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Brian Duguid

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  1. Updated to include: The news that Tentacles Press will soon have available a new Kraken Chapbook, The Moon Files: Reaching Moon Megacorp, by Shannon Appelcline, a history of the titular organisation; to be followed later by the history of Moon Design. A page describing the excellent new free beta RuneQuesting tool, which you can read more about here. As always, you can find the updated PDF at http://tiny.cc/rq-buyers-guide.
  2. If you don't mind making the extras publicly available, just do what Beer With Teeth did for Sacred Earth Sacred Water: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/461173/sacred-earth-sacred-water-pdfs?affiliate_id=1107865
  3. Another update, with a couple of items that may be of particular interest: The Petersen Games section now reflects the recent news that Quimbley's Toys and Games have taken over their Kickstarter commitments, including the second Kickstarter for Glorantha: The Gods War. Judging by the pace of announcements, and prototype images appearing for Petersen's Hyperspace game, a 2025 re-release for TGW now looks much more credible. Studio Deadcrows have launched a crowdfunding campaign for the French translations of the first five volumes of Cults of RuneQuest, the 2nd edition Glorantha Sourcebook, and the Pendragon Starter Set. As usual with their campaigns, some of the deals are very good value, and there are bonuses available nowhere else, this time including a good range of art prints. They are also about to ship the French RuneQuest Starter Set (or Coffret découverte), which comes with a range of bonus items not available in the Chaosium version, and one extra scenario. I've also added a link to more videos related to the Spanish-language Partidas Vetustas channel. As always, you can find it here: http://tiny.cc/rq-buyers-guide
  4. I've just run #4 through a PDF optimiser, and can only get a 181MB file down to 165MB with images at 300dpi, or 149MB at 150dpi. So unless there's something else clogging up the file (e.g. duplicated page background images), I'm not sure what else could be done. That can be tested by removing the page backgrounds, but that would be a quicker job for the author than for me ...
  5. There is also some additional history of Moon Design and Reaching Moon Megacorp at Shannon's Patreon (subscribers only), although that is also very much company history rather than setting history.
  6. A minor update. I've added: Lands of RuneQuest: Dragon Pass (forthcoming) Link to index to The Unspoken Word Partidas Vetustas channel in podcasts / video channels I've updated availability and prices for all the Studio Deadcrows products; the version number for the Codex index; and availability of Campaign Coins. If you want to be automatically alerted to future updates: click the FOLLOW button on this thread. And if you found the book interesting or enjoyable - please add a star-rating, and a review if you are feeling particularly kind. http://tiny.cc/rq-buyers-guide
  7. Quick update on the Sartar homeland book from Jeff on FB today: "its the next book going into layout."
  8. Perhaps worth mentioning here that Jonathan Quaife is working on a Greydog clan book for the Jonstown Compendium. He hasn't said much about it, but some of the art has been previewed on Facebook.
  9. One good example is Oddi the Keen, in Cults of Terror. He is certainly not portrayed as a power-gamer. I don't have Illuminated PCs in my game, but I have two who have begun on that path, and we're playing it as a character arc, not for any of the benefits.
  10. From the RQG Bestiary: "Most elementals lack INT and are not truly sentient. They are capable of being controlled by spells, but when left on their own, they will simply do whatever is natural: fire elementals burn flammable materials within reach, water elementals flee to the lowest possible spot, earth elementals sink into the soil, darkness elementals flee light, and air elementals breeze around." I can't speak to anyone else's game, but in my game, an air elemental can't read a map, it does not know what you mean by Boldhome, and it certainly has no chance of finding a specific person at a specific door.
  11. Many thanks to everyone who has bought this so far and now made it a Silver best-seller. As always, any ratings (and reviews) are greatly appreciated - if you found the book useful, these help bring it to the attention of others.
  12. It's the first birthday of The Voralans, which must be a good opportunity for a quick plug. It's only three copies away from being an Electrum best-seller, and wouldn't it be great to celebrate its birthday by getting it over that line? It's also now available with a $2.49 discount for anyone who buys my other book, An Unofficial Buyer's Guide to RuneQuest and Glorantha.
  13. Just looking at the list in the first post, there hasn't been an update for the Glorantha Skirmish War rules here for quite a long time. These are not a Chaosium product, but they are now quite far advanced: - The publisher is Mad Knight Miniatures - The rules and game aids were pretty far advanced back in September 2020 (Facebook public group here). - They brought in Neil Gibson to take over the layout in late 2023 and we got some glimpses of the rules layouts in November and December 2023 (Facebook closed group here, here and here).
  14. That Discord read-through has begun now, and will continue until September. Here's an updated 7-day invite to the server if anyone needs it: https://discord.gg/YmrZPCQ7
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