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Erol of Backford

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Everything posted by Erol of Backford

  1. What if the builders/ Belintar made an agreement with the trolls at the south that they were allowed to charge a toll similar to what they do at Smithstone with chains across the river there provided they didn't trouble commerce? (likely not canonical about trolls at Smithstone) This goes on with the Praxian Sundome...
  2. But if there were a series of locks and booms (maybe dwarf made or influenced) which in turn developed into a small trade post where would it be located between Nochet and New Crystal City? Also what is the elevation change between the two locations, sorry if I missed it but I cannot clearly see the contours on the map posted a while back... maybe where red arrows are in clip? Also the little white ticks in the Lycos circled in red are waterfalls? If so and they were 100m each the locks could be there. (I love all the detail in the maps!) From the AA Atlas it looks like about 2000' drop over about 20 plus hexes which would be about 100m elevation over 5000m or 1/50? If the falls are 100m or so the river wouldn't be such a white water rafting expedition but still dangerous I am sure...
  3. Blueboy Does anyone have thoughts on who "Blueboy" was or anything about him? Thinking to work him in as a PC and wouldn't that be fun! In another thread there was discussion as to the child of Errol "NISELDA, the Invisible Child; daughter to Alebard and Errol Silksword, born this battle." and I spotted Blueboy which of course raises the who, what, why, where, when and how questions... Londra of Londros, new priestess to the war god; Naimless, cousin to Londra; Taksag the Outlaw, faithful troll initiate; Edward the Noble, a foreigner and new convert; Tamara Three-chop, Sword wielder; Blueboy, a mere child who gained his name that day; Alebard, called the Weak for he had little fighting stomach; Eril Silksword, once thief new bride to Alebard. Also accompanying the Humakti were some loyal friends: Urrrggh the Ugly, mounted on his massive horse; Geanvieve and Mae Bell, both healers; Mist-on-the-Dawn, friendly centaur.
  4. Particularly vexing to the defenders was the fact that Errol Silksword was now quite pregnant, and it had been revealed through Divination that she was to give birth the day of the fight. During this, Errol Silksword gave birth. Immediately afterwards she was stuck by a small elemental but, despite incredible weakness (and near impossible rolls) she lept up and killed the thing. The baby was shielded by the Chalana Arroy Initiate, who also lived, barely, through the fire damage. NISELDA, the Invisible Child; daughter to Alebard and Errol Silksword, born this battle.
  5. We came up with a series of locks to move around some of the falls, it will take years to build. Booms and hoists powered by slaves in other locations designed and built by Openhanded Dwarves.
  6. So what happens to the child swallowed in the underworld brought back and possibly then vomited up by the Eurmali? Would they be OK as they are a demigod in a sense? Also if a female PC, not an Eurmali gave birth to the demigod would she be hurt physically during birth, like say when a Broo larva is born? I suppose anything is possible? The twins bodily joined in Dorastor, Skanth and Skath have exotic birthing results as well. Actually I am liking the child siding with their human parent's cause, raised by them, not liking Lunars!? There is another story line here that may have some parallels. In the old Cult Compendium book, the brother of Norayeep and the "quest" to get him to the elven forest may be an interesting plot hook if the child doesn't turn into a actual PC!? The Backford Campaign I am working on has enough weirdo PC's in it already... Would entropy not equal life or more so this child-character's life as it matures and moved closer to the Hero Wars? Also what if any personality would Kaldar & Sinjota have and how would it meld with the human parent's personality manifested in the child? From what I understood, the temple guardians at some temples in Asia represent the first and last breath of life, Ah and Un or something like that. What do these 2 characters in Glorantha represent other than just being guards of hell? "Ah" & "Un" - first and last breath of life...
  7. So it could be no more than eroded civil war entrenchments or as grandiose as a deteriorated great wall depending on how you feel. Nothing strongly written one way or the other? Seems quite significant to be noted on the base map to be an eroded earth embankment? Just sayin. Thanks again.
