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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. I think Jaja or someone actually played Speaking Wheel in a campaign? Was hoping to see the stats? There is a good chance that any questing into the subterranean areas at the Sun Wheel Ruins (MGWV) would turn up frescos or carvings showing parts of the pasts, maybe a knowledge temple quest as well as a search for Sun Wheel artifacts? If a Hero Quest is conducted who knows what might happen? Was it the 01 roll that actually brought Pinchining "back to life", if that is the correct phrase?
  2. Could any of the other Gold Wheel dancers come back to life (if that was understood) if strange things happen on a Hero Quest? It would be great if Speaking Wheel's stats could be posted as an idea?
  3. "Every Volcano is a Holy Place to Lodril and would have a Temple of some sort. Similarly, Caladra & Aurelian would have temples at most Volcanoes. Beneath the Shadow Plateau is another Holy Place for the Lodril Cult, and the Trolls would have a Temple to Lodril the Servant, or Lodril in Chains, but it probably isn't a Great Temple. The Footprint is another Holy Place to Lodril, being where the Sky Spear thrust itself into Krarsht. I doubt if there is a Temple there, though." Possibly there IS a temple in the Footprint but it has been abandoned, taken over by Chaos similar to the temple in Snake Pipe Hollow? Maybe its in the lake in the footprint, a volcanic island, kept clean by the Syphon River? It could be half submerged or taken over by the krarshtkids? What if the temple was the actual hole and originally lava came up through the place where the spear stuck but as it couldn't contain the void/chaos blood of Larnste, whatever, then the Syphon tried to wash it down? I'll have to research more. Jaja had a good bit on this with the wind and the ash earlier in this thread as I recall. Thank you again Soltakss!
  4. Possibly there IS a temple there but it has been abandoned, taken over by Chaos similar to the temple in Snake Pipe Hollow? This idea fits into the Backford campaign so I am copying to that thread. Thank you Soltakss!
  5. The Unity Council Clockwise from lower left: Speaking Wheel the Gold Wheel Dancer, Ezkankekko the Only Old One, Martaler the Blazing Forge, Fwalfla Oakheart, King Heort the Great, and The Inhuman King. From the Yarnomis Carvings of the Royal Palace (BOLDHOME).
  6. Yes, found it as well, if I may assume Lodri and Veskarthan are the same or nearly so in Nochet? Surprised its not close to Yelmalio Temple... I do love the map Jaja.
  7. Maybe the relic they are questing for is a remnant of the Eurmal statue, the minature version of the Sun. Mr. Richard's post: In the Second Age, the Lodril worshipers welcomed the reunion of Aurelion, Caladra's twin, and allied with the God Learner province of Slontos against the Shadowlands and their EWF allies. The magnificent golden statue of Eurmal Lightbringer holding aloft a miniature version of the Sun was built by the God Learners at the Lighthouse. But Lodril aided the Old Powers in destroying the God Learners. What would its powers be, is it tainted? Maybe it looks like a hawk or the sun dragon? Anyone have ideas? Is anyone able to locate where the lighthouse was? There are some great scenarios brewing up here. Thanks yet again!
  8. I assume there is a Great Temple to Lodri at/near/under Vent? Caladraland, a nation of nearly a half million people at the edge of Esrolia. Lodril lives here in a great volcano, and is sometimes called Veskarthan (which just means "the Vent"). According to the local Lodrili, this is where Lodril descended from the Sky and entered the Earth. Are both the high and low temples for Lodril and the low fires? Are there others Great Temples to Lodril in the Holy Country or Sartar or Prax (not interested in the Lunar Empire) and what would the population be? There are cult members in Prax and so where is the temple? Can anyone describe the architecture or is it all rough igneous rock caves? Would dwarves have helped create it or would they be enemies of sorts? Lodril and his sons are worshiped in their distinctively terraced “ten-block pyramids”. Where is Lodrilela [the Land of Fire]? Lookout Volcano: The Caladralanders use this volcano as a lookout point upon the Vinavale and southern Esrolia. A signal fire here can be seen by both the Low Temple and the High Temple. High Temple (small city): High upon the walls of the Vent is the religious center of Caladraland. From here, the fire priests commune with Veskarthan the Volcano God and his children. Low Temple (large city): Located in the Highvale of Caladraland, the Low Temple is the common gathering place for the Caladralander clans and the center of their government.
