mens rights activists or opponents of the oppressive patriarchy, or hold any other polarized opinion, but dicussions and comments about which of those viewpoints are right should preferably be taken elsewhere, as this is a roleplaying game site. Self-moderation is key. 

    So far, only spammers have been permanently banned and only a single member have received a temporary ban. It's a last resort if warning points with 24 hr and 7 days  posting restrictions and 30 day temporary banning does not alter behaviour. There is a moderator control panel where the global moderators receive reports about posts and can comment/discuss them. We aim to still keep it moderation-light.

    • Like 4
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  6. For all those with problems accessing the cult of chaos subforum, who are cult of chaos members and have received the password:

    - Make sure you are logged in with your user account on the forum (using your regular password)

    - Don't follow a link, but manually browse to the cult of chaos subforum. When you attempt to access it, you will be promoted for a password. Enter the cult of chaos password that you have been provided. Now you're good to go to access the chaos library with the floatsom files.

    - The forum will remember your password until cookies are cleared. Then you will have to enter it again. Following links to the cult of chaos subforum and subforum within that forum is only possible as long as cookies remembering that you have entered the password are present.

    • Like 2
  7. Hi folk! 

    I've recently played Gods War for the first time and enjoyed it much more than I expected. Some rule questions came up though:

    1) Permission to leave Hell: Yelm starts the game in Hell. It is stated that he needs permission from a unit with higher combat rating to leave Hell. Can he get the permission from a couple of trolls (combat rating 1 x2), or must it be a single unit from an opponent with a combat rating of 2 or more? The wording on the rules on leaving hell would suggest the latter, but other text suggest the first. 

    2) Temples and zigguraths add routes and kills, but do they have any defenses when they stand alone, or can a unit walk in and take over withtout a fight if no defender units are present?

    3) The chaos empire seems like an integral part of play. Do somebody needs to play chaos everytime you play, or can f.ex. four non-chaos empire play against each other without chaos present?


    Cheers, Sverre. 


    1 hour ago, Qizilbashwoman said:

    fearsome walktapus, might i suggest a trouble tickets section so we can see when and why points are meted out? honestly one of the few things RPGnet, may fleas infest its armpits, did that was good. (doesn't have to be open to comments from non-moderators.)

    I think/hope we'll not have to use it that often that we need a public thread for deterrent/marking the boundaries.  

    • Like 1

    Warnings are coming to BRP Central. A new and feared weapon have been delivered into the hands of the moderators to control the wild masses!

    1 warning point = 24 hrs restriction on posting! ☹️

    2 warning points = 7 days restriction on posting!! 😦

    3 warning points = 30 day ban!!! 😨

    Points can accumulate, but are removed after 30 days.

    But isn't this cruel and unusual punishment you ask? Yes, yes it is. 🐙

    • Like 2
  10. 2 hours ago, Quackatoa said:

    Trif, it's quite clear that you aren't twigging how this is escalating - or why it escalated. You played a significant part in this when you dropped a bollock and referred to 'SJWs' and 'red-pillers' in your initial moderation, which just helped set things off.

    Now it's your site, sure. But it's not just your site site since it became Chaosium's promoted forum. If it's to remain that, I don't see how this trend is sustainable. If the only overt moderation after this nonsense is for you to give a week ban to someone who is complaining about potential issues of prejudice—however misplaced you feel that complaint might be—this is only going to get worse.

    Even on a cynical level the optics are fucking awful, to put it mildly - irrespective of how any of us might feel on the ethical issues actually being discussed.

    Two of the worst posts in my opinion (now hidden) were written before by initial moderation, so I'm not buying that I played a significant part in setting things off. Sure, as I've allready stated, I should not have used those terms, and I might not "twig" the situation since I'm not used to this destructive debate form. Being from Norway I politically lean far to the left of the average american, but I do not think that aggressively debating the rightousness of your views and the moral fallacy of your opponents' is constructive in any way. Inclusivity loses its meaning if it only refers to those who share your opinions. 

    I've done more moderation the last three days than I've done the last three years before that and I would like that trend to stop. My post to midwinter specifically and the rest of the keyboard warriors in general was overt moderation if you did not notice that. midwinter heeded it and dragoner was the first to blatantly ignore it. His post was hidden and another post with overt moderation was posted in response,  and he was only banned for a week after he continued to be disagreeable after that. 


    1 hour ago, g33k said:


    And... what, Trif?  If we see this, the folks who say, "shut up with your woke-ness, there is no issue here" get to say that?  And the default BRPC stance is "nothing to see here (except complicit, "there is no issue" silence) move along"?

    Could I suggest that you state your opinion, and then yes, actually move along? The silence is not complicit as you imply, but there are better things to do in life than propogating unpleasant arguments with strangers on the internet. And if that is your thing, then there are better forums for it than here. 

  11. 28 minutes ago, dragoner said:

    There were not any racist accusations, that is a lie. Chaosium is losing a customer due to you.

    That might not have been what you meant, but that was how I read it and it certainly continued the debate in the same aggressive manner after midwinter agreed to withdraw. You also seem quite eager to continue it now which I have no wish to see. Take 7 days off to cool down. 

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