  8. I appreciate the point but not liking the whole eating the child!? Who's to say the child isn't a positive boon on the mundane world and it is moral and just but with demigod powers? Not sure why but Goya came to mind...
  9. What would their characteristics be? If either were a parent would their offspring be an average of the 2 parents with some twists of course? Has anyone brought this into their campaigns a year after the PC's entry to hell?
  10. Varaz the Black - One of the ancient Darkness-loving Kitori tribe, Varaz speaks to outsiders on the behalf of his people. A member of the Nightcult and a priest of Argan Argar, Varaz secretly rejoices in the demise of Belintar and seeks to find Ezkankekko so he can be restored to his ancient position. Varaz is shrewd and quiet, with a streak of cold-hearted ruthlessness. Varaz can take the form of a dark troll and usually does so in combat. His shadow is actually a Dehori ally. Varaz dresses in the traditional garb of a Shadowlord: black fur-lined cloak and hood, leaden mask, and ebon spear. Has anyone used him near Troll Woods as an NPC similar to say White Eye near Apple Lane?
  11. If I were the equivalent to the Burchard of Worms in Heortland in 1600 who would I be, how old would I be, where would I live and in what library would I study in or would it be a temple and what similar style of earthlike architecture would it roughly emulate? How many researchers would be there and how large would the town/city be? Is it walled? How large would the stacks be/how many levels and how many volumes/scrolls/tablets/vellums/etc would be therein? Also if I were holding the Heortland equivalent of the Book of Worms what would I be made of, when was I written, what would be found on its pages, would there be a spirit bound to it? Where would it be found if not in the same place as the Burchard? Was it lost, hidden, stolen or possibly alive as a sorcerer's familiar?
  12. Can't wait for these. I'd drive to Michigan to pick them up if there were a few copies in the office somewhere! Sartar Book 1st draft almost complete Chaosium Classics Volume I : The Stafford House Campaign (A collection of Greg Stafford's RuneQuest Campaign Essays 1978-1981) Draft complete. In editing. Acquiring art.
  13. Maybe there are hidden shrines all over the Island? If you must, you are able to find lots of interesting items if you look on Trowjang. Maybe to be a sage on the island of Trowjang has various skills/craft/focus studies not normal in other lands? Now I am wondering what the real meaning of "Temple of the Wooden Sword" was? The exported wooden charms are also suspect?
  14. From Revealed Mythologies it doesn't seem that the Amazons are very civilized? Marazi. Tribe of Women resident on Trowjang Island. The Marazi are an all-woman tribe that inhabits the island of Trowjang and exclusively worships the god Tolat. They are fierce warriors, often acting as pirates in the waters around their island. Most live a relatively peaceful life in the island’s interior, raising yams, pigs, and children, and carving the beautiful hardwood charms that they export. Trowjang. Large island of southeastern Genertela, noted for its Amazon residents, the Marazi. Trowjang is covered in jungle, dotted with villages inhabited by the all women Marazi. Its largest cities are only town sized. Not a whole lot of Wonder-Woman going on there sadly. Also the sword doesn't seem to be missing? Tolat’s Sword. Divine weapon of Tolat. In the early God Age, Tolat fought against Bredjeg and was saved by Artmal, who received the sword as a reward for his help. The sword gained many victories in Pamaltela for the Artmali, but was acquired by the Zaranistangi King Zemendarn, of the Loper peoples. Later it was instrumental in saving Sechkaul for King Dengbalu. King Bradoszaran lost it to the Seshnegi. Ordanal returned it to Melib, where it is today. Side note: (In the movie Tanpopo there was a discussion that if you only feed a pig yams/sweet potatoes and then kill it you can take its intestines and make some sort of sweet potato sausages?)