  9. Manun, wouldn't some sort of divination tell the questers or at least hint at it really being the standard of the Sun Hawk (for example) or Yamsur in lieu of something else to avoid repercussions, maybe that in itself would make it more interesting actually as a plot twist... will need to think on that a bit more but would like ideas on that twist. They recover the wrong standard? Why is the Sun Hawk associated with the Sun Dome and only in Prax? Is there a subcult of some sort? I noticed under the Hungry Sable Tribe thread the Sun Hawk spirit being able to be located at the Praxian Sun Dome? Could the Sun Hawk have been associated with older extinct Sun Domes or even have been able to be contacted at a shrine at the Sun Wheel Ruins? Possibly an Acolyte of Yelmalio based in Backford (MGWV) is looking to advance in the greater cult and is tasked with recovering the standard from where it was lost (Sun Wheel Ruins) as a test. Again I am working at linking What powers would said standard have? Would there be a cult spirit in it? Divine matrices possibly? Any thoughts? Possibly it would have bonus powers for those who completed the Three Feathered Rivals quest (I have to review that yet) associated with or as the Sun Hawk? Recall there is a file or two of Yelmalians in Backford in this campaign a the "small chivalrous order of St. Ehilm" its only a shrine and barracks but looks to become a temple.
  10. The scenario is writing itself... a lost standard from the Golden Horde maybe, thank you Mr. Baumgartner!
  11. Fair point on the railroading. I'll rethink it. Maybe the sunspear is traded as a gift for conducting a quest for an artifact? No need to clear their name in that case. Still leaves several questions: What could a lost Yelmalian artifact be? Where could the merchant quest for it? Are there Hero Quests the merchant could go on to locate an artifact? Besides the Hill of Gold. What sort of blessing could be bestowed upon the merchant as a result of said hero quest by Yelmalio to show the remaining Sun Dome County officials the merchant is worthy of a sunspear trade if any found Yelmalio artifact is lacking? Does anyone have ideas on how the Sun Wheel Dancers - Sun Wheel Ruins could be linked with this scenario? I am thinking along the line of the RQ Adventures Issue 5, Kagradus Fort or along those lines where somehow part of the Sun Wheel Ruins was protected from destruction or hidden somehow. Is there something related to the True Golden Horde which could be brought into this, something lost that didn't melt which could be recovered? Possibly a group took refuge in the Sun Wheel Ruins but perished therein? Are there any Sun Dome Ruins in the Heortland, just curios? I realize there are not many Yelmalians down there...
  12. So back to the merchant and caravan trade ideas for plot links with the Sun Dome County. The year is 1607~1609 and the PC's are beginning to venture out into Dragon pass a bit more and have developed a good relationship with Sun Dome County. So there is an Issaries Goldentongue who has become very close to one of the top officials in Sun Dome Country. Over the years they have helped grow the economy of the Yelmalians quite nicely and the personal wealth of this official especially. This merchant may have even become an initiate of Yelmalio like Sora Goodseller? As part of a self-enriching deal this high level official agrees to do spell trading for a sunspear. Maybe the merchant found an ancient artifact that greatly boosts the spirituality of the Sun Dome or that will put them in a position of even higher authority (if possible)? What could this artifact be? Where could the merchant quest for it? What happens when the Sun Dome County official fumbles during the spell trading and the merchant has reflection active on themselves (as a secret precaution) and the sunspear kills the official by mistake, the merchant has may more magic points than the official, of course. Again this is a somewhat shady deal done in an out of the way place and the said official is travelling secretly with only a retinue of 2~3 persons? Again my Glorantha will very (greatly) but the official's retinue assume foul play on the merchants part and attacks the PC's... Where would this frowned upon/shady deal take place, (no Sun Dome County officials are not pure at heart) somewhere like Pleasant Grass (southeast of the Sun Dome Temple) perhaps, out back of the mill in a barn of shed wherein a sunbright was cast (for me sunbright will allow sunspear at night, in a cave, in the underworld... yes my Glorantha varies). The miller sees this and the official is burnt to cinders via the sunspear and their 2~3 person retinue fight to the death as they only see blindly that the official was murdered? How does the merchant ever come back into good graces with the Yelmalians, looking for a quest or something, ideas? Are there Hero Quests the merchant could go on to clear their name? Besides the Hill of Gold. What sort of blessing could be bestowed upon the merchant as a result of said hero quest by Yelmelio to show the remaining Sun Dome County officials the merchant is in fact innocent? Does anyone have ideas on how the Sun Wheel Dancers - Sun Wheel Ruins could be linked with this scenario? I am thinking along the line of the RQ Adventures Issue 5, Kagradus Fort or along those lines where somehow part of the Sun Wheel Ruins was protected from destruction or hidden somehow. Is there something related to the True Golden Horde which could be brought into this, something lost that didn't melt which could be recovered? Possibly a group took refuge in the Sun Wheel Ruins but perished therein? Are there any Sun Dome Ruins in the Heortland, just curios? I realize there are not many Yelmalians down there... I am thinking there is enough going on here for a few fun sessions of game paly but am looking for ideas and or embellishments which are greatly appreciated! Oh, the time setting for this would be about 1607-1609 and the PC's are mostly from Heortland, I am using RQ3 with a bite of RQ2 for now.
