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Posts posted by Trifletraxor

  1. The download section is horribly indexed, but invisionpowers download app is not very user friendly in that re-organizing it will take a horrendous amount of work - which is why it has been postponed time and again. It does however have a search function - you just need to tick the "files" box when using the search field. So proper tagging of files is important when sharing and uploading. We have plenty of storage through Amazon, so that's not a limitation anymore. I've added .gdoc and .gsheets as possible extensions. 

    • Thanks 2
  2. On 7/12/2018 at 12:16 PM, PhilHibbs said:

    Is there any way to make a link that will continue to work if a forum thread is renamed? The link contains a number, e.g. 5941 for this thread, but also the thread title, which can be changed thus breaking the link.

    Not as far as I know. Using the SEO friendly URLs make the threads more visible on a search, but breaks links if the thread is renamed. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 6/27/2018 at 5:35 PM, JonL said:

    Suggestion: Make the Core Rune Font and Columbus (or Christoforo) available in the forum editor. Some other old-time or ancient looking typefaces might be nice as well. If the ones in current branding are to expensive to use this way, free ones with similar feel would still be nice.

    This is unfortunately beyond my skill level. 

  4. I've just tested it, and it looks like it works for me at least. 

    Could you try again? The process is not that intuitive.

    Click "File Actions" and then "Upload a new version"

    OPTIONAL: Adjust the version number and write what's new with the current version.

    Do NOT upload the file in the "Drag files here to attach" box just beneath the "What's New" box!

    Under the "Upload Your Files" section add the new file right next to "Files" and then remember to delete the old file which also will be listed just below.

    - If this doesn't work, please attach it here to a post and I'll work to see what's wrong.

  5. Had some down-time the other day as our forum-software was upgraded to the latest version. A fatal error during upgrade caused the site to go offline for some hours, but with prompt help from the support crew we came online again. Please report if you encounter any strange behavior from the site after the upgrade!

  6. Could I suggest just to mark threads containing spoilers for scenarious as such? Just with a  [SPOILERS!] at the end of the thread title? Players searching the internet for a pre-read of the adventures they are about to play is pretty much a non-existing problem I think. Any moderator can add a [SPOILERS!] warning to any threads by editing the first post of the thread.

    • Like 1
  7. 21 hours ago, yojimbo said:

    D101 Games published two non Glorantha book for HeroQuest.

    Ye Little Book of HeroQuest Dungeoneering

    Ye Little Book of HeroQuest Monsters

    They appear to be out of print now.

    If they're not available for purchase even as PDF they won't make it to the list. OOP publications for the various systems are too numerous to keep track of.

  8. I'll take a closer look at R100 to see how they make it work. Currently I've merged the Drive and Ride skill into a Drive/Ride skill - Drive wagon and ride horse or other mount for historic/fantasy settings, Drive automobile or other motor vehicle and ride motorcycle for near historic/current/future settings. I'm also keeping the pilot skill - which can be specified for boat, flying beast, airplane, helicopter or spacecraft. I'm also currently keeping the Athletics skill as one skill, limited to a max skill of STR or DEX x5. I'll playtest this for some time and see how it works.

  9. 19 hours ago, Atgxtg said:

    Yeah. It seems the vast majority of GMs want to run pre-generated adventures in some licensed or otherwise official setting. Writing up your own adventures and setting have become more the exception than the rule. 

    The average age of roleplayers are getting higher. As a young nerd I could spend hours and days making and preparing adventures and campaigns for our once weekly full day sessions, now I game around 3 hrs. every week (which I'm pretty satisfied with all considering) with minimal preparation. Pregenerated adventures have become an absolute necessity for me.

  10. 32 minutes ago, Mankcam said:

    Followed your link in Google Chrome, and no problems :)

    Great! :)

    18 hours ago, Nick J. said:

    FYI, just got a Chrome warning about https://basicroleplaying.org not being a safe site.

    I assume a faulty URL was the reason behind your warning too Nick J., but please tell if that does not turn out to be the case. S.

    • Like 2
  11. 6 hours ago, Mankcam said:

    Could potentially be covered by a Knowledge skill perhaps

    ie: Knowledge (Horsemanship), Knowledge (Drive Automobile); Knowledge (Pilot Aircraft) etc

    That's a good idea. I might just add another Craft slot. I'll playtest it and see what works best.

    • Like 1
  12. 8 hours ago, Sayerson said:

    Operate may work for drive and pilot but I believe there are only so many skill names you can multipurpose like that.

    For example - Athletics, covering most physical exertion skills, doesn't necessarily stretch well to include a Swim skill. (Generally, one can jump, climb and run through an obstacle course but why should that imply that a character could survive crossing a raging river or even a lengthy floatation on a body of water?)

    Climb and Swim is different skills. In my initial list I had no Athletics skill, only Climb and Swim. Run, Throw and Jump is better handled as stat rolls in my opinion, but Climb and Swim is clearly skills. They rarely increase much from the time of character generation, which is why I thought to combine them, but you make a good point.



    When we did this with some of our house games, we found that specific skill lists supported different genres easier than one general list for all. Maybe discuss with your players to see what they would settle for. 

    Additionally, your list could use a Communications or Language skill. 

    Specific skill list for different genres are without doubt the easiest way to do it, but if I was able to get a working unified list than that would be better I think. I struggled somewhat with mechanics, electrical and computer skills for a while, but have landed on using devise for easy mechanical and electrical work and research for computer use, while a craft mechanic, craft electrician or lore computers would be needed for more advanced use.

    Influence is the general communication skill in the list, other communication skills like fast talk, orate, boast, sing, seduce, flirt, intimidate, command, charm, bribe, converse, persuade, etc. can be added as one of the 4 chosen skills at the end. I've dropped languages as percentage skills as I don't think they work good as such, instead language level will be listed as basic (B), advanced (A) or native (N). Everyone starts with one language at native level and can buy levels in other languages at char-gen for 25% per level, or gain proficiency in new languages during gameplay.

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