  15. So looking at what might draw an Amazon scribe, daughter of Araslithos to the Holy Country... maybe she is taking some documents for trade in search of documents on Toldat/Shargashin the Lunar Empire via the Holy Country. Maybe there is a correspondence going on with some bearded women at one or all of the LM temples at Derensev, Jelenkev, Durengard and others... maybe the father is actually Squinch Greybeard!?
  16. I love the discussion! Regards to water one of my old professors always said W3 - Water Will Win Where would you Gentlemen place the torn head of the god Storm Bull ripped off if it had to be on the west side of the Stormwalk Mountains somewhere in the Syphon Valley possibly halfway between Backford and Stonewood? It makes sense to me for it to be there. Any reason not to have it landing in the valley near Backford? Stormwalk Mountain: The largest peak of the Storm Mountains, Stormwalk is one of the Great Sacred Mountains of the Orlanthi. Urox the Storm Bull took a mountain god and twisted its head off, and the mountain is the body. So the head goes flying and lands... (see the red arrow, I love red arrows in the clip below) who what where when why how... I know I can turn this into a very interesting adventure. The head/skull of this god is made of a rare metal (maybe not just bronze) and is buried but small to large minable splinters of it were found... Say some dwarves began to excavate and or mine one or two of the large splinters but were driven off initially by krarshts and there were ensuing tunnel/mine battles. Some collapsed and now they are abandoned and possibly haunted by who knows what. The attempts at mining not for "the head" but small parts of it, along the sides of the Syphon were initially made due to some metal being washed out and resulted in some minor finds but in all, not an overly profitable endeavor. A distant relative of one of the PC's dies and leaves the deed for this property on which said abandoned mine resides. This mine and the old dwarven/krarsht tunnels that are under/near it are discovered and while the old mine is being investigated. A small collapse drops the PC's into one of these unknown dwarven/krarsht tunnels. The head/skull of the god is near this location but is yet to be found, the mother lode... Who was the god killed by Stormbull? When did t happen? Were there any huge floods in the Syphon Valley since then and if so when and where? What metals could the head/parts of the head be made of? Blood and brains, teeth, etc. could all be interesting items. Maybe the dead god had an adamantium tooth? The head could be a kilometer or more across? Likely its all splintered below ground in several or many large pieces? This whole mess is writing itself but I'd love for others' input/ideas. Thanks in advance all!
  17. This has been talked about in the past (Knight Fort location) but I noticed the AAA doesn't show Knight Fort. I am guessing its somewhere near the spot indicated by the red arrow on the clip. Does this location look about right to everyone?
  18. This type of mining seems a bit risky compared to simply tunneling into the sides of the valley near Backford, especially when they are 100's of feet high.
  19. When I think of all the river valleys cutting through the Heortling plateau, all the exposed rock stratification, if there are minerals worth mining they are surely more accessible than digging a shaft. Mills for grinding would be set where these stream and or falls run down from the plateau top. Additionally all the water falling on the upper levels of the plateau will run down into the river valleys, during storm season, must be like waterfalls over even result in flash floods and washouts potentially. I assume some smallish damns would have been set to store water for some use, animals and some irrigation. I always think of the Heortland civilization as being a bit more sophisticated than the average Gloranthian. MGWV for sure.
  20. I read somewhere he was paying part of their tax out of his own pocket. It'd take me forever to find it...
  21. I totally agree with you Mr. West but I thought Gringle was paying taxes for all the surrounding clans? How much would that have been? Not the same league, no.
  22. I was actually reviewing the possible impact of a wind vortex on lamp posts today and came across "Aeolian Vibration". This made me laugh just a little. Do the Aeolians use any sort of hydro power for irrigation? What about grist mills and the like? These were not used for water but interesting nevertheless. In the small village of Nashtifan, Iran, some of the oldest windmills in the world, with what may be the earliest windmill design in the world, still spin. From National Geographic: Made of natural clay, straw, and wood, the windmills have been milling grain for flour for an estimated 1,000 years. (Why didn't they just call it Hippogriff Heights instead?)
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