  13. I did for a change consult the old RQ3 Player's Book which seems to leave it to the DM. Still curious as to thoughts on a creature using a human 2H spear 1 handed. Recall where in the LotR Frodo get stuck by a Cave Troll using a human 2H spear 1 handed? How big or strong would a say a troll need to be to use human 2H weapons 1 hanged?
  14. I'd love 2 $20 gold pieces that reproduced littler $10 and $5 gold pieces!
  15. I love the game, have since the early 80's but am easily able to say a huge weapon does a bit more damage, following the parallel with light/heavy (2d6+2 & 8 ENC)/siege arbalest (3d6+1 & 10.2 ENC)/ballista (10d6 & ?ENC). Wanted to know others' take on the idea that a tree does the same damage as a 2H maul 1/100 its mass of course not counting the strength bonus. Also was curious how big a creature would need to be to shoot a ballista like a crossbow... thanks all for the comments!
  16. Tales of the Reaching Moon page 37, vision of the Wheel of Wheels... Alebard's Quest. I feel like a Noob but what is IIRC?
  17. Oh, last thing, I assume the extinct Sun Dome to east of the Sun Wheel city/settlement would have been 100's of years after it was abandoned, closer to the Dawn or could any Sun Domes have been around that long ago? Not important just curious what would have been around there at the time the settlement was in its heyday?
  18. In Pavis & Big Rubble there isn't must more:
  19. So how big and strong does say a great troll (as an example) need to be to wield a 2H sword or 2H spear in one hand? Likely the haft or handle was thickened as needed to be comfortable for them?
  20. How about gilded/gold leaf on "whatever" building base material, to me it wouldn't matter what the base substance was, whatever appealed to the Gold Wheel Dancers, they something they liked or was local or maybe they had something exotic for the region brought in as they could afford to pay, maybe the dwarves made something, form-set fire? Who knows they may have befriended them back then, that is unless they were on apposing sides of the Unity Battle (not looked into that yet). The idea of what an ancient glimmering construct set in the foothills of the mountains, seems glorious in the sunlight. Now I just need to create some sort of subsurface labyrinth with a lost temple, catacombs, etc. in or associated What would the temple be dedicated to? What year was in founded? What would the cult powers have been for the Sun Wheel Dancers? I assume some Elmal/Yelmalio would be in an ecstatic mood just being there on some sort of Hero Quest? Maybe they meet Pinchining when they are on the quest? Any ideas on who Florencia Sillinhalia and Speaknig Wheel were? Thank you everyone for input!
  21. If the PC's get the Ring of Ockless and actually befriend a giant or two and gave them armor, huge cost but it would be lots of fun to see that. Also the were some notes on developing trade with giants, Gonn Orta, etc. I assume going into the mountains or even Snake Pipe Hollow with a few friendly giants along would make things easier. Also if a PC is a smith/leather worker they could somehow fashion adjustable armor, add links to extend lengths, etc. that would be fun to roleplay as well. Curious how the giants would be included and or the subject of a Hero Quest, I'd like to know more on that?!
  22. Maybe a Heroquest to the Unity Battle would allow one to interact with this Florencia character and learn to spin gold from thread? Are the Gold Wheel Dancers giants by chance?
  23. Go big or stay home? I'll use something like this but 85% destroyed. Maybe it had gilded terracotta surfaces which most were taken away to build elsewhere besides those blocks buried beneath an awful lot of rubble. I think Troy was estimated to have been built on top of 8 or 9 times? Extend some rivers add a little lake. I found a bit more info but not much to go on. An extinct race of creatures. Also known as Yardoni, Sun Wheel Dancers or the Silver People They are described as a Golden Circle, a Flaming Wheel or a Silver Dancer surrounded by a fiery golden halo. They lived in the Gold Wheel Temple They are associated with the Sun Wheel Ruins in what is now Tarsh They fought in the Unity Battle They helped found the Unity Council There were only ten left at the Dawn They died out during the Dawn Age They helped form the Unity Council and died out (or disappeared) after that. Some say that they transformed themselves into something else at a critical junture of their existence. Known Wheel Dancers include Florencia Sillinhalia Speaking Wheel
  24. Does anyone have info on the Sun Wheel Ruin. I didn't see anything when I searched but may have missed it, please post the thread title if I did. Sun Wheel Ruin: These ancient ruins are associated with the now-extinct race called the Gold Wheel Dancers or the Silver People. They were part of the Unity Council at the Dawn, but died out in the First Age. Thank you all!
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